CHAPTER I. | God Made the World, | PAGE 33 | CHAPTER II. | The Great Flood; and a Great Tow-er, | 43 | CHAPTER III. | A-bra-ham: The Man of Faith, | 52 | CHAPTER IV. | Ja-cob and E-sau, | 64 | CHAPTER V. | Ja-cob and Ra-chel, | 71 | CHAPTER VI. | Jo-seph and his Breth-ren, | 76 | CHAPTER VII. | Through the Red Sea and the Wil-der-ness, | 91 | CHAPTER VIII. | How Josh-u-a and Jeph-thah Fought for the Lord, | 112 | CHAPTER IX. | Sam-son, the Strong Man, | 118 | CHAPTER X. | Ruth, | 128 | CHAPTER XI. | Job, | 132 | CHAPTER XII. | Sam-u-el, the Child of God, | 139 | CHAPTER XIII. | Sam-u-el, the Man of God, | 147 | CHAPTER XIV. | Da-vid and Saul, | 157 | CHAPTER XV. | Sol-o-mon, the Wise Man, | 177 | CHAPTER XVI. | E-li-jah, | 183 | CHAPTER XVII. | E-li-sha, | 192 | CHAPTER XVIII. | Jo-nah, the Man who Tried to Hide from God, | 200 | CHAPTER XIX. | Dan-i-el, | 204 | CHAPTER XX. | The Good Queen Es-ther, | 217 | NEW TESTAMENT. | CHAPTER I. | The Birth of Christ, | 235 | CHAPTER II. | The Star in the East, | 244 | CHAPTER III. | The Boy-hood of Je-sus, | 251 | CHAPTER IV. | Je-sus and John the Bap-tist, | 256 | CHAPTER V. | The Wo-man at the Well.—Je-sus by the Sea, | 267 | CHAPTER VI. | Je-sus Heals the Sick, and does Good Work on the Day of Rest, | 276 | CHAPTER VII. | The Ser-mon on the Mount, | 286 | CHAPTER VIII. | Good Words and Good Works, | 295 | CHAPTER IX. | Je-sus at the Sea-shore, | 303 | CHAPTER X. | Je-sus Brings the Dead to Life.—Feeds Five Thou-sand, | 311 | CHAPTER XI. | Je-sus Heals the Sick.—His Form Changed on the Mount, |
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