- Adam, Robert and John, 112
- Alexandria, ancient centre of civilisation, 17
- Anglo-saxon houses, 44
- Antioch, ancient centre of civilisation, 17
- Architectural style in furniture, 94
- Art, classic, ends in third century, 34
- Byzantine, 35
- mediÆval, its growth, 41
- Romanesque, long continuance, 42
- renaissance, 66
- classic, revived in eighteenth century, 107
- early nineteenth century, 114
- Atrium, 18
- Attalus introduces tapestry, 17
- Bedrooms, English, fourteenth century, 50
- French, eighteenth century, 104
- Beds, Byzantine period, 37
- Norman, 46
- Egyptian, Greek, &c., 116
- MediÆval, 118, 119
- at Hampton court, 120
- Bellows, renaissance, 72
- BombÉ furniture, 104, 111
- Boucher, 108108
- Boule, 95
- Bureaux in marquetry, 93, 104
- Byzantine period, 35
- wealth, 38
- artists welcomed by Charlemagne, 41
- Cabinet, French, sixteenth century, 89
- Cafass, Egyptian wood, 4
- Candelabra, 23, 24
- Candles, Anglo-saxon, &c., 23, 48
- Carriage, Anglo-saxon, 45
- fourteenth century, 54, 131
- seventeenth century, 92
- the Speaker's, 132
- Lord Darnley's, 132
- Caskets, Byzantine, 37
- Ceilings in Roman houses, 21, 31
- Chair, Egyptian, 4, 121
- Nineveh, 7
- Greek, 10, 11, 14
- Roman, 28, 122
- of St. Peter, 35
- Byzantine, 37
- at Ravenna,