LESSON XXV Weights and Measures |
The following three Tables are very commonly used in China, and the speaker of the language should be familiar with them. MEASURE OF WEIGHT - One ounce, ih °liang ??.
- One catty (16 ounces), ih kyung ??.
- One picul (100 catties), ih tan° ??.
MEASURE OF DISTANCE - 1/10th of an inch, ih fung ??.
- One inch, ih tshung° ??.
- One foot (ten inches in Chinese measure), ih tshak ??.
- Tea feet, ih °dzang ??.
MEASURE OF AREA - One square foot, ih faung tshak ???.
- One hundred square feet, ih faung ??.
- A mow, ih °m ?? (one sixth of an acre).
CURRENCY Until recently, aside from copper cash, the Chinese had no regular system of currency. An ounce of silver was taken as a standard. The following Table is based upon that:— - An ounce of silver, ih °liang nyung-°ts ????.
- (1/10th of an ounce, ih dzien ??.
- (1/10th of a dzien, ih fung ??.
- (1/10th of a fung, ih li ??.
- (1/10th of a li, ih ‘au ??.
VOCABULARY - To expound, explain, °kaung ?.
- To preach, °kaung-su ??.
- To exhort, choen° ?, choen°-mien ??, choen°-‘oo ??.
- To gather, as fruit or flowers, °tshe ?.
- To boil zah ?, (used in regard to water), or °kwung ?.
- To weigh, tshung ?.
- To measure, liang ?, or °ien ?.
- To carry in arms like a child, °bau ?.
- To carry a load (one man, with load suspended on two ends of a bamboo), thiau ?.
- To carry a load (load suspended on a bamboo pole between two men), kaung ?.
- To carry a load on the back, pe° ?.
- To carry a load on the shoulder, jien ?.
- To carry a load in one hand, ling ?.
- A tiger, ih tsak °lau-°hoo ????.
- A dish, ih tsak dzang bung-°ts ?????.
- A saucer, ih tsak dzo bung-°ts ?????.
- A wine glass, ih tsak °tsieu pe ????.
- A cooking stove, ih tsak thih-tsau° (foreign), ????, tsau°-deu (Chinese), ??.
- Gold, kyung-°ts ??.
- Silver, nyung-°ts ??.
- Iron, thih ?.
- Tin, sih ?.
- Brass, doong ?.
- Lead, khan ?.
- A railroad carriage, ih boo °hoo-tsho ????.
- A steam boat, ih tsak °hoo-lung-zen ?????.
- A pair of spectacles, ih foo° °ngan-kyung° ????.
- A set of tools or instruments, ih foo° ka-sang ????.
- A cannon, ih tsung phau° ???.
- Cotton, hwo ?.
- Cotton stalks, hwo-ji ??.
- Cotton (already ginned), mien-hwo ??.
- A plant of wheat, ih khoo mak ???.
- A plant of rice, ih khoo dau° ???.
- Vegetables, tshe° ?.
- Dishes of vegetables and meat placed on the table for meals, °siau-tshe° ??.
- A shoulder, ih tsak kyien ka ????.
- A bag, ih tsak de ???.
- Back, pe° ?.
- A field, ih khwe° dien ???.
- Soil, mud, lan°-nyi ??.
- Poor man, joong-nyung ??.
- Rich man, dze-°tsu-nyung ???.
°Kwhung (?) is the classifier denoting bundles of things. - A bundle of fuel, ih °kwhung za ???, ih °kwung dau-za ????.
- Still, yet, dzung-jeu° ??.
- Among, taung-tsoong ??.
- All (collective), zen ?.
EXERCISES (Translate into English) - (1) Noong° choen°-choen° yi ’veh iau° °doong-chi°.
- (2) Khoen°-kyien° °liang kuh nyung siang-°tang meh iung-ke choen°-‘oo yi-la.
- (3) Di°-tsak siang-°ts °ngoo °i-kyung liang-koo°-hyih-tse °z san tshak dzang °lau nyi° tshak s° tshung kwheh.
- (4) La° hwo-yoen °li °tshe hwo °z ’man °hau beh-siang°.
- (5) Di°-kuh °liang tsak siang-°ts ih kuh nyung thiau-’veh-°chi °z iung-ke kaung kuh.
- (6) Kyung, nyung, doong, thih, sih, Tsoong-kok nyung kyau° °ng kyung.
- (7) Tsoong°-dien-nyung la° toong °li tsoong° mak, la° tshung laung° tsoong° hwo.
- (8) La° °ng kyung taung-tsoong thih °z °ting °yeu yoong°-deu, doo° °lau °siau kuh meh-z° zen °khau-°i tsoo° kuh.
