| PAGE | Adrianople, Treaty of | 15, 17 | Akerman, Treaty of | 16 | Algeciras Act | 101 | Anglo-French Convention | 100 | Anglo-Japanese Alliance | 100 | Anglo-American Arbitration | 101 | Anglo-Russian Convention | 101 | Argentine-Chile Treaty | 100 | Bardo, Treaty of | 66 | Berlin, Treaty of (1850) | 48 | Berlin, Treaty of (1878) | 59 | Berlin Act | 99 | Bukarest, Treaty of (1886) | 75 | Bukarest, Treaty of (1913) | 97 | Constantinople, Treaty of (1897) | 83 | Constantinople, Treaty of (1913) | 97 | Frankfort, Treaty of | 55 | Gandamuk, Treaty of | 58 | Guadalupe-Hidalgo, Treaty of | 30 | Hay-Pauncefote Treaty | 100 | Karlstadt, Agreement of | 101 | La Marsa, Treaty of | 66 | Lausanne, Treaty of | 93 | London, Treaty of (1834) | 21 | London, Treaty of (1839) | 19 | London, Treaty of (1852) | 49 | London, Treaty of (1913) | 95 | Nanking, Treaty of | 28 | Paris, Treaty of (1815) | 98 | Paris, Treaty of (1856) | 37 | Paris, Treaty of (1898) | 85 | Portsmouth, Treaty of | 91 | Prague, Treaty of | 51 | Rushe-Bagot Treaty | 98 | San Stefano, Treaty of | 59 | Shimonoseki, Treaty of | 77 | Suez Canal Convention | 99 | Tientsin, Treaty of | 66 | Triple Alliance | 99 | Unkiar Skelessi, Treaty of | 24 | Vereenigen, Treaty of | 87 | Vienna, Treaty of (1815) | 98 | Vienna, Treaty of (1866) | 35 | Villa Franca, Treaty of | 35 | Washington, Treaty of |
|   |