[Listen] [PDF] [MusicXML] Emilie Poulsson. C.C. Roeske. music 1. Mrs. Pussy, sleek and fat, With her kittens four, Went to sleep upon the mat By the kitchen door. | 2. Mrs. Pussy heard a noise— Up she jumped in glee: “Kittens, maybe that’s a mouse! Let us go and see!” | 3. Creeping, creeping, creeping on, Silently they stole; But the little mouse had gone Back within its hole. | 4. “Well,” said Mrs. Pussy then, “To the barn we’ll go; We shall find the swallows there Flying to and fro.” | 5. So the cat and kittens four Tried their very best; But the swallows flying fast Safely reached the nest! | 6. Home went hungry Mrs. Puss And her kittens four; Found their dinner on a plate By the kitchen door. | 7. As they gathered round the plate, They agreed ’twas nice That it could not run away Like the birds and mice! |
XIV.—HOW THE CORN GREW. There was a field that waiting lay, All hard and brown and bare; There was a thrifty farmer came And fenced it in with care. Then came a plowman with his plow; From early until late, Across the field and back again, He plowed the furrows straight. The harrow then was brought to make The ground more soft and loose; And soon the farmer said with joy, “My field is fit for use.”
For many days the farmer then Was working with his hoe; And little Johnny brought the corn And dropped the kernels—so! And there they lay, until awaked By tapping rains that fell, Then pushed their green plumes up to greet The sun they loved so well. Then flocks and flocks of hungry crows Came down the corn to taste; But ba-ang!—went the farmer’s gun And off they flew in haste. Then grew and grew the corn, until, When autumn days had come, With sickles keen they cut it down, And sang the “Harvest Home.”