g-°ts, ??. Gong, ih mien° kyung-loo, ????. Good, °hau, ?, (moral), zen, ?. Good-by, an°-hyih-we°, ???, tse°-we°, ??, chi°-tse, ??, man°-chi°, ??, kan-nyih-we°, ???. Goose, a, ih tsak ngoo, ???. Grasp, to, nyah, ?. Grass, a, °tshau, ?. Grate, a, ih kuh °hoo-khaung, ????. Grave, a, ? mound, ih kuh vung-san, ????. Great, doo°, ?, a great many, too hau°, ??, kyau-kwan, ??. Green, lok, ?. Guest, a, ih we° khak nyung, ????, a ? room, ih kan khak-daung kan, ?????. Grill, to, tsien, ?. Gun, a, ih kwen yang-tshiang, ????. H Hair, on the head, deu-fah, ??. Half, a, ih pen°, ??, ? an hour, pen° °tien-tsoong, ???, ? a dollar, pen° khwe° yang-dien, ????. Hammer, a, ih kuh, ??, or °po laung-deu, ???. Hand, the, ih tsak °seu, ???, the right ?, yeu°-°seu, ??, the left ?, tsi°-°seu, ??. Hand, to, dzeu°, ?. Handful, a, ih °po, ??. Happiness, fok-chi°, ??. Happy, kha°-weh, ??. Hard, ngang, ?, (difficult), nan, ?. Hare, a, ih tsak thoo°-°ts, ????. Hat, ih °ting man-°ts, ????. Have, °yeu, ?. Hawk, a, °ih tsak iung, ???, ih tsak °lau-iung, ????. He, yi, ?. Head, ih kuh deu, ???, to wear on the ?, ta°, ?, to bow the ? (as to kowtow), kheh-deu, ??. Heal, to, i-°hau, ??, khoen°-°hau, ??. Hear, thing, ?, thing-kyien, ??, cannot ?, thing-’veh-tsheh, ???. Heart, ih kuh sing, ???. Heaven, thien, ?. Heavy, °dzoong, ?. Height, kau-ti, ??. Help, paung-dzoo°, ??, to ? one another, siang-paung, ??. Hen, a, ih tsak ths kyi, ????. Her, yi, ?. Here, leh-li, ??, °ths-di°, ??, di-deu, ??. Hereafter, °‘eu-°seu, ??, °‘eu-le, ??, °i-°‘eu, ??. Hers, yi-kuh, ??. Hide, to ? oneself, ben°-loong, ??, to ? a thing, khaung°-°loong, ??, khaung°, ?. High, kau, ?. Hill, ih zoo° san, ???. Him, yi, ?. Himself, yi z°-ka, ???. Hinder, to, °tsoo, ?, °tsoo-taung, ??. His, yi-kuh, ??. Hit, to, °tang, ?. Hog, a, ih tsak ts-loo, ????. Hoist, to, as a flag or a sail, °tsha, ?. Hold, to, nyah, ?, to ? in the arms, °bau, ?. Hole, doong, ?. House, ok-°li, ??. Honest, lau-zeh, ??. Hope, a, maung-deu, ??. Hope, to, po-maung°, ??. Horse, a, ih phih °mo, ???, ih tsak °mo, ???, a ? boy, ih kuh °mo-foo, ????, to ride a ?, ji-°mo, ??. Hospital, i-yoen°, ??. Hot, nyih, ?. Hour, ih °tien tsoong, ???, or ih kuh tsoong-deu, ????, half an ?, pen° °tien tsoong, ???, quarter of an ?, ih khuh, ??. House, ih zoo°, ??, or ih zak vaung-°ts, ????, two storied ?, ih zoo° leu, ???, ih zoo° leu-vaung, ????, three storied ?, san dzung leu, ???. How? °na-nung, ??? ? many? °kyi-hau°, ??? °kyi kuh, ??? ? much? °kyi hau°, ??? ? much is it (price)? sa ka°-dien, ???? sa ‘aung-dzing, ???? ? much more? ‘oo-°hwaung, ??? nyi, ?, (at end of clause) ? are you? noong° °hau la° °va, ????? ? old are you? °kyi hau° nyien-kyi, ????? °kyi