- Obvious minor typographical errors have been silently corrected in this text.
- This book contains some rarely used forms of some Chinese characters. Any eReader should contain as full a set of fonts as possible.
- Characters not found in the Unicode 13 set are replaced by ‘[Cn]’ where ‘n’ is a unique number. Images and descriptions of the unknown characters are at the bottom of this document. At the time of this transcription, Unicode 13 was in draft form. This book should be updated if more Unicode characters become available.
- The 1913 edition of this book was used to help read illegible letters and characters in this version.
- The original book is available at the HathiTrust Digital Library.
- Tones marks for given words are inconsistent throughout the book. They were corrected when possible.
- Tone marks were standardized to be placed before leading apostrophes (i.e. °‘ rather than ‘°).
- Hyphenation of Romanized text has been left unchanged. English text hyphenation has been standardized.
- The book uses ? rather than ? for the past participle. The earlier editions of this book used ? and that use is still visible in some examples in this book. Edkins’ 1868 grammar book uses ?.
- The book uses ?? rather than ??. The earlier editions of this book used ?? and that use is still visible in some examples in this book. Edkins’ 1868 grammar book uses ??.
- The book uses ?? rather than ??. The earlier editions of this book used ?? and that use is still visible in some examples in this book. Edkins’ 1868 grammar book uses ??.
Some character usage is inconsistent in this text:
Sometimes the variant ? has been used for ?.
Sometimes the variant ? has been used for ?.
Sometimes the variant ? has been used for ?.
Sometimes the variant ? has been used for ?.
Sometimes the variant ? has been used for ?.
Sometimes the variant ? has been used for ?.
Sometimes the variant ? has been used for ?.
Sometimes the variant ? has been used for ?.
Sometimes the variant ? has been used for ?.
Sometimes the variant ? has been used for ?.
Sometimes the variant ? has been used for ?.
Sometimes the variant ? has been used for ?.
Sometimes the variant ? has been used for ?.
Sometimes the variant ?? has been used for ??.
Sometimes the variant ? has been used for ?.
Sometimes the variant ? has been used for ?.
Sometimes the variant ? has been used for ?.
Sometimes the variant ? has been used for ?