
AFTER a careful consideration of the facts given in the foregoing chapter, Assistant-Secretary of the Treasury, William B. Howell, and the author recommended the adoption of the following amended tariff, the order for the establishment of which President McKinley signed on the 13th of December, 1898; and the tariff was promulgated and took effect in all Cuban ports in the possession of the United States January 1, 1899. The new tariff, at the time this volume goes to press, is reported by the several custom-houses of the Island as working smoothly, and yielding an amount of revenue equivalent to the estimates given in the chapters relating to the revenue of the Island.


The undermentioned articles may be imported into Cuba exempt from the duties stipulated in the tariffs on compliance with the prescribed conditions and the formalities established for every case in the customs ordinances:

346. Manures, natural.

347. Trees, plants, and moss, in natural or fresh state.

348. National products returning from foreign exhibitions, on presentation of the bill of lading or certificate proving their exportation from the Island and of satisfactory evidence attesting that such products have been presented and have been shipped to their point of departure.

349. Carriages, trained animals, portable theatres, panoramas, wax figures, and other similar objects for public entertainment, imported temporarily, provided bond be given.

350. Receptacles exported from Cuba with fruits, sugar, molasses, honey, and brandy, and reimported empty, including receptacles of galvanised iron intended for the exportation of alcohol.

351. Specimens and collections of mineralogy, botany, and zoology; also small models for public museums, schools, academies, and scientific and artistic corporations, on proof of their destination.

352. Used furniture of persons coming to settle in the Island.

353. Samples of felt, wall paper, and tissues, when they comply with the following conditions:

(a) When they do not exceed 40 centimetres in length, measured in the warp or length of the piece, even when such samples have the entire width of the piece. The width shall, for tissues, be determined by the list, and for felts and wall paper by the narrow border which has not passed through the press.

(b) Samples not having these indications shall only be admitted free of duty when they do not exceed 40 centimetres in any dimension.

(c) In order to avoid abuse, the samples declared for free entry must have cuts at every 20 centimetres of their width, so as to render them unfit for any other purpose.

354. Samples of trimmings in small pieces, of no commercial value or possible application.

355. ArchÆological and numismatical objects for public museums, academies, and scientific and artistic corporations, on proof of their destination.

356. Works of fine art acquired by the Government, academies, or other official corporations, and intended for museums, galleries, or art schools, when due proof is given as to their destination.

357. Gold in bars, powder, or coined; also national silver or bronze coins.

358. Wearing apparel, toilet objects, and articles for personal use, bed and table linen, books, portable tools and instruments, theatrical costumes, jewels, and table services bearing evident trace of having been used, imported by travellers in their luggage in quantities proportionate to their class, profession, and position.

359. When travellers do not bring their baggage with them, the clearing of the same may be made by the conductor or persons authorised for the purpose, provided they prove, to the satisfaction of the customs, that the effects are intended for private use.

360. Stone, unwrought, for paving purposes.

361. Ploughs, hoes, hatchets, machetes, cane knives, etc., for agricultural purposes, and other agricultural implements not machinery.

362. Quinine, sulphate and bisulphate of, and all alkaloids or salts of cinchona bark.

363. Hemp, flax, and ramie, raw, hackled, or tow.

364. Abaca, heniquen, pita, jute, and other vegetable fibres, raw, hackled, or tow.

365. Single yarns made of jute for the manufacture of sugar bags only, to be imported by sugar-bag manufacturers only, the importer to give a bond to use the yarn exclusively for the manufacture of sugar bags.

366. Books, maps, and scientific instruments, for the use of schools.

367. Coal and coke.

368. Mineral, carbonated or seltzer waters, natural or artificial, root beer, ginger ale, and other similar non-alcoholic beverages, not otherwise provided for.

369. Fresh fish.

370. Second-hand clothing donated for charitable purposes to needy persons, and not for sale.

371. Articles of the growth, produce, and manufacture of the island of Cuba exported to a foreign country and returned without having been advanced in value or improved in condition by any process of manufacture or other means, and upon which no drawback or bounty has been allowed.

G. W. = Gross weight.
N. W. = Net weight.
G. W.; T. = Gross weight or tare, as the case may be.
T. = Tare.
S. T. = Special tare.
Kil. = Kilograms.
Kilog. = Kilogram.
Hectog. = Hectogram.
Hectol. = Hectoliter.

Duties shall be paid in United States money, or in foreign gold coin, such as the Spanish alfonsinos (centen) and the French louis, which will be accepted at the following rates: Alfonsinos (25-peseta piece), $4.82; louis (20-franc piece), $3.86.

The following Spanish silver coins now in circulation in the Island of Cuba shall be received for customs at the following fixed rates in American money: Peso, 60 cents; medio peso, 30 cents; peseta, 12 cents; real, 6 cents; medio real, 3 cents.

Bronze and copper coins now current in the Island of Cuba will be received at their face value for fractional parts of a dollar in a single payment to an amount not exceeding 12 cents (1 peseta).