soe°, ??? °kyi-hau° kwe°-kang, ????? kyi-hau° kau-zeu°, ????. However, zen-r, ??. Hundred, ih pak, ??. Hunt, to, °tang-lih, ??. Husband, a ? and wife, ih te° foo-tshi, ????. I I, °ngoo, ?, ? myself, °ngoo z°-ka, ? ??. Idol, a Buddhist ?, ih tsung veh, ???, boo-sah, ??, a Taoist ?, ih tsung zung-dau°, ????. If, zak, ?, zak-s°, ??, zak-zen, ??, °thaung-zen, ??, °thaung-s°, ??, meh, ? (at end of the clause), ? not so, ’veh zen meh, ???, ’veh zeh-ke° meh, ????, ? it be so, kyi-zen zeh-ke°, ????, as ?, °hau-°ziang, ??. Ill, to become, sang-bing, ??. Illness, mau-bing, ??. Immediately, zieu, ?. Immovable, °doong-°‘a-’veh-°doong, ????. Implement, ka-sang, ??. Imprison, to be ?ed, seu-kan, ??. In, la°, ?, or leh-la°, ??, (before noun) °li, ?, or °li-hyang, ??, (after noun), is he ?? yi leh-la° va°? ????? come ?, tsing°-le, ??, go ?, °tsing-chi°, ??, ? addition, ling°-nga, ??, dze-nga°, ??, wan, ?, ? order to, °i-°ts, ??, ? vain, bak-bak-°li, ???. Inch, an, ih tshung, ??. Inconceivable, siang-’veh-tau, ???. Indispensable, °ba-’veh-tuh, ???. Injure, ‘e°, ?, to be ?ed, zeu-°‘e, ??, to be ?ed by striking, °tang-wa°, ??. Ink, a piece of, ih khwe° muh, ???, foreign ?, muh-s, ??, a Chinese ? tablet, ih kuh nyien°-°ts, ????, ih kuh nyien°-de, ????. Inquire, to make ?ies, °tang-thing, ??. Inside, °li-hyang°, ??. Instantaneous, lih-khuk, ??. Instead of, thi°, ?, °de-thi, ??. Instruments, a set of, ih foo° ka-sang, ????. Intercourse, le-°waung, ??. Invite, to, °tshing, ?. Iron, thih, ?. Iron, to, thaung, ?. Is, °z, ?, there ?, °yeu, ?, ? there to be had? °yeu-tuh, ??? It, yi, ?, ? is not necessary, ’veh pih, ??. Its, yi-kuh, ??. J Japanese, Toong-yang-nyung, ???, zeh-°pung-nyung, ???. Jetty, a, °mo-deu, ??. Journey, to start on, °doong-sung, ??. Jump, to, thiau, ?. Just now, khan-khan, ??, ’veh too-°kyi-z, ????, ? on the point of doing a thing, thih-°tsung, ??, ? before daylight, thien-liang°-khwa°, ???. K Keep, to, seu, ?. Kerosene, °hoo-yeu, ??. Kettle, s-‘oo, ??. Key, a, ih °po yak-dz, ????. Kill, to, sah, ?, sah-theh, ??, to ? with a blow, °tang-sah, ??. Kitchen, a, ih kan sau-van°-kan, ?????, dzu-vaung, ??, tsau°-kan, ??. Kneel, to, jui, ?. Knife, a, ih °po tau, ???. Knock, to, khau, ?. Know, to, °hyau-tuh, ??, to ? a person, nyung°-tuh, ??, to ? a Chinese character, suh, ?. Kowtow, to, kheh-deu, ??. L Ladder, a, ih dzung voo-thi, ????. Lamp, a, ih tsan-tung, ???. Large, doo°, ?. Late, °an, ?. Laugh, to, siau°, ?. Laughable, °hau-siau°, ??, very ?, siau°-sah-tse, ???. Lazy, °lan-phok, ??, °lan-doo°, ??. Lead, khan, ?. Lead, to, ling, ?. Leap, to, t
