JESUS HEALS THE SICK.—HIS FORM CHANGED ON THE MOUNT. Je-sus went to Ca-per-na-um and taught the Jews there. But all that he said made them hate him the more, and their chief priests did all they could to prove that he was not the Christ who was to save them. They thought that he who was to be the King of the Jews would come in rich robes, and with all the signs of high rank. So they would have naught to do with a poor man like Je-sus. It made Je-sus sad to have the Jews turn from him, and he left them, and went out to the towns of Tyre and Si-don, which were on the sea-coast. And no Jews dwelt there. Yet a wo-man, as soon as she heard he was there, came out and cried to him, O Lord, thou Son of Da-vid, come and heal my child, for she has gone mad. The Ascension THE AS-CEN-SION. Je-sus said he was sent to none but the Jews. This he did to try her faith, for she was not a Jew. But she fell at his feet, and cried out, Lord help me! Sidon SI-DON. Je-sus said to her, Great is thy faith; thy child is made well. And when she went back to her house she found her child had been made well at the same hour that she spoke to Je-sus. Then Je-sus and the twelve went down near the Je-sus took him out of the crowd, and touched his ears and tongue, and at once the man was made well, so that he could both hear and speak. And crowds came to him, and brought those that were lame, blind, and dumb, and laid them down at the feet of Je-sus, that he might heal them. And Je-sus healed them all, so that the crowds were in a maze when they saw the dumb speak, the lame walk, and the blind see; and they gave praise and thanks to God for what he had done. At the end of six days Je-sus took Pe-ter, James, and John, and went up on a high mount to pray. And while he was there a great change took place in him. His face shone as the sun, and his clothes were as white as snow, and the light shone through them. And Mo-ses and E-li-jah came to him, and spoke with him. Pe-ter said, Lord, it is good for us to be here. Let us make three tents, one for thee, and one for Mo-ses, and one for E-li-jah. While he yet spoke there came a bright cloud, out of which a voice spoke and said, This is my dear Son, in whom I am well pleased. Hear ye him. When Pe-ter, James, and John heard it, they bowed down to the ground, and were in great fear. Je-sus came and touched them, and said, Rise. Fear not. And when they raised their eyes they saw no one but Je-sus. As they came down from the mount, Je-sus bade them tell no one what they had seen till he rose from the dead. Peter PE-TER AND THE TRIB-UTE MON-EY. The next day, when they had come down from the mount, there was a great crowd to see Je-sus. And one man knelt at his feet and said, Lord, help my son, for he has fits, and the fiends in him vex him so that he falls in the fire and in the wa-ter. I took him to those whom thou hast taught to heal, to see if they could cure him; and they could not. Je-sus said, Bring him to me. And they brought him; and he fell on the ground and foamed at the mouth. Je-sus said to the fiend that was in the young man, Come out of him and vex him no more. And the fiend cried with a loud voice, and shook the young man, and came out of him, but left him weak, like one dead. And those who stood near thought he was dead. But Je-sus took him by the hand and raised him, and he stood on his feet and was well from that hour. Then Je-sus and the twelve went to Ca-per-na-um. And when they were in the house Je-sus said, Why were ye at such strife in your talk on the way? And for shame they held their peace, for their talk had been as to which should have the high-est place in the realm where Je-sus was to reign as King of the Jews. When they had sat down Je-sus said to the twelve, He who seeks to be first shall be last of all. And he took a child and set it in the midst of them, and told them that they must put pride out of their hearts and be as meek as a child. For he who thought not of him-self, but did God's will as a child does the will of its fa-ther, the same should be great in the realm which Je-sus was to set up. Je-sus taught there for some time, and then set When they were come to Ca-per-na-um, those that took in the trib-ute mon-ey came to Pe-ter and said, Doth not your mas-ter pay trib-ute. This was the tax the Jews had to pay to Ce-sar as the price of peace. Pe-ter said, Yes. And when he came in-to the house Je-sus met him and said. Of whom do the kings of the earth take cus-tom or trib-ute? of their own chil-dren or of stran-gers? Pe-ter said, Of stran-gers. Je-sus said, Then are the chil-dren free. But lest we should give cause for blame, go thou to the sea, and cast a hook, and take up the fish that first comes up. In its mouth thou shalt find a piece of mon-ey. Take that and give it to them for me and thee. |