The metrical system of weights and measures is in use in Cuba.

Importations from the United States are dutiable like other commodities.

Class I.—Stones, Earths, Ores, Glass, and Ceramic Products
Group I.—Stones and earths employed in building, arts, and manufactures
1. Marble, jasper, and alabaster:
a. In the rough or in dressed pieces, squared or prepared for shaping, G. W. 100 kil. $0.50
b. Slabs, plates, or steps of any dimension, polished or not, G.W. 100 kil. 1.00
c. Sculptures, high and bas-reliefs, vases, urns, and similar articles for house decoration, T. 100 kil. 3.10
d. Wrought or chiselled into other articles, polished or not, T. 100 kil. 2.00
2. Stones, other, natural or artificial:
a. Slabs, plates, or steps, G. W. do. .50
b. Wrought into all other articles, T. do. 1.00
3. Earths employed in manufactures and arts: Cement, lime, and gypsum, G. W 100 kil. .60
4. Gypsum manufactured into articles:
a. Statuettes, T. do. 3.00
b. Articles, other, T. do. .75
Group 2. Coal.
(See Free list).
Group 3.——Schists, bitumens, and their derivatives
6. Tar and mineral pitch, asphalts, bitumens, and schists, G. W., 100 kil. $0.60
7. Oleonaphtha, crude natural petroleum and crude oils derived from schists, G. W. 100 kil. 1.40
a. Crude petroleum to be used exclusively in the manufacture of illuminating gas and only at gas works in Cuba, said gas works to be subject to inspection by the customs authorities, and to be used for no other purpose, provided that the importer gives such bond as may be regarded necessary by the acting collector, G. W. 100 kil. .70
8. Petroleum and other mineral oils, rectified or refined, intended for illumination; benzine, gasoline, and mineral oils not specially mentioned; vaseline, G. W. 100 kil. 4.70
a. A product from petroleum known under the name of cordage oil, imported by and used exclusively for cordage works in their manufacture of rope and cordage, provided that the importation be made at the direct demand of the president of the cordage company, and that the latter submit their works at all times to the inspection of the customs authorities, and that the importer give such bond as may be regarded necessary by the acting collector, G. W. 100 kil. 2.35
Group 4.——Ores
9. Ores, G. W. 100 kil. .10
Group 5.——Crystal and Glass
10. Common or ordinary hollow glassware; electric insulators, T. 100 kil. 1.00
Common bottles of glass, intended to contain beer, rum, and sparkling wines, manufactured with native fruit, and garrafones or demijohns and siphons to contain mineral, carbonated, or seltzer waters, shall enjoy a rebate of 60 per cent. of the duties stipulated in this number, when imported and declared in the custom-house by the manufacturers of said beverages.
11. Crystal, and glass imitating crystal:
a. Articles, cut, engraved, or gilt, T. 100 kil. 14.00
b. Articles, other, T. do. 7.00
12. Plate glass and crystal:
a. Slabs, paving or roofing, T. 100 kil. 1.65
b. For windows or in other articles, provided they be neither polished, bevelled, engraved, nor annealed, T. 100 kil. 3.40
c. Window glass set in lead and polished, or bevelled plate glass, T. 100 kil. $4.90
d. Articles, engraved or annealed, T. do. 9.80
13. Glass and crystal, tinned, silvered, or coated with other metals:
a. Common mirrors not exceeding 2 mm. in thickness, coated with red or dark mercurial varnish, T. 100 kil. 10.00
b. Mirrors, other, not bevelled, T. do. 15.00
c. Mirrors, bevelled, T. do. 18.00
14. Glass and crystal in statuettes, flower stands, and vases and similar articles for toilet purposes and house decorations; spectacle and watch glasses; imitations of precious or fine stones; enamel, T. kilog. .56
15. Incandescent electric lamps, mounted or not hundred. 2.50
Group 6.——Pottery, earthenware, and porcelain
16. Bricks of clay, not glazed, for building purposes, furnaces, etc.; articles of fire clay, G. W. 100 kil. .30
17. Roofing tiles of clay, not glazed, for building purposes, per square (10 by 10 feet) 1.50
18. Slabs or conduits of clay, glazed or unglazed, cement or stoneware, G. W. 100 kil. .50
19. Ceramic tiles of all kinds and glazed roofing tiles, per square (10 by 10 feet) 2.50
20. Hollow ware, glazed or not, of clay or stoneware:
a. Household and kitchen utensils, T. 100 kil. .80
b. Dishes or other articles, provided that they be neither gilt, painted, nor ornamented in relief, T. 100 kil. 5.50
c. Common bottles of earthenware, to contain beer, etc. do. 1.00
d. Articles, gilt, painted, or ornamented in relief, T. do. 5.60
