NAMES OF DESIGNERS OF WOODWORK AND MAKERS OF FURNITURE. Only very meagre notices are to be found of the artists to whom we owe the designs of modern furniture. For a hundred and fifty years after the renaissance, furniture partook so generally, and the woodwork of rooms so entirely, of the character and followed so continually the details of architecture that the history of furniture-designers is that of the architects of the day. These found in the members of guilds of carvers, carpenters, or image sculptors admirable hands to carry out the ornamental details of their woodwork, such as chimney-pieces, &c., and who made sideboards, cabinets, chairs, and tables to suit the woodwork. We have space here only for the names; in the large catalogue a brief notice of almost every one of them is also given. Names of Artists. | Country in which they worked. | Date. | A | | | Adam, J. (and R.) | England | 1728-1792. | Agnolo, B. da | Italy | 1460-1563. | Agnolo, D. da | " | 16th century. | Agnola, J. da | " | "" | Ambrogio, G. | " | 17th" | Ards, W. | Flanders | 15th" | Asinelis, A | Italy | 16th" | B | | | Bachelier, — | France | 16th century. | Baerze, J. de | Flanders | 14th" | Baker, — | England | 18th" | Barili, A. | Italy | 16th" | Barili, G | " | "" | Barili, S. | " | "" | Baumgartner, U. | Germany | 17th century. | Beaugreant, G. de | Flanders | 16th" | Beck, S. | Germany | "" | Belli, A. A. | Italy | "" | Belli, G. | " | "" | Berain, J. | France | 1636-1711. | Bergamo, D. da | Italy | 1490-1550. | Bergamo, S. da | " | 16th century. | Bernardo, — | " | "" | Berruguete, — | Spain | 1480-1561. | Bertolina, B. J. | Italy | 16th century. | Beydert, J. | Flanders | 15th" | Blondeel, L. | " | 1495-1560. | BolgiÉ, G. | Italy | 18th century. | Bonzanigo, G. M. | " | "" | Borello, F. | " | 16th" | Borgona, F. de | Spain | "" | Botto, B. | Italy | "" | Botto, G. B. | " | "" | Botto, P. | " | "" | Botto, S. A. | " | "" | Boulle, A. C. | France | 1642-1732. | Boulle, P. | " | 17th century. | Brescia, R. da | Italy | 16th" | Bross, — de | France | 17th" | Bruggemann, H. | Germany | 15th" | Bruhl, A. | Flanders | 16th and 17th centuries. | Brunelleschi, F. | Italy | 1377-1446. | Brustolone, A. | " | 1670-1732. | Buontalenti, B. T. | " | 16th century. | C | | | Caffieri, Ph. | France | 17th and 18th centuries. | Cano, A. | Spain | 17th century. | Canova, J. de | Italy | 16th" | Canozii, C. | " | "" | Canozii, G. M. | " | "" | Canozii, L. | " | "" | Capitsoldi, — | England | 18th" | Capo di Ferro, Brothers | Italy | 16th" | Carlone, J. | " | 18th" | Carnicero, A. | Spain | 1693-1756. | Castelli, Q. | Italy | 16th century | Cauner, — | France | 18th" | Cauvet, G. P. | France | 1731-1788 | Ceracci, G. | England | 18th century. | Cervelliera, B. del | Italy | "" | Chambers, Sir W. | England | 1726-1796. | Chippendale, T. | " | 18th century. | Cipriani, G. B. | " | "" | Coit, — | " | "" | Collet, A. | " | "" | Copeland, — | " | "" | Cotte, J. de | France | "" | Cotte, R. de | " | 1656-1735. | Cotton, C. | England | 18th century. | Cressent, — | France | "" | D | | | Davy, R. | England | 1750-1794. | Dello Delli | Italy | 14th and 15th centuries | Dolen, — van | Flanders | 18th century. | Donatello, — | Italy | 1380-1466. | Dorsient, A C.; C. Oc. | Flanders | 16th century | Ducerceau, A. | France | 1515-1585. | Dugar, E. | Italy | 16th century. | Du Quesnoy, F. H. and J. | Flanders | 17th" | F | | | Faydherbe, L. | Flanders | 1627-1694. | Filippo, D. di | Italy | 16th century. | FlÖrein, J. | Flanders | 15th" | FlÖtner, P. | Germany | 16th" | G | | | Gabler, M. | Germany | 17th century. | Galletti, G. | Italy | 18th" | Garnier, P. | France | "" | Genser, M. | Germany | 17th" | Gervasius | England | "" | Gettich, P. | Germany | 17th" | Geuser, M. | " | "" | Gheel, F. van | Flanders | 18th" | Gibbons, G. | England | 17th" | Giovanni, Fra | Italy | 16th" | Glosencamp, H. | Flanders | "" | Goujon, J. | France | "" | H | | | Habermann, — | France | 18th century. | Haeghen,— van der | Flanders | "" | Hekinger, J. | Germany | 17th" | Heinhofer, Ph. | " | 16th and 17th centuries. | Helmont, — van | Flanders | 18th century. | Heppelwhite, A | England | "" | Hernandez, G. | Spain | 1586-1646. | Hool, J. B. van | Flanders | 18th