Alston, Dr., 157
Ameius Gulielmus, 18
Anatomical demonstrations, 41-46;
method of conducting, 57-60;
lectures, cost of, 45, 46;
teaching of Reid compared with that of Harvey, 232-237;
works of Harvey, 188
Anatomy, early teaching of, 39;
study of, at Cambridge, 13;
value of comparative, 201
Andrewes, Dr., 88, 90, 91, 97, 98, 104, 232
Andrich, Dr., 18, 27
Anecdotes of Eliab Harvey, 8;
William Harvey, 144-145;
Sir Charles Scarborough, 142
Appearance of Harvey, 52
Apothecaries’ opinions of Harvey’s prescriptions, 74;
visitations of, 75-79
Aristotle, capillamenta of, 213;
Harvey’s opinion of, 68, 72
Armorial bearings of the Harvey family, 2
Art, Harvey an authority on, 115
Arteries, course of blood in, 213
Artistarum universitas, 16, 27
Arundel, Earl of, 111
Aubrey’s first recollection of Harvey, 130;
Harvey’s advice to, 146
Auricle, movement of, 200
Autograph of Harvey in de Glarges’ album, 123
Aveling, Dr., 83
Aylesford, Earls of, their relationship to Harvey, 7
Bacon and Harvey, 71
Barber Surgeons Company, abortive attempt to found a surgical lectureship, 46;
anatomical teaching at, 39, 40-44, 57-60;
Reid’s lectures at, 47, 231;
Dr. Scarborough’s lectures at, 142
Barnacle goose, account of, 93, note
Bartholomew’s Hospital, see St. Bartholomew’s Hospital
Bass rock, description of, 93
Bathurst, George, 130
Bethune, Dr., 83, 118
Birthplace of William Harvey, 4
Bleeding, proof of the circulation from the operation of, 214, 216
Blood, circulation of, as described in Lumleian lectures, 65
Blood, quantity of, 208
Brent, Sir Nathaniel, 134, 138, 139
Breviarium Bartholomei, 215
Broderield, the, 11
Browne, Dr. Lancelot, 29
Burmarsh, Harvey’s estate at, 163
Butchers proof of the circulation, 210
Caius College, Cambridge, Harvey entered at, 12
Caius, Dr., 13, 15
Caldwall, Dr., 46, 47, 48
Calidum innatum, 192, 255
Cambridge, anatomy at, 13;
graduation of Harvey at, 14, 27;
Harvey matriculated at, 12, 21
Canons, Harvey’s lecture, 62-64
Capillamenta of Aristotle, 213
Cassowary, Harvey’s account of, 239
Censors of the College of Physicians, their duties, 75, 76
Centennial eggs, 240
Cesalpino, 213, 217
Chambers, Dr., 83
Charge of the Physician at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, 35
Charles I., escape of, from Oxford, 138;
Harvey appointed physician to, 70;
Harvey’s friendship with, 240-246;
interest of, in the pursuits of Harvey, 240-46
Chick heard in shell, 198, 251;
reasons for the escape of from the egg, 250-254
“Christianismi Restitutio,” 207
Circulation of the blood, account of, 199-202;
anatomical proof of, 206, 219;
butcher’s proof of, 210;
comparative anatomy of, 222;
deduced from syncope, 210, 218;
disquisition to Riolanus on, 224;
formulation of theory of, 206;
Harvey’s account of, 190;
Harvey’s propositions about, 207;
mathematical proof of, 208;
proof of, 206;
proof of from amount of milk secreted, 211;
proof by demonstration, 221, 67;
by continuous flow in, 217;
mathematical, 208;
from phlebotomy, 214, 216;
from surgical operation, 214;
theory of enunciated in Lumleian lectures, 65
Circulator, meaning of term, 74
Civil war, 117-140
Clarke, John, Dr., 104
Clavis Mathematica, 161
Cold blooded animals, heart’s movements in, 195
College of Physicians, anatomical teaching in, 39;
attend the funeral of Harvey, 167;
