Alma Loitered in the Perfumed Gardens
Alma Baptizing in the Waters of Mormon
The Sacrificial Stone
The Lamanite Girl was Pretty
With One Foot Chained to the Rock the Gadianton Robber Fought and Vanquished Eight Warriors
Hall of the Monoliths, Mitla
Palace Ruins at Mitla
Moroni Raises the Standard of Liberty
Aztec God of War
Amalickiah Sent the Corpse of Her Husband to the Lamanite Queen
Amalickiah Sacked the Coast Cities and Put Hirza to the Sword
Bas-relief of Ancient Warrior
Alla Deriding the Idols
Ruins of the Palace of the Indian King
The Island Chief
The Cliff Dweller's Daughter
The Corn Crib of the City in the Gloom
The Stairs that Lead to the Top of the Pyramid
Pyramid of the Sun, Mexico
Jared was Murdered as he Descended from his Throne
They Brought her Baby Boy in, Dying upon his Shield