/i>, kyi°, ?. Sentence, a, ih kyui° seh-wo°, ????. Separate, to, fung, ?, fung-khe, ??, li-khe, ??, fung-bih, ??. Servant, a, ih kuh yoong°-nyung, ????. Settle, to ? the price, °kaung-ding°, ??. Seven, tshih, ?. Seventy, tshih-seh, ??. Sew, to, ling, ?. Shall, iau°, ?, pih-iau°, ??. Shallow, °tshien, ?. Shameful, than-°tshoong, ??. Shanghai, °Zaung-°he, ??. Sharp, khwa°, ?. Sharpen, to, moo, ?. She, yi, ?. Sheep, yang, ?. Sheet, a, ih diau °bi-tan, ????, a ? of paper, ih tsang °ts-deu, ????. Ship, zen, ?. Shirting, a piece of, ih phih yang-poo°, ????. Shoes, a pair of, ih saung ‘a-°ts, ????. Shoot, to ? with a gun, faung°, ?, to ? birds, °tang tiau, ??. Shop, a, ih ban tien°, ???, a tea ?, ih ban dzo-kwen°, ????. Shore, ngoen°, ?, to go on ?, °zaung ngoen, ??. Short, °toen, ?, a ? time, ih hyih koong-foo, ????. Should, khau-°i, ??, iung-ke, ??. Shroff, a, seu yang-dien kuh, ????, a ?’s room, ih kan tsang°-vaung-kan, ?????. Shut, to, kwan, ?. Sick, °yeu bing°, ??. Side, pien, ?, pien-deu, ??, baung-pien, ??, right ?, yeu° pien, ??, left ?, tsi°-pien, ??. Sign, a, kyi°-‘au°, ??, ‘au°, ?. Silk, s, ?, dzeu, ?. Silver, nyung-°ts, ??. Sin, °dzoe, ?, °dzoe-nyih, ??. Since, kyi-zen, ??, °i-°‘eu, ??, ? it is so, kyi-zeu zeh-ke°, ????, ? then, di°-kuh °i-°‘eu, ????. Single, tan, ?, dok, ?. Sink, to, dzung-°‘au-chi°, ???. Sister, older, ah-°tsi, ??, younger ?, °tsi-me°, ??, me°-me°, ??. Sit, to, °zoo, ?, to ? down, °zoo °zoo, ??, to ? quiet, °zoo-ding, ??. Six, lok, ?. Sixty, lok-seh, ??. Size, doo°-°siau, ??. Skin, bi, ?. Sky, thien, ?. Slack, water, bing-°s, ??. Slander, to, wo°-°liau, ???, hwe°-°paung, ??, wo°-°wa, ??. Sleep, to, khwung°, ?. Slippery, wah, ?. Slow, man°, ?, ?ly, man°-man°-nung, ???, to walk ?, man°-man°-nung-°tseu, ????. Small, °siau, ?, very ?, ih ngan-ngan doo°, ????, a ? quantity of, tien, ?, °yeu-°yien, ??, ? money, °siau kauh-°ts, ???, °siau yang-dien, ???. Smash, to, se°, ?, °tang-se°, ??, khau-se°, ??. Smoke, ien, ?, to ? meat, hyuin, ?, to ? tobacco, chuh-ien, ??. Smooth, kwaung, ?. Snake, ih diau-zo, ???. Snow, sih, ?, lauh sih, ??. So, zeh-ke, ??, ? that, °i-ts°, ??, about ?, tsho-’veh-too, ???. Soap, bi-zau°, ??. Socks, a pair of, ih saung mah, ???. Soft, °nyoen, ?. Soldier, a, ih kuh ping-ting, ????. Some, °yeu kuh, ??, °kyi-kuh, ??. Somebody, °yeu nyung, ??. Somehow, dzoe-bien° na°-nung, ????. Sometimes, dzang-z, ??, °yeu kuh z-°eu, ????. Son, ih kuh nyi-°ts, ????, ih kuh ‘eu-°ts, ????, your ?, ling°-laung, ??, my ?, siau-noen, ??. Soochow, Soo-tseu, ??. Soon, °tsau, ?, ’veh too ih-hyih, ????. Sorrow, ieu-dzeu, ??. Sort, ih yang, ??, ih le, ??. Sound, sung-iung, ??. Soup, thaung, ?. South, nen, ?, ? east, toong-nen, ??, ? west, si-nen, ??. Southern, nen-pien, ??. Sparrow, ih tsak