Harvey admitted a member, 29;
admitted a Fellow, 31;
Harvey’s bequests to, 163, 182;
Harvey’s gifts to, 154-156;
Harvey elected censor, 75;
erect a statue to Harvey, 155;
Harvey’s pointer at, 57, note;
Harvey portraits at, 10;
leave of absence granted to Harvey, 81;
library rules, 86;
Lumleian lectures at, 45-50;
offices held by Harvey, 51, 75, 80, 157, 158;
portraits of the Harvey family at, 10;
sites of, 50, 51;
tanned skin presented to, 103;
translation of Harvey’s remains by, 173
Columbus Realdus, 207
Combe, near Croydon, 7
Comparative anatomy of the circulation, 222;
destruction of Harvey’s notes on, 125, 262;
value of, 202
Concilarius, duties of, 16;
Harvey elected at Padua, 18
CookÆus, Joh., 17
Contemporary estimate of Harvey, 225
Court physician, 70
Criticism, contemporary of Harvey, 225
Croydon, 7
Cusa, Cardinal Nicholas de, 215, note
Cusanus, 215, note
Darcy, Sir Robert, the case of, 228
Darwin, Prof. George, 19, 20
Davies, Dr., 51
Death mask of Harvey, 167, 175
Demonstration, anatomical method of conducting, 57-61;
of Anatomy, 42-47;
of the circulation, 221
Derby, Dr. Harvey at, 126
Destruction of Harvey’s papers, 125, 262
Development, treatise on, 89, 238-263;
introduction to, 147-154
Diastole, meaning of the term, 193, note
Diploma, of Harvey, 26
Dunne, William, 51
Eccentricities of Harvey, 144, 145
Edgehill, Harvey at, 126
Eggs, centennial, 240
Elect, Harvey chosen, 80;
duties of, 80
English nation at Padua, 18
Ent, Dr., 182;
account of Harvey, 146-153;
meets Harvey at Rome, 115
Epitaph of Joan Harvey, 5
Estey, George, 11
Euclid, Scarborough the first English editor of, 139
Fabricius Hieronymus, 15, 23,
lectures of, 23;
honours paid to, 23;
relation of to Harvey, 25, 240, 249-254;
theatre of, 23
Fainting, assigned cause of, 214;
proof of circulation deduced from, 211, 218
Ferraris, Prof. Carlo, 18, 19
Finch, Sir H., 7
Floyer, Sir John, 215, note
Folkestone, 3, 5, 11
Footman, the King’s, 5
Forster, Richard, 51
Fracastorius’ opinion of the heart’s movement, 193
France, Harvey in, 84
Generation, account of treatise on, 238-263;
introduction to, 147-154;
treatise on, 89
Gerarde’s “Herbal” quoted, 93, note
Germany, Harvey’s travels in, 123
Girardi, Dr., 18
Glarges, Philip de, 123
Glove, Harvey’s experiment with, 196
Gonville Hall, 13
Goose, solan or barnacle account of, 93, note
Gurgany, John, 137
Guestling, the, 12
Halke, Joane, 3
Halke, Thomas, 3
Hamey, Dr., 157
Harvey, Amye, 9
Harvey, Aubrey’s description of William, 52
Harvey, mortuary chapel, the, 8, 168
Harvey, Daniel, 6, 143
Harvey, Eliab, 7, 38, 143, 166, 168, 177, 182
Harvey, Sir Eliab, G.C.B., anecdote of, 8
Harvey, Elizabeth, 29-31
Harvey, Joan, 3-5
Harvey, John, 5, 30, 33, 141
Harvey, Matthew, 9, 141
Harvey, Michael, 56;
opinion of Aristotle, 68;
pathological knowledge of, 228;
pathological observations of, 228, 246;
peculiarities of, 144, 145, 146;
personal appearance of, 52;
physiological advances since the time of, 237, 238;
pillage of his lodgings, 124, 262;
powers of observation of, 247-254;
practice of, 71-75;
probate of will of, 184;
publication of his work, “De motu sanguinis,” 73;
religion of, 55, 187; 256-260;
remains, treatment of, 170-175;
rules drawn up by, 87;
treatise on development by, 238-242;
estimate of treatise on Generation, 261;