21. Hollow ware or dishes of faience:
a. Neither painted, gilt, nor in relief, T. do. 3.50
b. Gilt, painted, or with ornaments in relief, T. do. 6.40
22. Hollow ware or dishes of porcelain:
a. Neither painted, gilt, nor in relief, T. do. 5.80
b. Painted, gilt, or with ornaments in relief, T. do. 9.30
23. Statuettes, flower stands, and vases, high and bas-reliefs, articles for toilet purposes and house decoration, of fine clay, faience, stoneware, porcelain, or bisque, T. kilog. .25
Class II.—Metals, and all Manufactures in which a Metal Enters as a Principal Element
Group I.—Gold, silver, and platinum, and alloys of these metals
24. Gold and platinum in jewelry or goldsmiths’ wares, with or without precious stones or pearls; jewelry or wares of silver, with precious stones, pearls and seed pearls, not set, N. W. hectog. $7.50
25. Gold or platinum wrought in articles, other, of all kinds, N. W. hectog. $2.80
26. Silver in ingots, bars, plates, sheets, or powder, N. W. kilog. 2.60
27. Jewelry or wares of silver, without precious stones or pearls, N.W. hectog. 1.50
28. Silversmiths’ wares, other, of all kinds, and platinum in ingots, N. W. kilog. 8.00
29. Plate, N. W. do. 2.40
Group 2.—Cast iron (I)
(I) Articles of malleable cast iron are dutiable as manufactures of wrought iron,
Cast iron:
30. Pigs, G. W. 100 kil. .10
31. Articles not coated or ornamented with another metal or porcelain, neither polished or turned—
a. Bars, beams, plates, grates for furnaces, columns, and pipes, G. W. 100 kil. .50
b. Lubricating boxes for railway trucks and carriages, and railway chairs, G. W. 100 kil. .35
c. Articles, other, G. W. do. .75
32. Articles of all kinds not coated or ornamented with another metal or porcelain, polished or turned, T. 100 kil. 1.20
33. Articles of all kinds, enamelled, gilt, tinned, or coated or ornamented with other metals or porcelain, T. 100 kil. 2.30
Group 3.—Wrought iron and steel
34. Iron, soft or wrought, in ingots or “tochos”; steel in ingots, G. W., 100 kil. .40
35. Wrought iron or steel, rolled—
a. Rails, G. W. do. .425
b. Bars of all kinds, including rods, tires, hoops, and beams, G. W. 100 kil. .90
c. Bars of all kinds of fine crucible steel, G. W. do. 1.60
36. Sheets, rolled—
a. Neither polished nor tinned, of 3 millimetres and more in thickness, G. W. 100 kil. 1.10
b. Neither polished nor tinned, of less than 3 millimetres in thickness, and hoop iron, G. W. 100 kil. 1.20
c. Tinned and tin plate, G. W. do. 1.50
d. Polished, corrugated, perforated, cold-rolled, galvanised or not, and bands of polished hoop iron, G. W. 100 kil. 1.30
Wrought iron or steel:
Cast in pieces, in the rough, neither polished, turned, nor adjusted, weighing, each—
a. 25 kil. or more, G. W. 100 kil. $1.00
b. Less than 25 kil., G. W. do. 1.35
38. Cast in pieces, finished—
a. Wheels weighing more than 100 kilograms, fish plates, chairs, sleepers, and straight axles; springs for railways and tramways; lubricating boxes, G. W. 100 kil. .60
b. Wheels weighing 100 kilograms or less; springs other than for railways and tramways; bent axles and cranks, G. W. 100 kil. 1.40
39. Pipes—
a. Covered with sheet brass, G. W. do. 1.40
b. Other, galvanised or not, G. W. do. 1.40
40. Wire, galvanised or not—
a. 2 millim. or more in diameter, T. do. 1.00
b. More than ½ and up to 2 millim. in diameter, T. do. 1.30
c. ½ millim. or less in diameter, and wire covered with any kind of tissue, T. 100 kil. 1.60
41. In large pieces, composed of bars or bars and sheets fastened by means of rivets or screws; the same, unriveted, perforated, or cut to measure for bridges, frames, and other buildings, G. W., 100 kil. 1.80
42. Anchors, chains for vessels or machines, moorings, switches, and signal disks, G. W. 100 kil. .80
42a. Anvils, T. do. 2.50
43. Wire gauze—
a. Up to 20 threads per inch, T. do. 2.00
b. Of 20 threads or more per inch, T. kilog. .06
44. Cables, fencing (barbed wire), and netting; furniture springs, G. W., 100 kil. 1.00
45. Tools and implements—
a. Fine, for arts, trades, and professions, of crucible steel, T. 100 kil. 8.00
b. Other, T. do. 2.50
46. Screws, nuts, bolts, washers, and rivets; Parisian and similar tacks, T 100 kil. 1.50
47. Nails, clasp nails, and brads, T. do. 1.00
48. Buckles:
a. Gilt, silvered, or nickeled, T. kilog. .20
b. Other, T. do. .15
49. Needles, sewing or embroidering, pins, and pens; pieces of clockworks, N. W. kilog. .30
50. Crochet hooks and the like; hooks, hairpins, and surgical instruments, N. W. kilog. .30