century. | Huet, — | France | "" | Hyman, F. | England | "" | J | | | John of St. Omer | England | 13th century. | Johnson, T. | " | 18th" | Juni, J. D. | Spain | 16th and 17th centuries. | K | | | Kauffmann, A. | England | 18th century. | Kiskner, U. | Germany | 17th" | Kuenlin, J. | " | "" | L | | | Ladetto, F. | Italy | 18th century. | Lalonde, — | France | "" | Lawreans, — | England | 17th" | Lecreux, N. A. J. | Flanders | 1757-1836. | Le Moyne, J. | France | 1645-1718. | Leopardi, A. | Italy | 1450-1525. | Le Pautre, J. | France | 1617-1682. | Le Roux, J. B. | " | 18th century. | Linnell, J. | England | "" | Lock, M. | " | "" | Loir, A. | France | 1630-1713. | L'Orme, Ph. de. | " | 16th century. | Lunigia, A. da | Italy | "" | M | | | MacÉ, J. | France | 18th century. | Maifeis, P. di | Italy | 15th" | Maggiolino, — | " | 18th" | Magister, O. | " | 16th" | Majano, B. da | " | 15th" | Majano, G. da | Italy | 1432-1490. | Margaritone, — | " | 1236-1313. | Marot, D. | France | 1650-1700? | Marot, G. | " | 17th century. | Marot, J. | " | 1625-1679. | Martin, R. | " | 1706-1765. | Martincourt, — | " | 18th century. | Meissonnier, J. A. | " | 1693-1750. | Mendeler, G. | Germany | 17th century. | Meulen, R. van der | Flanders | 1645-1717. | Minore, G. | Italy | 15th century. | Modena, P. da | " | "" | Moenart, M. | Flanders | 17th" | Montepulciano, G. da | Italy | 16th" | Moser, L. | Germany | 15th" | MÜller, D. | " | 17th" | MÜller, J. | " | "" | N | | | Newrone, G. C. | Italy | 16th century. | Nilson, — | France | 18th" | Nys, L. de | Flanders | "" | Nys, P. de | " | "" | O | | | Oost, P. van | Flanders | 14th century. | Oppenord, — | France | 18th" | P | | | Pacher, M. | Germany | 15th century. | Padova, Z. da | Italy | 16th" | Panturmo, J. di | " | 1492-1556. | Pardo, G. | Spain | 16th century. | Pareta, G. di | Italy | "" | Passe, C. de | France | 17th" | Passe, C. de, the younger | " | "" | Pergolese, — | England | 18th" | Perreal, J. | France | 15th" | Philippon, A. | " | 16th" | Picau, — | " | 18th" | Picq, J. | Flanders | 17th" | Pigalle, — | England | 18th" | Piffetti, A. P. | Italy | 1700-1777. | Plumier, P. D. | Flanders | 1688-1721. | Porfirio, B. di | Italy | 16th century | Q | | | Quellin, A. | Flanders | 1609-1668. | Quellin, A., the younger | " | 1625-1700. | Quellin, E. | " | 17th century. | R | | | Raephorst, B. van | Flanders | 15th century, | Ramello, F. | Italy | 16th" | Ranson, — | France | 18th" | Rasch, A. | Flanders | 15th" | Riesener, — | France | 18th" | Roentgen, D. | " | "" | Rohan, J. de | " | 16th" | Rohan, J. de | " | "" | Rosch, J. | Germany | 15th" | Rossi, P. de | Italy | 15th and 16th centuries. | Rovezzano, B. da | England | 16th century. | S | | | Salembier, — | France | 18th and 19th centuries. | Sangher, J. de | Flanders | 17th century. | Schelden, P. van der | " | 16th" | Schwanhard, H. | Germany | 17th" | Serlius, S. | France | 16th" | Servellino, G. del | Italy | 15th" | Sheraton, Th. | England | 18th" | Smet, R. de | Flanders | 16th" | Stoss, V. | Germany | 1438-1533. | Syrlin, J. | " | 15th century. | Syrlin, J., the younger | " | 15th and 16th centuries. | T | | | Taillebert, U. | Flanders | 16th century. | Tasso, D. | Italy | 15th and 16th centuries. | Tasso, G. | " | "" | Tasso, G. B. | " | "" | Tasso, M. D. | " | 15th century. | Tatham, C. H. | England | 18th" | Taurini, R. | Italy | 16th" | Thomire, P. Ph. | France | 1751-1843. | Tolfo, G. | Italy | 16th century. | Toro, — | France | 18th century. | Torrigiano, — | England | 1472-1522. | Toto, — | " | 1331-1351. | Trevigi, G. da | " | 1304-1344. | U | | | Uccello, P. | Italy | 1396-1479. | Ugliengo, C. | " | 18th century. | V | | | Venasca, G. P. | Italy | 18th century. | Verbruggen, P. | Flanders | 17th" | Verbruggen, P., the younger | " | 1660-1724. | Verhaegen, Th. | " | 18th century. | Voyers, — | England | "" | Vriesse, V. de | France | 17th" | W | | | Walker, H. | England | 16th century. | Weinkopf, W. | Germany | "" | Willemsens, L. | Flanders | 1635-1702. | William the Florentine | England | 13th century. | Wilton, J. | " | 18th" | Z | | | Zabello, F. | Italy | 16th century. | Zorn, G. | Germany | 17th" |
A " B " C " D " E " F " G " H " I " J " K " L " M " N " O " P " Q " R " S " T " V " W