moo-tshiak, ????, ih tsak moo-tshiang, ????. Speak, to, wo°, ?, bak-wo°, ??. Spectacles, a pair of ?, ih foo° °ngan-kyung°, ????. Split, to, phih, ?. Spoil, to, wa°, ?, wa°-theh, ??. Spoon, ih °po tshau, ???. Spring, tshung, ?, tshung-kyi°, ??. Square, faung, ?. Squirrel, ih tsak soong-su° (tshu), ????. Stairs, voo-thi, ??. Stamp (postage), nyung-deu, ??, or yeu-phiau, ??. Stand, to, lih, ?, ? still, lih-ding°, ??, ? up, lih-chi-le, ???. Star, ih kuh sing, ???. Start, to commence, khe° °seu, ??, to ? on a journey, °doong-sung, ??, to ? a boat, khe° zen, ??, to ? a rumour, zau yau-yien, ???, to ? a fire, sang-°hoo, ??. Stay, to, tung-la°, ??, dzu, ?, to ? with a person, be, ?. Steal, to, theu, ?. Steam, a ? boat, ih tsak °hoo-lung-zen, ?????. Step, a, ih boo°, ??. Stick, a, ih kung °baung, ???. Still, yet, wan, ?, dzung-jeu°, ??, ? more, kung°-°ka, ??, yoeh-°ka, ??, ? (not yet), wan-’veh-zun, ???. Sting, to, ting, ?. Stitch, to, ling ?, to take a ?, ling-ih-tsung, ???. Stockings, a pair of ?, ih saung mah, ???. Stone, a, ih khwe° zak-deu, ????, a ? mason, ih kuh zak-ziang°, ????. Stool, a, ih tsak ngeh-°ts, ????. Stop, to, ding, ?, ? a minute, ding-ih-ding, ???. Story, classifier for stories of a house, dzung, ?. Stove, a, ih tsak °hoo-loo, ????, a cooking ? (foreign), ih tsak thih-tsau, ????, a cooking ? (Chinese), ih tsak tsau-deu, ????. Street, ih diau ka, ???. Strike, to, °tang, ?, khau, ?, to ? against, bang°-dzak, ??, to ? a match, wak, ?, to injure by ?ing, °tang-wa°, ??. String, to (as cash), tshen, ?. Study, a, ih kan su-vaung, ????, dok, ?, dok su, ??. Such, zek-ke, ??. Suddenly, hweh-zen, ??. Suffer, to, °zeu-°khoo, ??, °zeu-nan°, ??, to ? an injury, °zeu-‘e°, ??, to ? a defeat, °tang-su, ??, °tang-ba°-tsang°, ???, °tang-ba° ??. Sufficient, keu°-z°, ??, keu°-z°-tse, ???, °yeu-tse, ??. Sugar, daung, ?. Summer, ‘au°, ?, ‘au°-kyi, ??. Sun, nyih-deu, ??. Sunday, °li-pa°-nyih, ???. Supper, ya°-van°, ??. Suppose, °khoong-pho, ??. Suppose, to, or to think, tau-nyung-ts, ???. Surprised, to be, hyi-ji, ??. Swallow, a, ih tsak ien°-°ts, ????. Sweet, dien, ?. Sword, a, ih °po tau, ???. T Table, a, ih tsak de-°ts, ????, a dining ?, chuh-van° de-°ts, ????, a ? boy, ih kuh si°-tse°, ????. Tablet, a Chinese ink ?, ih kuh nyien-°ts, ????, ih kuh nyien-de, ????. Tailor, ih kuh ze-voong, ????. Take, to, tan, ?, nau, ?, to ? (by force), tshiang, ?, tshiang-doeh, ??, to ? away, tan-chi, ??, nau-chi, ??, to ? off (remove), nau-theh, ??, to ? off (clothes), thoeh, ?, thoeh-thoeh, ??, to ? off (hat), dzu, ?, to ? hold of, nyah, ?, to ? with one, ta°-chi, ??, to ? care, °taung-sing, ??, °siau-sing, ??, to ? great care, too° °taung-sing, ???, to