resigns the Lumleian Lectureship, 163;
similes used by, 68, 69;
speech at Merton College, 135;
“stemma” of, 19, 20;
stipend as Court Physician, 88, 118-121;
as Physician to St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, 38;
sues Lumleian trustees, 122;
surgery as well as medicine practised by, 109;
translation of remains, 170-175;
travels with the Earl of Arundel, 112;
travels with the Duke of Lennox, 81-87;
travels with King Charles, 90;
treatise on development, 89;
will of, 176-184
Hawke, Joane, 3
Hawke, Thomas, 3
Heat, innate, 255
Heart and lungs, connection of, 201
Heart, mechanism of contraction, 196
Heart’s movements, experiments concerning, 195;
in cold blooded animals, 194, 197;
Fracastorius’ opinions of, 193;
simile for, 200;
relation of lungs to, 223;
Reid’s knowledge of, 232-236
Heberden, Dr., 144
Hempstead, Harvey’s burial at, 168, 169, 170, 175;
mortuary chapel at, 8
Henry III., death of, 1
Hervey, Sir Walter, 1
Henrietta Maria, Queen, at Merton College, 136
Hofmann and Harvey, 113
Hollar’s anecdote of Harvey, 114
Holsbosch, Dr., bequest of, 87
Horst, Dr., 159
Hospital, see St. Bartholomew’s Hospital
Howell’s letter to Harvey, 160
Humidum primigenium, 256, 261
Hunter, John, compared with Harvey, 184-187
Identification of students in Italy, 17
Innate Heat, 255
Insects, destruction of Harvey’s notes on, 125;
heart in, 198
Italian Universities, 14-16
Italy, identification of students in, 17
James I., Harvey appointed physician to, 70
Jargon used by Harvey in his notes, 56
Jenkin, Juliana, 3
Jenkin, William, 3
Juristarum, universitas, 16, 17
King’s footman, 5
King’s turnspit, 6
Lancashire Witches, story of, 104-109
Lecture, anatomical importance of, 58
Lectures, Lumleian, 39-69
Lectures, notes of Harvey’s Lumleian, 53-69
Lennox, Duke of, 81
Library, rules for use of, 87
Linacre, 50
Lineage of Harvey, 1
Listerus, Josephus, 17, 26
Literature, Harvey’s love for, 160
Lock Hospitals, 99, note
London, Harvey settles in, 28, 31
Lumley, Lord, 47
Lumley, Lord, heirs of, sued by Harvey, 122
Lumleian lecturer, Harvey appointed, 51
Lumleian lectures, 39-69
Lumleian lecturers, early, 51
Lumleian lectures, foundation of, 46, 47
Lumleian lectures, schemes of, 48-50
Lumleian lectureship resigned by Harvey, 163
Lumleian trustees sued by Harvey, 122
Lungs, circulation in, 204
Lungs and heart, connection of, 201
Lungs, relation of heart to, 223
Lungs, use of, 204
Magistral universities, 16
Mantuan war, Harvey’s description of the results of, 85
Marriage of Harvey, 29
Mathematical proof of circulation, 208
Matriculation, Harvey’s, at Cambridge, 12;
at Padua, 17
Maurice, Prince, 131, 138
Merton College, Harvey at, 134-140;
marriages at, during royalist occupation, 137;
Queen Henrietta at, 136
Micklethwaite, Sir John, 133
Midwifery, practical knowledge of, possessed by Harvey, 110, 126
Milk, proof of circulation from secretion of, 211
Mirfield, John of, 216
Moesler, Dr. Adam, 83
Moore, Dr. Norman, 36, 53, 215, 262
Moisture the primigenial, 256, 261
Muscular lecture, 67
Nardi, Dr., 160, 161
Nottingham, the first Earl of, 7
Nuremberg, Harvey at, 113
O’Birne, Mr., anecdote of, 8
Observation, Harvey’s powers of, 247
Oxford, surrender of, 138
Oxford, Harvey at, 126-140
Oughtred’s “Clavis Mathematica,” 162
Old Parr, 111
Padua, celebration at, 19;
