TO Her most Sacred Majesty, Queen ANNE . AD Lectorem PerspectivAE studiosum. THE Approbation of this Edition. The Nine and thirtieth Figure. This text uses some Unicode characters that are not supported by all fonts and may not display correctly, for example ꝫ. Most ‘figure’ illustrations have been moved from their position in the original book: each figure is placed by the passage that describes it, for ease of reference. The figures are large and detailed, and hence displayed only as a thumbnail image inline; if your device supports it, thumbnail images with a blue border can be clicked to display a larger version. A list of changes made to the original text (to correct suspected printing errors) is given at the end. Rules and Examples of In English and Latin; Containing a most easie and expeditious Method to by that GREAT MASTER thereof, Engraven in 105 ample folio Plates, and adorn’d with 200 Initial Letters to Done into English from the Original Printed at Rome 1693 in Lat. and Ital. Engraving of some classical ruins LONDON: PERSPECTIVA ANDREÆ PUTEI, In qu docetur Modus expeditissimus Delineandi Engraving of some classical ruins LONDINI: Classical amphitheatre and columns Decorative headpiece with engraving of Queen Anne and royal insignia