Eighty-eighth Figure.


The horizontal Projection of the Ballustrade of the Eighty-seventh Figure, view’d at a small Distance.

For the better Illustration of this Figure, I have divided the whole Ceiling into Four Parts. The first contains the Plan and Elevation in Perspective, after the usual manner; AOV being the horizontal Line, BC that of the Plan; the Point of Sight O, and that of Distance E. The second Part contains the Section L, which gives the Projectures of the Corbels and other Parts taken from the Section D of the Eighty-seventh Figure, by drawing it in the Angles B and C. The third Part comprehends the Delineation of the Perspective without Shadows. The fourth Part contains the same wholly shadow’d and finish’d.

Through the near Approach of the Point of Distance to the Point of Sight, you may perhaps imagine this Draught will appear too wide, and so have an ill Effect: But when once you view it from its due Distance EO, you will find all such Doubts vanish and come to nothing.

When you have to deal with Persons unskill’d in these things, and are to paint for so small a Distance; your best way is to make two Draughts; one for publick Shew, in which you may place the Point of Distance so far from the Point of Sight, as is necessary for preventing Deformity; and the other you may privately make use of in performing your Work.

If you are to paint arch’d or vaulted Ceilings, a particular kind of Net or Lattice-work must first be made therein; the Performance whereof being difficult, and not capable of being explain’d in few words, I have reserv’d it for another Volume.

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