diploma granted to Harvey, 26;
election of rector at, 21;
entries concerning Harvey at, 18, 27;
nations at, 18;
the Universities at, 14-27
Padua University, life at, 21-23;
why selected by Harvey, 15
Paget, Sir George, 69, 242
Paget, Sir James, 5
Parr, Old, 111
Paris, Harvey in, 84
Parrot, Mrs. Harvey’s, 30
Pathological observations by Harvey, 227, 245
Pepperer, Walter Harvey a, 1
Pepys, Mr., attends an anatomical lecture, 44
Perfusion experiment, 197
Perquisites of Court Physicians, 118-119, 121
Phlebotomy, proofs of the circulation from, 214, 216
Physicians, College of, see College of Physicians
Physicians, their relation to Surgeons, 100, 101
Physiological advances since the time of Harvey, 236
Pigeon, experiment with heart of, 197
Pillage of Harvey’s lodgings, 124, 262
Portraits of the Harvey family, 10
Prayers used to measure time, 216
Prescriptions, secrecy attaching to, 102, 103
Primrose, James, 80
Primrose, Serjeant-Surgeon, 83
Probate of Harvey’s will,184
Prujean, Dr., 154, 156, 157,158
Pulmonary circulation, 204
Pulse watch, 215, note
Ratisbon, Harvey at, 115
Rector of Italian University, honours paid to, 23
Rector of Italian University, election of, 21
Reid, Alexander, 47, 57, 231, 237
Religion of Harvey, 55, 187
Richardson, Sir Benj. Ward, 170
Riolanus, treatise to, 224-230
Roehampton, 5, 7, 166
Rolls Park, 4, 10
Rolls Park portraits, 10
Rome, Harvey at, 115
Rupert, Prince, 130, 131, 138
Royal College of Physicians, see Physicians, College of
St. Bartholomew’s Hospital charge to the physician, 35;
duties of physician, 34-38;
Harvey appointed physician, 34;
Harvey appointed physician in reversion, 32;
physician’s lodgings at, 37;
rules for governance of, 96, 99-103
St. Sepulchre’s, Harvey married at, 29
Scarborough, Sir Charles, 44, 52, 109, 122, 139, 140, 142, 162, 182
Scotland, Harvey in, 92
Scotch nation at Padua, 18
Screopeus, Hen., 17
Scrope, Adrian, treated by Harvey, 127
Servetus, 207
Shakespeare’s death, 62
Shrimps, heart in, 198
Sieveking, Sir E. H., 53
Silvius, Jacques, 24
Skin, human, presented to College of Physicians, 103
Skull, human, at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, 244
Slegel, Dr., letter to, 230
Smith, Capt., at Edgehill, 129
Smith, Dr. Edward, 82, 90, 91, 92, 130, 131, 156
Solan goose, account of, 93, note
Spider, experiment with poison of, 255
“Stemma” of Harvey at Padua, 19, 20
Stipend of Court Physician, 88, 118, 119, 121;
of physician to St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, 38
Student Universities, 16
Students, identification of, in Italy, 17
Surgical Lectureship founded at the Royal College of Physicians, 48
Surgeons subordinate to physicians, 100-102
Surgery practised by Harvey, 109;
proof of circulation from, 214
Syllabus of Lumleian lectures, 49
Syncope, assigned cause of, 214
Systole, meaning of the term, 193, note
TabulÆ HarveianÆ, 66
Tearne, Dr., 44
Theatre of Fabricius at Padua, 23
Thirty Years’ War, account of devastation by, 114
Tight lacing, Harvey’s treatment for, 65
Time, measurement of, 215
Turnspit, the King’s, 6
Trinity College, Oxford, Harvey at, 130
Universitas artistarum, 16, 27
Universitas juristarum, 16, 21, 27
University of Cambridge, Harvey graduates at, 14, 27;
Harvey matriculated at, 12
Universities of Italy, The Gresham Press