- (9) °Ngoo-kuh bang-yeu °z °jung-z°-°ngan °soo-°i iau° ta° °ngan-kyung°.
- (10) °S faung° la° thih-tsau° laung°, °kwung-ih-°kwung.
- (11) Dze-°tsu-nyung tsak dzeu°-doen° °lau joong-nyung tsak poo°.
- (12) Di°-kuh nyung °kaung-su °kaung le ’man °hau thing.
- (13) Dih la kuh °mi tshung-tshung khoen° kyung-°liang te° va°.
- (14) Di° kwhe° di°-be °yeu °kyi °m? iak-tsak °yeu lok °m.
- (15) La° °ya-seu° taung-tsoong Tsoong-kok nyung °ting pho° kuh °z °lau-°hoo.
- (16) We°-ts °siau-noen la° khok °lau, °nyui-nyung °bau la° seu °li.
- (17) Nyok °lau tshe° ih-dau° kyau° °siau-tshe°.
- (18) Lok-tsen °z lan°-nyi tsoo° la° kuh, °zau vaung-°ts °ting °yeu yoong°-deu.
- (19) Di°-kuh yang-dien ’veh °hau, ’veh °z nyung-ts, °z khan kuh.
- (20) °Ngoo wan iau° °ma dzang-bung-°ts, dzo-bung-°ts, °lau °tsieu-pe.
- (21) Tung-loong °khau-°i ling la° °seu °li, ih kung mok-deu °khau-°i jien la° kyien-ka laung°, de meh pe° la pe° laung°.
- (22) °Ng-seh nyien zien-deu, Tsoong-kok m-meh °hoo-tsho °lau °hoo-lung-zen, yien°-°dze zen °yeu-kuh.
- (23) Tsau-zung-deu °ngoo thing-tuh ping-ting faung° phau°.
- (24) Yien°-°dze m-meh za, ’veh °hau sang °hoo, iau° noong° chi° °ma °liang san °kwhung.
- (25) Nyeu °lau °mo la° dien °li chuh °tshau.
- (?) ????????.
- (?) ??????????????.
- (?) ???????????, ??????????.
- (?) ???????????.
- (?) ?????????????????.
- (?) ???????????.
- (?) ?????????????.
- (?) ???????????, ???????????.
- (?) ??????????????.
- (?) ?????????.
- (??) ???????????.
- (??) ??????????.
- (??) ????????????
- (??) ???????? ?????.
- (??) ?????, ?????????.
- (??) ???????, ??????.
- (??) ????????.
- (??) ????????, ???????.
- (??) ??????, ???????.
- (??) ?????????????.
- (??) ????????, ????????????, ??????.
- (??) ???????????????, ?????.
- (??) ??????????.
- (??) ?????????, ???????.
- (??) ????????.
(Translate into Chinese) - (1) The Chinese make most of their clothing out of cotton.
- (2) Among the pupils this one is the brightest.
- (3) I will tell you a wonderful thing: two men were fighting, and a woman came and exhorted them to peace.
- (4) Among the metals, gold is the most precious.
- (5) The dollars used in China are made of silver.
- (6) How many men will it take to carry the stove?
- (7) I think four men can carry it.
- (8) How much ought I to give the ricksha coolie?
- (9) I think thirty cents is sufficient.
- (10) There are still many men in Shanghai who have never been in a railway carriage.
- (11) Most of the Chinese scholars wear spectacles.
- (12) I have been gathering apples and peaches in the garden.
- (13) The carpenter has not brought his tools, and so can do no work.
- (14) A Chinese foot has ten inches, a foreign foot has twelve.
- (15) In China, wood and rice and cotton stalks are used as fuel.
- (?) ??????????????.
- (?) ?????????????.
- (?) ????????????, ??????, ???????.
- (?) ????????????.
- (?) ???????????.
- (?) ?????????.
- (?) ????????.
- (?) ??????????????
- (?) ??????.
- (?) ????????????????.
- (??) ?????????????.
- (??) ????????????.
- (??) ???????????????.
- (??) ?????????????.
- (??) ?????????????.
Notes. - (1) In the fifth sentence of the First Exercise Thiau ’veh-°chi (???) means “unable to carry.”
- (2) In the sixth sentence of the First Exercise °Ng-kyung (??) is generally pronounced as °oo kyung, as it is a vung-li expression.
- (3) In the ninth sentence of the First Exercise °Jung-z°-°ngan (???) means “near-sighted.”
- (4) In the thirteenth sentence of the First Exercise notice that “to buy rice” is dih °mi not °ma °mi.
- (5) In the ninth sentence of the Second Exercise “sufficient” may be translated °yeu-tse (??).