51. Cutlery of all kinds; tailors’ scissors; sidearms and pieces for same, T. kilog. .40
52. Firearms:
a. Barrels, unfinished, for portable arms, G. W. kilog. $ .25
b. Small arms, such as pistols and revolvers, also their detached parts, T. kilog. 1.00
c. Sporting guns: Muzzle-loading, and detached parts thereof, T. kilog. .60
d. Breech-loading, and detached parts thereof, T. do. 2.50
53. Manufactures of tin plate, T. 100 kil. 4.00
Wrought iron or steel:
54. Articles of all kinds not specially mentioned, common, even coated with lead, tin, or zinc, or painted or varnished—
a. In which sheet predominates, T. 100 kil. 3.00
b. In which sheet does not predominate, T. do. 2.00
55. Articles of all kinds not specially mentioned, fine, i.e., polished, enamelled, coated with porcelain, nickel, or other metals (with the exception of lead, tin, or zinc), or with ornaments, borders, or parts of other metals, or combined with glass or earthenware—
a. In which sheet predominates, T. 100 kil. 3.00
b. In which sheet does not predominate do. 3.00
Group 4.—Copper and alloys of common metals with copper (brass, bronze, etc.)
56. Copper scales, copper of first fusion, old copper, brass, etc., G. W. 100 kil. 3.00
57. Copper and alloys of copper in ingots, G. W. do. 4.00
58. Rolled in bars of all kinds, G. W. do. 4.50
59. Rolled in sheets, G. W. do. 5.00
60. Wire, galvanised or not—
a. 1 millimetre and more in diameter, T. do. 6.00
b. Less than 1 millimetre in diameter, T. do. 6.00
c. Gilt, silvered, or nickeled, T. kilog. .50
61. Wire covered with tissues or insulating materials; conducting cables for electricity over public thoroughfares, T. 100 kil. 7.50
62. Wire gauze—
a. Up to 100 threads per inch, T. 100 kil. 6.00
b. Of 100 threads or more per inch, T. kilog. .15
63. Pipes, bearings, plates for fireplaces, and boilermakers’ wares partially wrought, G. W. 100 kil. 4.50
64. Nails and tacks:
a. Gilt, silvered, or nickeled, T. kilog. .20
b. Other, T. do. .12
65. Pins or pens, N. W. do. .60
Copper and alloys of copper:
66. Articles not specially mentioned, varnished or not, T. kilog. .20
67. Articles, gilt, silvered, or nickeled, not specially mentioned, T. kilog. .50
Group 5.—Other metals and their alloys
68. Mercury, G. W. kilog. $ .20
Nickel, aluminium, and alloys having for a basis these metals:
69. In lumps or ingots, G. W 100 kil. 3.00
Tin and alloys thereof:
70. In lumps or ingots, G. W. do. 4.00
Zinc, lead, and other metals not specially mentioned, as well as their alloys:
71. In lumps or ingots, G. W. 100 kil. 1.00
Nickel, aluminium, and their alloys:
72. In bars, sheets, pipes, and wire, G. W.. do. 7.00
Tin and alloys thereof:
73. In bars, sheets, pipes, and wire, G. W.. do. 7.00
Zinc, lead and other metals:
74. In bars, sheets, pipes, and wire, G. W. 1.50
75. Tin hammered in thin leaves (tin foil) and capsules for bottles, T. kilog. .04
Nickel, or aluminium, and their alloys:
76. Articles of all kinds, T. do. .50
Tin and alloys thereof (Britannia metal, etc.):
77. Articles of all kinds, T. do. .50
78. Zinc, lead, and other metals, and their alloys:
a. Articles, gilt, silvered, or nickeled, T. do. .30
b. Articles, other, T do. .15
Group 6.—Wastes and scoriÆ
79. Filings, shavings, cuttings of iron or steel, and other wastes of cast iron or from the manufacture of common metals, fit only for resmelting, G. W. 100 kil. .15
80. ScoriÆ resulting from the smelting of ores, G. W. do. .03
Class III.—Substances Employed in Pharmacy and Chemical
Industries, And Products Composed of these Substances
Group 1.—Simple drugs
81. Oleaginous seeds, copra or cocoanuts, G. W. 100 kil. $2.00
82. Resins and gums:
a. Colophany, pitch, and similar products, G. W. do. .50
b. Spirits of turpentine, T. do. 2.50
c. Caoutchouc and gutta-percha, raw or melted in lumps, G. W. 100 kil. 3.00
83. Extracts of licorice, camphor, aloes, and other similar vegetable juices, G. W. 100 kil. 5.25
84. Tan bark, G. W do. .25
85. Opium, G. W. kilog. 6.00
86. Other simple vegetable products, not specially mentioned, G. W. 100 kil. $2.75
87. Animal products employed in medicine, not specially mentioned, G. W. 100 kil. 1.80
88. Natural colours, in powder or in lumps (ochres, etc.), do. .60
Group 2.—Colours, dyes, and varnishes
89. Artificial colours of metallic bases:
a. In powder or lumps, G. W.; T. 100 kil. 2.55
b. Prepared in the paste, oil, or water; also lead or coloured pencils, G. W.; T. 100 kil. 5.00
90. Other artificial colours, in powder, crystals, lumps, or paste, G. W.; T. kilog. .25
91. Natural dyes:
