- Achilles, 50, 62, 64, 67
- Acropolis, 17, 13, 72
- Ægina, temple at, 70
- Æschylus, 21, 62, 64
- Africa, 14, 15
- Agamemnon, 2, 61, 64
- Ajax, 32, 46, 48, 61, 64
- Alexander, 2, 83
- Amasis, 11
- Amphitrite, 56
- Amphora, 16, 30
- Anaphlystos, deme of 11
- Antenor, 18
- Apelles, 29
- Aphrodite, 48
- —— on her swan, 84
- Apollo, 48
- Arktinos of Miletos, 46, 47
- Artemis, 48
- Athene, 18, 46, 48, 53, 62
- Athenian pottery, 6
- Athenians, Treasury of, 70
- Athens, 2, 10, 16, 27
- Attic craftsmen, 5
- —— taste, 14
- Augustus, 2
- BÉrard, Victor, 83
- Berlin Museum kylix, 77
- Bes of the Egyptians, 60
- Black figured vases, 18
- —— glaze, 12, 26, 27, 35f, 49
- Boeotia, 27
- Boulle, 34
- British Museum, 51, 57, 83
- Brunn, 3, 46
- Brushpainters 27, 70, 71
- Martial subjects, 43
- Mater dolorosa, 50
- Medusa, 59
- Megakles, 11
- Melos, 2, 14
- Memnon, King, 45
- Menelaos, 32, 45
- Metics, 10, 14
- Michelangelo, 2
- Miltiades, 72
- Minos, 2, 51
- Minotaur, 53
- Mikon, 52
- Munich Museum, 42
- ——, hydria at, 23, 25
- Music, 78
- MycenÆ, 2
- MycenÆan age, 27
- Mythological subjects, 43
- Nature, 20, 21, 32, 50, 81
- Nearchos, 18
- Necropolis, 14
- Neoptolemos, 62
- Nereids and Peleus, 31
- Nike Apteros, 71
- Nikias, son of Hermokles, 11
- Nikosthenes, 11, 44
- Oinochoai, 16, 24
- Onesimos, 71, 72
- Oxide of iron, 26
- Paidikos, 11, 75
- Pamphaios, 11, 44
- Panainos, 72
- Panathenaic amphorÆ, 16
- —— festival, 47
- Paris, 32, 45, 48
- Parnes, 16
- Parrhasios, 1, 20
- Pausanias, 2, 3
- Peithinos, 57
- Peloponnesian war, 10
- Pericles, 1, 83
- Persian, 32