a carriage. Mok, ?, to feel, to touch. Mok-deu, ??, wood, lumber. Mok-ziang, ??, a carpenter. Moo, ?, to sharpen. °Moo-tshing, ??, a mother. Muh, ?, ink. Muh-°s, ??, foreign ink. Mung, ?, a door. Mung-°kheu, ??, doorway. Mung-°kheu-deau, ???, a doorway. Mung-°ts, ??, a mosquito. Mung°, ?, to ask. N °Na-nung, ??, how. °Na-yeu, ??, butter. Na°, ?, you, ye. Na°-kuh, ??, your, yours. Nan, ?, difficult. Nan-meh, ??, then. Nan-we-dzing, ???, to regret, to be placed in an embarrassing position. Nau, ?, to take. Nau-ehi°, ??, to take away. Nau-le, ??, to bring here. Nau-theh, ??, to take off. Nen, ?, south. Nen, ?, male. °Ng, ?, five. °Ng-ngan-lok-suh, ????, variegated colours. °Ng-seh, ??, fifty. Nga°, ?, out. Nga°-deu, ??, out, outside. Nga°-kok, ??, foreign. Nga°-kok-nyung, ???, a foreigner. Ngan-suh, ??, colour. °Ngan-kyung°, ??, spectacles. °Ngan-tsing, ??, an eye. Ngang°, ?, hard. °Ngau, ?, to bite, to bark. Nge°-sa°-va°, ???, is it important? Ngeh-°ts, ??, a stool. °Ngeu-zen, ??, by chance. Ngoo, ?, a goose. Ngoo-kok, ??, Russia. Ngoo-kok-nyung, ???, Russians. °Ngoo, ?, I, me. °Ngoo-han-deu, ???, my place. °Ngoo-kuh, ??, mine, my. °Ngoo-nyi°, ??, we, us. °Ngoo-nyi°-kuh, ???, ours, our. °Noen, ?, warm. Noen°, ?, daughter. Noong°, ?, thou, thee, you. Noong°-kuh, ??, they, thine, yours. Nung-keu°, ??, can, may. Nung-koen°, ??, ability, power. Nyah, ?, to take bold of, to grasp. Nyan°, ? or ?, twenty. Nyan°-kyung, ??, perform funeral ceremonies. Nyang, ?, mother. Nyang°, ?, to allow. Nyau-so°, ??, to forgive. Nyeu, ?, a cow. Nyeu-°na, ??, milk. °Nyeu-°ts, ??, a button. Nyi, ?, interrogative particle. °Nyi-kwaung, ??, face (cheek). Nyi-koo, ??, nun. Nyi-°s-ziang°, ???, a mason. Nyi-°ts, ??, a son. °Nyi-°too, ??, the ear. Nyi°, ?, we, us. Nyi°, ?, two. Nyi°-kuh, ??, ours, our. Nyi° seh, ??, twenty. Nyien, ?, a year. Nyien-deu-laung°, ???, the beginning of the year. Nyien-nyien, ??, every year. Nyien-°ti, ??, the end of the year. Nyien-tshoo-ih, ???, New Year’s day. Nyien-ya°, ??, the end of the year. Nyien°-de, ??, a Chinese ink tablet. Nyien°-°ts, ??, a Chinese ink tablet. Nyih, ?, a day, the sun. Nyih, ?, hot. Nyih-dzok, ??, daily. Nyih-nyih, ??, daily. Nyih-tsoong°, ??, noon, in the middle of the day. Nyoeh, ?, a month, a moon. Nyoeh-deu, ??, first part of a month. Nyoeh-deu-laung°, ???, first part of a month. Nyoeh-liang°, ??, the moon. Nyoeh-nyoeh, ??, every month. Nyoeh-pen°, ??, the middle of the month. Nyoeh-°ti, ??, the end of a month. °Nyoen, ?, soft. Nyoen-liang°, ??, to forgive. Nyok, ?, meat. °Nyui-nyung, ??, a woman. Nyung, ?, man. Nyung-’aung, ??, a bank. Nyung-deu, ??, a postage stamp. Nyung°-tsih, ??, to welcome. Nyung-°ts, ??, silver. Nyung°-tuh, ??, to know a person. O Oen-we°, ??, to comfort. Ok-°li, ??, home. ‘Ok-tse, ??, either, or. ‘Ok-°z, ??, either, or. ‘Oh-hwaung, ??, how much more? ‘Oo-zaung°, ??, a Buddhist priest. ‘Oo, ?, a kettle. ‘Oo, ?, river. ‘Oo-dih, ??, a butterfly. ‘Oo-li, ??, a fox. ‘Oong, ?, red. P Pa, ?, to place. Pa°, ?, to worship. Pa°-khak, ??, to pay a ceremonial visit. Pa°-maung°, ??, to visit, to pay respects to. Pah, ?, eight. Pah-seh, ??, eighty. Pak, ?, a hundred. Pak-pak, ??, father. Pak-po, ??, about a hundred. Pan, ?, a class (in school). °Pan, ?, a board. Pang, ?, a canal, a creek. Pau, ?, a bale, classifier of bales of things. °Pau-pe°, ??, precious. °Paung, ?, to tie up, to bind with a cord. Pe-°ts, ??, a cup. Pe°, ?, to carry on the back. Pe°, ?, to back a book, to recite a lesson. Peh, ?, to give. Peh, ?, used to form passive. Pen, ?, to remove (a residence). Pen-dzang, ??, to remove (a residence). Pen°, ?, half. Pan°-kwhe°-yang-dien, ????, a half of a dollar. Pen°-nyien, ??, half a year. Pen°-ya°-po, ???, about midnight. Phau°, ?, a cannon. Phau°-de, ??, a fort, a