a. Woods, barks, roots, etc., for dyeing, G. W. 100 kil. .20
b. Madder, G. W. do. 4.50
c. Indigo and cochineal, G. W. kilog. .20
92. Artificial dyes:
a. Extracts from logwood, archil, and other dyeing extracts, G. W.; T. 100 kil. 5.00
b. Writing, drawing, or printing inks, G. W.; T. do. 3.00
c. Colours derived from coal, G. W.; T. kilog. .20
93. Varnish, G. W.; T. 100 kil. 7.50
94. Blacking, G. W. do. 3.00
Group 3.—Chemical and pharmaceutical products
95. Simple bodies:
a. Sulphur, G. W 100 kil. .15
b. Bromine, boron, iodine, and phosphorus. Phosphorus, T.; other, G. W. kilog. .18
96. Inorganic acids:
a. Hydrochloric, boric, nitric, and sulphuric, also aqua regia, G. W. 100 kil. .30
b. Liquid carbonic acid, N. W. do. 5.00
c. Other, G. W. do. 5.00
97. Organic acids:
a. Oxalic, citric, tartaric, and carbolic, G. W. do. 1.00
b. Oleic, stearic, and palmetic, G. W. do. 1.40
c. Acetic, G. W. do. 6.00
d. Other, G. W. do. 5.00
98. Oxides and oxyhydrates: Of ammoniac, potash, and other caustic and barilla alkalies, G. W. 100 kil. .25
99. Inorganic salts:
a. Chloride of sodium (common salt), G. W. do. .50
b. Chloride of potassium; sulphates of soda, iron, or magnesia; carbonate of magnesia; alum, G. W. 100 kil. $0.45
c. Sulphate of ammoniac; phosphates and superphosphates of lime; nitrate of potash and soda, G. W. 100 kil. .03
d. Other salts of ammoniac, salts of copper, chloride of lime, sulphate of potash, hyposulphite of soda and borax, G. W., 100 kil. .75
e. Chlorates of soda and potash, G. W. do 1.80
100. Organic salts:
a. Acetates and oxalates, G. W. do 2.50
b. Citrates and tartrates, T. do 3.00
101. Alkaloids and their salts; chloride n="right" valign="bottom">percent.advalorem 40
147. Wool, raw do. 40
148. Woollen yarn, unbleached, bleached or dyed, single or twisted percent.advalorem. 40
Woollen yarns mixed with silk shall be liable to the following surtaxes:
When containing up to one-fifth of silk, percent.advalorem 22
When containing up to two-fifths of silk do 50
When containing three-fifths or more of silk the yarns shall be dutiable as untwisted silk.
Group 2.—Tissues and fulled stuffs
149. Swanskin of pure or mixed wool percent.advalorem 40
150. Baizes:
a. Of pure wool do 40
b. Of mixed wool do 40
151. Flannels, white or colored, for underclothing:
a. Of pure wool do 40
b. Of mixed wool do 40
152. Blankets or counterpanes of wool, pure or mixed with other materials:
a. Grey blankets (“pardas”) percent.advalorem 40
b. Other do 40
153. Astrakhans, plushes, and velvets of wool, pure or mixed do 40
154. Cloths and other tissues not specially mentioned, of wool, hair, or flock wool, comprised or not in drapery, weighing per square metre:
300 grams or more:
a. Of wool, hair, or flock wool, pure percent.advalorem 40
b. Of wool or hair, mixed do 40
155. From 175 to 300 grams:
a. Of wool, hair, or flock wool, pure do 40
b. Of wool or hair, mixed do 40
156. Less than 175 grams:
a. Of wool, hair, or flock wool, pure do 40
b. Of wool or hair mixed do 40
157. Tissues of bristle or horsehair, with or without an admixture of cotton or other vegetable fibres percent.advalorem 40
158. Knitted stuffs, with or without an admixture of cotton or other vegetable fibres, even with needlework:
a. In the piece, jerseys, or drawers percent.advalorem 40
b. In stockings, socks, gloves, and other small articles do 40
159. Carpets of wool, pure or mixed with other materials:
a. With uncut pile do 40
b. Plushy or with cut pile do 40
160. Tissues called tapestry, for curtains and uphol- stering furniture, of wool, pure or mixed with cotton or other vegetable fibres, even figured or damasked, weighing more than 350 grams per square metre; table- covers and counterpanes of the same kind percent.advalorem 40
161. Felts of wool, pure or mixed do 40
162. Trimmings of wool; ribbons and galloons do 40
Class VII.—Silk and Manufactures of Silk
Group 1.—Yarns
163. Silk and floss silk, spun or twisted, in skeins percent.advalorem 50
164. Silk on reels, including weight of the reels do 50
Group 2.—Tissues
165. Tissues of unbleached silk percent.advalorem 50
166. Tissues of silk or floss silk: Not mixed with any other material— Plain, not figured, twilled, or serged—
a. Black do 50
b. Coloured do 50
167. Figured, plushy or velvety do 50
168. Mixed with another material:
Plain, not figured, twilled, or serged—
a. Mixed with cotton or other vegetable fibres do 50
b. Mixed with wool or hair do 50
169. Figured, plushy or velvety do 50
170. Knitted stuffs of boiled silk,


