WHAT JOHN SAW WHILE ON THE ISLE OF PATMOS.—THE GREAT WHITE THRONE.—THE LAND OF LIGHT. John wrote the last book in the New Tes-ta-ment. It is called Rev-e-la-tion; and that means that it tells what no one else but John knew. John was sent to the lone isle of Pat-mos by one of the bad Em-pe-rors of Rome, who would not let him preach or teach the truths that Christ taught. While he was at Pat-mos Je-sus came to him in a dream, and showed him all the things that he wrote of in this book. John says: I heard a great voice like a trum-pet, and as I turned to see who it was that spoke to me, I saw Je-sus clothed in a robe that fell to his feet, and was held at the waist by a belt of gold. And when I saw him I fell at his feet like one dead. And he laid his right hand on me, and said, Fear not; I Patmos PAT-MOS. Je-sus told John to write down all that he saw, and to send it to the church-es for which it was meant. Then John saw a door o-pen in the sky, and a voice said to him, Come up here, and I will show thee what will take place in the time to come. And he heard the an-gels sing songs of praise to Je-sus, whom they called the Lamb that was slain. And John was shown strange things that were to teach him what the friends of Christ would have to put up with till the end of the world. And he was shown, too, how the Lord would save them from their foes, so that at last no one could hurt or harm them. Then John saw a great white throne in heav-en, and Je-sus sat on it. And the dead rose from their graves, and came and stood near the throne to be judged. All the things that they had done while on the earth were put down in the books out of which they were judged. And if their names were not in the Book of Life they were cast in-to the lake of fire. When this great day was past, John saw new skies and a new earth, for the old earth and skies had been burnt up, And he saw the New Je-ru-sa-lem come down from the skies, and heard a voice say that God would come and live with men. Round the New Je-ru-sa-lem, which was built of gold, was a high wall with twelve gates, three on each side. At each gate was an an-gel to guard it. In the walls were all kinds of rich and rare gems, and its twelve gates were made of pearls. There was no need of the sun or the moon, for God was there and Je-sus, and they made it light. And those whom Je-sus had saved—Jews and Gen-tiles, rich and poor—were to come and live in it. And the gates should not be shut, for there will be no night there. And none but those whose names are in the Book of Life shall go in-to it. Jesus and candlesticks And John saw a pure riv-er called the wa-ter of life. On each side of it grew the tree of life that bore twelve kinds of fruit, which were ripe each month. And those who dwell in that land of light, and eat the fruits of the tree of life, and drink of the wa-ter of life, He will wipe all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, nor grief, nor pain. Je-sus said to John, Blest are they who keep God's laws and do his will, that they may pass through the gates to his bright home on high. THE END. Routledge's Historical Course. IN WORDS OF ONE SYLLABLE. Each book containing about 225 pages. With numerous illustrations, portraits and maps. Boards, lithographed double covers. Price per volume, $1.00.
——————— GEORGE ROUTLEDGE & SONS, 9 LAFAYETTE PLACE, NEW YORK. Transcriber's Notes:As the reader will have noted, words that are more than one syllable are hyphenated. Frequently the printer made an mistake and forgot to hyphenate all or part of a word. This has been corrected where found. Some illustrations were place in unexpected places, as in the "Death of Sapphira" which landing during the death and resurrection of Christ. These illustration locations were retained. Obvious punctuation errors have been repaired. Some times high priest was hyphenated and sometimes it was two words. This was retained. The remaining corrections made are indicated by dotted lines under the corrections. Scroll the mouse over the word and the original text will appear. |