LESSON XXII On Comparison |
The usual way of forming the Comparative Degree of Adjectives has already been stated. When two things are compared with one another in Chinese the words °pi (?) or °pi-ts (??) are used between them. Thus °Mo °pi-ts °keu doo° (?????) means, “the horse is larger than the dog.” Yi °pi noong° °hau (????), “He is better than you.” There are a good many other ways of expressing comparison. Thus ’Veh jih (??) means, “not equal to.” Also we have ’Veh zu (??), meaning, “not equal to, or not up to.” VOCABULARY - To present or send, to escort a person on the way, soong° ?.
- To count, °soo ?.
- To reckon, soen° ?.
- To send (a person), tsha ?.
- To send a letter, kyi° ?.
- To deport oneself, to treat others, °de ?.
- To treat rudely, °de man° ??.
- To keep, observe, °seu ?.
- To knock the head on the ground, to kowtow, kheh-deu ??.
- A loaf, ih kuh men-deu ????.
- A stone mason, ih kuh zak-ziang° ????.
- A hammer, ih kuh laung-deu ????, or ih °po ??.
- A wine shop, ih ban °tsieu tien° ????.
Te° (??) is the classifier denoting a pair or a brace. - A pair of fowls, ih te° kyi ???.
- A pair of candles, ih te° lah-tsok ????.
- A husband and wife, ih te° foo-tshi ????.
°Kheu (?) is the classifier for some articles of furniture, and for a well. - A book case, ih °kheu su-dzu ????.
- Convenient, bien°-taung° ??.
- Clever, wise, tshoong-ming ??.
- Propriety, custom, kwe-°kyui ??.
- Coffin, ih °kheu kwen-ze ????.
- Sometimes, dzang-z ??.
- As if, like, °hau-°ziang ??.
- To compare, °pi ?.
- An account, tsang° ?.
- Reason, yoen-koo° ??.
EXERCISES (Translate into English) - (1) La° nyien ya° kauh nyung iau° soen° tsang°.
- (2) Noong° we°-sa°-°lau iau° chi°? iung-we° yi tsha °ngoo chi° °lau.
- (3) Sing° kyi°-tsheh chi° meh? ’Veh zung, zieu° iau° kyi° chi°.
- (4) Zak-ziang° iau° yoong° °kyi kwhe° zak-deu? °Ngoo ’veh hyau°-tuh ’veh-zung soen° koo° hyih.
- (5) Yi dzang-tsaung °de °ngoo ’man °hau, °soo-°i °ngoo iau° soong° °tien meh-z° la° yi.
- (6) Su-dzu °li noong° °pa-ts °kyi °pung su? ’Veh °hyau-tuh we°-°ts ’veh zung °soo °lau.
- (7) Khak nyung tsheh chi° meh iung-ke soong° yi tau° mung-°kheu.
- (8) Di°-°kheu kwen-ze sa° nyung tsoo° kuh? Mok-ziang° tsoo° kuh.
- (9) Noong° kuh °mo °pi °ngoo kuh kwha° too-hau°.
- (10) Di°-kuh ‘auh-sang-°ts °pi-ts i-kuh tshoong-ming °tien.
- (11) Di°-kuh ih te° lah-tsok °khau-°i °pi °pi khoen°, ih ngan m-meh doo° °siau.
- (12) I-kuh °liang kuh nyung siang-mo° kuh yoen-koo° °z we°-°ts la° °tsieu tien° °li too-chuh-ts °tsieu °lau.
- (13) Yien°-°dze foo° tsang° ’veh bien°-taung°, °tung tau° °‘au kuh nyoeh.
- (14) Di°-kuh ih te° foo-tshi ’man °hau ih ngan ’veh siang-mo°.
- (15) Di°-kuh nyung tsoo° z°-°thi, ’veh jih i-kuh nyung °hau.
- (16) Pa° nyien kuh z-‘eu° °siau-noen iung-ke te° doo° nyung kheh-deu.
- (17) °Nga-kok nyung chuh van° kuh zung-kwaung hwen-°hyi chuh men-deu.
- (18) Di°-kuh nyung ih ngan ’veh °toong sa°, °z °hau-°ziang ’veh zung dok hyih su.
- (19) Sien-sang dzang-tsaung kyau° ‘auh-sang-ts° °seu kwe-°kyui.
- (20) ’Veh iau° °de man° bih nyung.
- (?) ????????.
- (?) ??????? ???????.
- (?) ?????? ??, ????.
- (?) ????????? ?????????.
- (?) ?????????????????.
- (?) ?????????? ??????????.
- (?) ????????????.
- (?) ????????? ????.
- (?) ?????????.
- (?) ????????????.
- (??) ?????????????????.
- (??) ??????????????????????.
- (??) ????????????.
- (??) ?????????????.
- (??) ????????????.
- (??) ??????????????.
- (??) ?????????????.
- (??) ???????????????.
- (??) ???????????.
- (??) ??????.
(Translate into Chinese) - (1) The Chinese use rice to make wine.
- (2) This man treats his servants very well.
- (3) According to Chinese custom before a man dies his coffin is made.
- (4) If I wish you to come, I will send you a letter.
- (5) To take the child along with us will not be convenient.
- (6) He is older than you.
- (7) The stone mason uses stones, the carpenter uses wood.
- (8) I pay my bills at the end of the month.
- (9) He and I have had a quarrel because he treated me rudely.
- (10) I wish the carpenter to come and make a book case.
- (11) Because I have forgotten so many characters, it is as if I had not read this book before.
- (12) A scholar is wiser than a farmer.
- (13) If a man takes too much wine he can not do his work.
- (14) My friend came to visit me, and then I escorted him to his home.
- (15) This book I will present to you, do not return it.
- (?) ???????.
- (?) ??????????.
- (?) ????????????????.
- (?) ????????????.
- (?) ????????.
- (?) ????????.
- (?) ??????????.
- (?) ?????????.
- (?) ?????????????.
- (?) ??????????.
- (??) ??????????????????????.
- (??) ???????????.
- (??) ???????????????.
- (??) ??????????????????.
- (??) ???????????.
Notes. - (1) In the fifth sentence of the First Exercise notice the use of Soong° °tien. °Tien means “a few things.”
- (2) In the ninth sentence of the First Exercise kwha° too-hau° means “very much faster.”
- (3) In the sixteenth sentence of the First Exercise the expression Kheh-deu refers to the most formal salute of the Chinese. It is used by an inferior before a superior. The usual polite salutation is to clasp the hands together and move them from the feet to the forehead. This is called Tshaung° zo° (??) or Tsauh-ih (??).
- (4) In the nineteenth sentence of the First Exercise we have the expression °Seu kwe-°kyui (???). This is very frequently used. It means to act according to the laws of propriety. It is a command frequently given to children.