Group 2.——Furniture and manufactures of wood
194. Common wood manufactured into joiners’ wares, and articles of all kinds, turned or not, painted or not, varnished or not, but neither chiselled, inlaid, nor carved, T. 100 kil 4.75
195. Fine wood manufactured into furniture or other wares, turned or not, polished or not, varnished or not, and furniture and common wooden wares veneered with fine wood; furniture upholstered with tissue (other than with silk or stuffs containing an admixture thereof, or with leather), provided that the articles specified in this number be neither chiselled, carved, inlaid, nor ornamented with metal, T. 100 kil. $15.00
196. Furniture of bent wood, T. do. 12.00
197. Battens:
a. Molded, varnished, or prepared for gilding, T. 100 kil. 5.05
b. Gilt or carved, T. kilog. .20
198. Wood of any kind manufactured into furniture or other wares, gilt, chiselled, carved, inlaid, or veneered with mother-of-pearl or other fine materials, or ornamented with metal, and furniture upholstered with stuffs of pure or mixed silk or leather, N. W. kilog. .68
Group 3.—Various
199. Charcoal, firewood, and other vegetable fuel, G. W. 1000 kil. 1.50
200. Cork:
a. In the rough or in boards, G. W. 100 kil. 1.40
b. Manufactured, T. do. 4.50
201. Rushes, vegetable hair, cane, osiers, fine straw, palm, and genista, raw, raw esparto, and baskets and other common wares of esparto, G. W. 100 kil. 1.83
Baskets wherein imported goods were packed shall be dutiable according to this number, with a rebate of 60 per cent.
202. Esparto manufactured into fine articles; rushes, vegetable hair, cane, osiers, fine straw, palm, and genista, manufactured into articles of all kinds not specially mentioned, T. 100 kil. 13.10
Class X.—Animals and Animal Wastes Employed in Industry
Group 1.—Animals
203. Horses and mares:
a. Above the standard height each $10.00
b. Other do. 5.00
204. Mules do. 5.00
205. Asses do. 5.00
206. Bovine animals:
a. Oxen do. 1.00
b. Cows do. 1.00
c. Bullocks, calves, and heifers do. 1.00
207. Pigs do. 1.00
208. Sucking pigs do. 1.00
209. Sheep, goats, and animals not specially mentioned do. 1.00
210. Singing birds, parrots, etc. percent.advalorem .25
Group 2.—Hides, Skins, and Leather Wares
211. Pelts in their natural state or dressed, G. W. kilog. $1.50
212. Hides and skins, green or not tanned, G. W. do. .02
Wet-salted hides and skins shall enjoy a reduction of 60 per cent. in respect of salt and moisture.
Dry-salted hides and skins shall be allowed a rebate of 30 per cent.
213. Hides tanned with the hair, G. W. kilog. .20
214. Hides tanned without the hair:
a. Cow and other large hides, whole, G. W. do. .15
b. Other and backs of large hides, G. W. do. .20
215. Hides and skins, curried, dyed or not:
a. Sheepskins (basils), T. do. .20
b. Calf or goat skins, T. do. .25
c. Kid, lamb, or young calf skins, T. do. .36
d. Cow and other large hides, whole, T. do. .15
e. Backs of large hides and hides and skins not specially mentioned, T. kilog. .30
216. Hides and skins, varnished, satiny, grained, dulled, and hides and skins with figures, engravings, or embossed, T. kilog. .50
Leather cut out for boots and shoes or other articles shall be liable to a surtax of 30 per cent, of the respective duties leviable thereon.
217. Chamois leather or parchment of all kinds and gilt or bronzed hides and skins, T. kilog. .60
218. Gloves of skin, T. do. 3.50
219. Shoes of cowhide and similar leather:
a. For men dozen 2.50
b. For women do. 2.00
c. For boys below size 4½ do. 1.50
220. Shoes of patent and similar leather:
a. For men do. 2.75
b. For women do. 2.25
c. For boys below size 4½ do. 1.75
221. Boots of calfskin, with elastics, or for lacing:
a. For men do. 5.00
b. For women do. 3.00
c. For boys below size 4½ do. 2.00
222. Boots of patent and similar leather:
a. For men do. 6.00
b. For women, and top-boots (“polacas”) do. 7.00
c. For boys below size 4½ do. 5.00
223. Other boots and shoes, fancy do. 8.00
224. Riding boots pair 2.00
225. Sandals dozen .40
226. Saddlery and harnessmakers’ wares; valises, hat-boxes, and travelling bags of cardboard or leather, T. kilog. $0.20
