[Listen] [PDF] [MusicXML] Emilie Poulsson. Cornelia C. Roeske. music 1. Five little mice on the pantry floor, Seeking for bread crumbs or something more; Five little mice on the shelf up high, Feasting so daintily on a pie— But the big round eyes of the wise old cat See what the five little mice are at. Quickly she jumps! but the mice run away. And hide in their snug little holes all day. “Feasting in pantries may be very nice; But home is the best!” say the five little mice. |
X.—THE SQUIRREL “Little squirrel, living there In the hollow tree, I’ve a pretty cage for you; Come and live with me! “You may turn the little wheel— That will be great fun! Slowly round, or very fast If you faster run.
“Little squirrel, I will bring In my basket here Every day a feast of nuts! Come, then, squirrel dear.” But the little squirrel said From his hollow tree: “Oh! no, no! I’d rather far Live here and be free!” So my cage is empty yet, And the wheel is still; But my little basket here Oft with nuts I fill. If you like, I’ll crack the nuts, Some for you and me, For the squirrel has enough In his hollow tree.