battery. Phi-bing, ??, to criticize, criticism. Phi-thah, ??, to criticize, criticism. Phih, ?, to split. Phih, ?, a classifier of whole pieces of dry goods. Phih, ?, classifier of horses. Pho°, ?, ugly. Phoo°-ke, ??, bedding. °Phoo-thien-‘au°, ???, universal. °Pi, ?, to compare. °Pi-faung, ??, for instance, an illustration. °Pi-ts, ?? it to compare. °Piau, ?, a watch. Pien-deu, ??, by the side of. Pih, ?, a pen. Pih, ?, certain. Pih-ding-iau°, ???, must. Pih-koo°, ??, only. Ping-ting, ??, a soldier. °Ping-°tshia, ??, moreover. Po-maung°, ??, to desire, to expect, to hope. Po, ?, about. °Po, ?, classifier of tools and articles grasped in the hand. Pok, ?, north. Pok-pien, ??, north. Poo-li, ??, glass. Poo-li-pe-°ts, ????, a tumbler, a glass. Poo°, ?, cloth. °Pung, ?, classifier of books. °Pung-di°, ??, native. °Pung-di°-nyung, ???, a native. °Pung-le, ??, originally. R R-°tshia, ??, moreover. S °S, ?, water. °S-nyeu, ??, a water buffalo. S°, ?, to cause. S°, ?, four. S°-kyi°, ??, the four seasons. S°-seh, ??, forty. Sa-doo, ??, tired. Sa, ?, who? what? any? interrogative particle. Sa°-‘aung-dzing, ???, how much is it? what is the price? Sa°-di°-faung, ???, where? Sa°-dzang-hau°, ???, where?
is there to be had? Yeu°, ?, right (direction). Yeu°-pan-pan, ???, right side. Yeu°-pien, ??, right side. Yeu°-°seu, ??, right hand. Yi, ?, he, she, it. Yien, ?, salt (noun). Yi-kuh, ??, his, hers, its. Yi-la°, ??, they. Yi-la°-kuh, ???, their, theirs. Yien°-°dze, ??, now. Yoeh-ka, ??, still more. Yoeh-°tsau-yoeh-°hau, ????, the earlier the better. Yoen, ?, round. °Yoen-°jung, ??, distance. Yoong-yi°, ??, easy. Yoong°, ?, to use. Yoong°-nyung, ??, a servant. Yoong°-sing, ??, to pay attention, to be diligent. Yui°-be°, ??, to prepare, to provide. °Yui, ?, rain. Z Z-‘eu°, ??, time. °Z, ?, to be. °Z-mien°, ??, a market. Z°, ?, a Chinese character. Z°-iung, ??, sound of a character. Z°-ka, ??, self. Z°-le-°hoo, ???, a match. Z°-ming-tsoong, ???, a clock. Z°-°thi, ??, an affair. Z°-zen, ??, of course. Za, ?, fuel. Za-laung, ??, a wolf. Zah, ?, boil. Zak, ?, if. Zak-deu, ??, a stone. Zak-deu-°ts, ???, to gamble (with dice). Zak-s°, ??, if. Zak-zen, ??, if. Zak-ziang°, ??, a stone mason. °Zau, ?, to build. Zauh-nyih, ??, yesterday. Zaung, ?, a bed. °Zaung, ?, up. °Zaung-chi°, ??, to go up. °Zaung-deu, ??, above. °Zaung-°he, ??, Shanghai. °Zaung-°he-°thoo-bak, ????, Shanghai dialect. °Zaung-le, ??, to come up. °Zaung-pen°-nyien, ???, first half of the year. °Zaung-pen-nyih, ???, before noon. °Zaung-pen°-nyoeh, ???, first half of the month. °Zaung-pen°-ya°, ???, first half of night. °Zaung-san, ??, to go up a hill. °Zaung-su, ??, to take an advanced lesson. Ze-voong, ??, tailor. Zeh, ?, ten. Zeh, ?, to lose (in business). Zeh-°dze, ??, truly. Zeh-ke°, ??, thus. Zeh-ke°-nung, ???, thus. Zeh-pah-°sang, ???, China. Zeh-°pung, ??, to lose (in business). Zeh-°pung-nyung, ???, Japanese. Zeh-theh, ??, to lose (in business). Zen, ?, all (collective). Zen, ?, a boat. Zen-r, ??, moreover, yet. °Zen, ?, good (moral). °Zeu, ?, to receive, accept. °Zeu-‘e°, ??, to be injured. °Zeu-°khoo, ??, to suffer. °Zeu-nan°, ??, to suffer. °Zeu-saung, ??, to be wounded. Zia°, ?, to thank. Zien, ?, before. Zien-deu, ??, before. Zien-kuh-nyoeh, ???, last month. Zien-nyih-°ts, ???, day before yesterday. Zien-nyoeh, ??, last month. Zien-°tsen-le, ???, to turn around. Zieu°, ?, immediately. Zih, ?, to saw. Zing, ?, to look for. Zing°, ?, to wash. Zing°-i-zaung-kuh, ????, a washerman. Zing°-yok, ??, to bathe. Zo, ?, a snake. Zok, ?, ripe, thoroughly cooked, well known, thorough. °Zoo, ?, to sit. Zoo°, ?, classifier for hills and buildings. Zu°, ?, a tree. Zuh, ?, a thief. Zung, ?, God. Zung, ?, a rope. Zung-dau°, ??, a Taoist god or idol. Zung-kwaung, ??, time.