227. Other manufactures of leather or covered with leather, T. kilog. .40
Group 3.—Various
228. Feathers for ornament, in their natural state or manufactured, N. W. kilog. 2.00
229. Other feathers and feather dusters, T. do. .40
230. Intestines, dried, N. W. do. 2.00
231. Animal wastes, unmanufactured, not specially mentioned, G. W. 100 kil. .50
Class XI.—Instruments, Machinery, and Apparatus Employed in Agriculture, Industry, and Locomotion
Group 1.—Instruments
232. Pianos:
a. Grand percent.advalorem .40
b. Other do. .40
233. Harmoniums and organs do. .40
234. Harps, violins, violoncellos; guitars and mandolins with incrustations; flutes and fifes of the ring system; metal instruments of 6 pistons or more; detached parts for wind instruments of wood or copper percent.advalorem .40
235. Musical instruments, other do. .40
236. Watches:
a. Of gold; also chronometers percent.advalorem .40
b. Of silver or other metals do. .40
237. Clocks with weights, and alarm clocks do. .40
238. Works for wall or table clocks, finished, with or without cases percent.advalorem .40
Group 2.—Apparatus and Machines
239. Weighing machines percent.advalorem .20
240. Machinery and apparatus for making sugar and brandy do. .10
241. Agricultural machinery and apparatus do. .10
242. Steam motors, stationary do. .20
243. Marine engines; steam pumps; hydraulic, petroleum, gas, and hot or compressed air motors percent.advalorem .20
244. Boilers:
a. Of sheet iron do. .20
b. Tubular do. .20
245. Locomotives and traction engines do. .20
246. Turntables, trucks and carts for transshipment, hydraulic cranes and columns percent.advalorem .20
247. Machines of copper and its alloys; detached parts of the same metals percent.advalorem .20
248. Dynamo-electric machines:
a. Exceeding 50 kil. in weight do. .20
b. Weighing 50 kil. or less; inductors and detached parts do. .20
249. Sewing machines and detached parts thereof do. .20
250. Velocipedes do. .20
251. Machines and apparatus, other, or of materials not specially mentioned, also detached parts of all kinds other than of copper or its alloys percent.advalorem .20
Group 3.—Carriages
252. Coaches and berlins, new, used, or repaired:
a. With four seats, and calashes with two “tableros,” percent.advalorem .40
b. With two seats, with or without folding seat; omnibuses with more than 15 seats; diligences percent.advalorem .40
c. Four or two wheeled, without “tableros,” with or without hood, irrespective of the number of seats; omnibuses up to 15 seats; carriages not specially mentioned. percent.advalorem .40
253. Railway carriages of all kinds for passengers, and finished wooden parts for same percent.advalorem .40
254. Vans, trucks, and cars of all kinds; miners’ trolleys, and finished wooden parts for same percent.advalorem .40
255. Tramway carriages of all kinds, and finished wooden parts for the same percent.advalorem .40
256. Waggons, carts, and hand carts do. .40
256a. Salvage from wrecked vessels is prima facie dutiable on appraised value according to its material.
Class XII.—Alimentary Substances
Group 1.—Meat and fish, butter and greases
257. Poultry, live or dead, and small game, N. W kilog. $0.08
258. Meat in brine, N. W.:
a. Beef, brine or salt, N. W 100 kil. 2.80
b. Pork, brine or salt, N. W do. 2.80
259. Lard, N. W. do. 2.80
260. Tallow, N. W. do. 2.00
261. Bacon, N. W. do. 4.00
262. Ham, N. W. do. 5.50
263. Jerked beef (“tasajo”), N. W. do. 3.96
264. Meat of all other kinds, T.:
a. Beef, canned, N. W. do. 5.00
b. Beef, fresh, N. W. do. 4.50
c. Mutton, fresh, N. W. do. $4.50
d. Pork, fresh, N. W. do. 4.00
265. Butter and oleomargarine, N. W.; T. do. 7.00
266. Cheese, N. W. do. 5.00
267. Condensed milk. percent.advalorem .10
268. Salt cod and stock fish, G. W.; T. 100 kil. $2.00
269. Herring, pickled, smoked, salted, or marinated, and skate salted, N. W. 100 kil. 1.00
270. Mackerel, pickled, smoked, salted, or marinated, N. W. do. 2.00
271. Salmon, canned, smoked, salted, or marinated, N. W. do. 5.00
272. Oysters of all kinds, and shellfish, dried or fresh, G. W. do. 1.00
273. Eggs (taken out of Group 7) do. 5.00
