
See Preface with reference to pronunciation of names.
A word synonymous with "lord."
The Mexican tiger-cat.
Note.—The royal city of Azcapozalco was razed to the ground, and the wasted territory was henceforth reserved as the great slave-mart for the nations of Anahuac.—Prescott.
Note.—Voluntary servitude obtained among the Anahuacans, and of this class were those who served with Tezcot, the hunter.
Note.—An intoxicant, made from the juice of maguey, pronounced pull-k?—a drink much used by the Mexicans to this day.
Note.—See Hale's Mexico.
Note.—The Aztec god of war.

Transcriber's Note: Minor typographical errors have been corrected without note. Irregularities and inconsistencies in the text have been retained as printed. The Table of Contents was not present in the original text and has been produced for the reader's convenience.


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