PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION . SPRIG OF BORAGE IN GLASS CUP OF THE THIRD OR FOURTH CENTURY. CUPS AND THEIR CUSTOMS"Touch brim! touch foot! the wine is red, And leaps to the lips of the free; Our wassail true is quickly said,— Comrade! I drink to thee! "Touch foot! touch brim! who cares? who cares? Brothers in sorrow or glee, Glory or danger each gallantly shares: Comrade! I drink to thee! "Touch brim! touch foot! once again, old friend, Though the present our last draught be; We were boys—we are men—we'll be true to the end: Brother! I drink to thee!" SECOND EDITION. LONDON: JOHN VAN VOORST, PATERNOSTER ROW. MDCCCLXIX. PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, |