Group 2.—Cereals
274. Rice, husked or not, T. 100 kil. 1.00
275. Wheat, N. W. do. .60
276. Cereals:
a. Corn, N. W. do. .30
b. Rye, N. W. do. .40
c. Barley, N. W. do. .50
d. Oats, N. W. do. .40
277. Flour:
a. Of wheat, T. do. 1.50
b. Of rice, T. do. 2.00
c. Of corn, N. W. do. .50
d. Of oats, N. W. do. 1.20
Group 3.—Pulse, garden produce, and fruits
278. Beans, N.W. 100 kil. 1.10
279. Pease, N. W. do. 1.10
280. Onions, N. W. do. .70
281. Potatoes, N. W. do. .50
282. Flour of pulse, T. do. 2.50
283. Fruits, fresh, T. do. .60
284. Apples, fresh, N. W. do. .60
285. Fruits, dried or drained, T. do. 1.50
286. Apples, dried, N. W. do. 1.50
Group 4.—Seeds and fodder
287. Clover, N. W. 100 kil. 3.60
288. Flax, N. W. do. .82
289. Timothy, N. W. do. 2.00
290. Fodder and bran percent.advalorem .25
Group 5.—Preserves
291. Fish or shellfish, preserved in oil or otherwise, in tins per cent, ad valorem .25
292. Vegetables and pulse, pickled or preserved in any manner, percent.advalorem .25
293. Fruits, preserved:
a. In brandy do. .25
b. Other do. .25
294. Alimentary preserves not specially mentioned; pork butchers’ wares, truffles, sauces, and mustard percent.advalorem .25
Group 6.—Oils and beverages
295. Olive oil:
a. In receptacles of earthenware or tin, G. W.; T. 100 kil. $2.40
b. In bottles, including the weight of bottles, G. W.; T. do. 3.00
296. Alcohol, S. T. hectol. 14.00
297. Brandy and all compound spirits not specially mentioned:
a. In casks, S. T. do. 21.00
b. In bottles or flasks, S. T. do. 34.00
c. Rum, in casks. do. 18.00
d. Whiskies, in casks. do. 10.00
298. Wines, sparkling, S. T. liter. .85
299. Liqueurs and cordials:
a. In casks or similar receptacles, S. T. do. .18
b. In bottles, S. T. do. .36
300. Wines, other:
a. In casks or similar receptacles, S. T. hectol. 4.50
b. In bottles, S. T. do. 13.00
301. Beer and cider:
a. Malt liquor, in casks. hectol. 3.30
b. Malt liquor, in bottles. do. 3.66
c. Cider. do. 1.60
Group 7.—Various
302. Saffron, safflower, and flowers of “tobar” percent.advalorem .25
303. Cinnamon of all kinds do. .25
304. Cinnamon, Chinese (“canelon”), cloves, pepper, and nutmegs, percent.advalorem .25
305. Vanilla do. .25
306. Tea do. .25
307. Coffee in the bean or ground; chicory roots and chicory, T. 100 kil. 12.15
308. Cocoa of all kinds, in the bean, ground, or in paste; cocoa butter, T. 100 kil. 20.25
309. Chocolate and sweetmeats of all kinds, including the immediate packages. percent.advalorem .25
310. Eggs. (See last item, Group I.)
311. Pastes and feculÆ for soups and other alimentary purposes, percent.advalorem .25
312. Biscuits:
a. Ordinary, T. 100 kil. $0.60
b. Fine, of all kinds, including the immediate package, T. 100 kil. 2.50
314. Honey. per gallon .20
315. Molasses. do. .06
316. Sugar, raw. per pound .015
317. Sugar, refined. do. .02
318. Saccharine. do. 1.50
Class XIII.—Miscellaneous Goods
319. Fans:
a. With mountings of bamboo, reeds, or other wood, T. kilog. $0.15
b. With mountings of horn, bone, composition, or metal (other than gold or silver), N. W. kilog. .60
c. With mountings of tortoise shell, ivory, or mother-of-pearl; also fans of kid skin, silk tissue, or feathers, N. W. kilog. .80
320. Trinkets and ornaments of all kinds, except those of gold and silver, N. W. kilog. .75
321. Amber, jet, tortoise-shell, coral, ivory, and mother-of-pearl:
a. Unwrought, N. W. kilog. 1.00
b. Wrought, N. W. do. 1.80
322. Horn, whalebone, celluloid, meerschaum, and bone; also compositions imitating these materials or those of the preceding number:
a. Unwrought, N. W. kilog. .60
b. Wrought, N.W. do. 1.20
323. Walking-sticks and sticks for umbrellas and parasols. hundred 4.00
324. Buttons of all kinds other than gold or silver, N. W. kilog. .20
325. Hair, human, manufactured into articles of all kinds or any shape, N. W. kilog. 5.00
326. Cartridges, with or without projectiles or bullets, for unprohibited firearms; also primers and caps for such arms, T. 100 kil. 30.00
327. Tarpaulins coated with sand, for vans; felts and tow, tarred or coated with pitch, G. W. 100 kil. .28


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