I INDEX BOOKS FROM WHICH COLOPHONS ARE QUOTED | PAGE | Accoltus, F. Commentaria de acquirenda possessione. 1486. Pescia, L. & F. de Cennis, | 99 | Adrianus Carthusiensis. De remediis utriusque fortunae. 1471. Cologne, A. therhoernen, | 177 | Albertus, Magister. Sermones. 1474. Cologne, A. therhoernen, | 92 | Albohazen Haly. Liber Regalis. 1492. Venice, B. Ricius, | 111 | Alexander Gallus. Doctrinale. 1493. Acqui, s. n. t., | 65 | Antonius de Alexandro. Super secundo codicis Iustiniani. 1474. Naples, S. Riessinger, | 75 | Athanasius contra Arium &c. 1500. Paris, A. Bocard, | 98 | Atila persecutore de la christiana fede. 1491. Venice, s. n. t., | 70 | Augustine. De Ciuitate Dei. 1473. Mainz, P. Schoeffer, | 23 | —— 1470. Venice, J. & W. of Speier, | 36 | —— 1486/87. Abbeville, DuprÉ & Gerard, | 179 | Augustine. Explanatio Psalmorum. 1489. Basel, Jo. de Amerbach, | 143 | Augustine. Manuale. 1471. Treviso, G. de Lisa, | 59 | Avicenna. De medicina. 1473. Milan, F. da Lavagna, | 60 | Balbus, Jo. Catholicon. 1460. Mainz, s. n. t., | 13 | —— 1469. Augsburg, G. Zainer, | 81 | Bartolus de Saxoferrato. Lectura super prima parte Digesti Veteris. 1478. Venice, John of Cologne & J. Manthen, | 55 | Bartolus de Saxoferrato. Lectura super secunda parte Digesti Veteris. 1473. Venice, W. of Speier, | 39 | Biblia Latina. 1462. Mainz, Fust & Schoeffer, | 10 | —— 1476. Vicenza, L. Achates, | 94 | Biel, Gabriel. Sermo Dominicae Passionis. s. a. Hagenau, s. n. t., | 143 | Boccaccio, Giovanni. Genealogiae Deorum. 1481. Reggio, L. & B. Bruschus, | 71 | Bonetus de Latis. Annulus Astronomicus. c. 1496. Rome, A. Freitag, | 130 | Boniface VIII. Liber Sextus Decretalium. 1465. Mainz, Fust & Schoeffer, | 17 | —— 1473. Mainz, P. Schoeffer, | 23 | —— 1472. Rome, U. Han, | 165 | —— 1477. Basel, M. Wenssler, | 82 | Bononia Illustrata. 1494. Bologna, P. de Benedictis, | 74 | Brant, Seb. La Nef des Fols. 1497 [misprinted in text 1457]. Paris, G. Marnef, | 106 | Breviarium Illerdense. 1479. Lerida, H. Botel, | 102 | Bridget, S. Revelationes. 1500. Nuremberg, A. Koberger, | 149 | Bruno, Hen. Super Institutionibus. c. 1488. Louvain, Aeg. van der Heerstraten, | 128 | Butrio, Antonio de. Comment. super primo decretalium. 1473. Rome, U. Han, | 101 | Capella, Martianus. Opera. 1499. Vicenza, H. de Sancto Urso, | 115 | Capitulos de governadores. 1500. Seville, Pegnitzer & Herbst, | 118 | Castro, Paulus de. Consilia. 1485. Nuremberg, A. Koberger, | 139 | Cavalca, Domenico. Frutti della Lingua. s. a. Florence, s. n. t., | 154 | Cavalca, Domenico. Specchio di Croce. s. a. Florence, s. n. t., | 154 | Caxton, William. Cronycles of England. 1493. Antwerp, G. Leeu, | 72 | Charles the Great. 1485. Westminster, W. Caxton, | 136 | Christine de Pisan. Fayts of Arms. 1489. Westminster, W. Caxton, | 137 | Christine de Pisan. Moral Proverbes. 1478. Westminster, W. Caxton, | 174 | Cicero. De Officiis. 1478. Naples, s. n. t., | 162 | Cicero. De Oratore. 1470. Venice, C. Valdarfer, | 49 | Cicero. Epistolae ad Atticum. 1470. Venice, N. Jenson, | 43 | Cicero. Epistolae ad Familiares. 1469. Venice, John of Speier, | 32 | —— Second edition, | 33 | —— 1471. Venice, N. Jenson, | 48 | —— 1472. Milan, F. da Lavagna, | 149 | Cicero. Officia et Paradoxa. 1465. Mainz, Fust & Schoeffer, | 18 | Cicero. Orationes. 1471. Venice, C. Valdarfer, | 50 | —— 1472. Venice, Adam of Ammergau, | 52 | Cicero. Orationes Philippicae. c. 1470. Rome, U. Han, | 88 | Cicero. Rhetorica. 1470. Venice, N. Jenson, | 42 | Cleve, Johann von. Moteta. 1580. Augsburg, P. Ulhard & A. Reinheckel, | 129 | Colonna, F. de. Hypnerotomachia Poliphili. 1499. Venice, Aldus, | 124 | Cordyale. 1479. Westminster, W. Caxton, | 176 | Curtius, Franciscus. Consilia. 1496. Milan, U. Scinzenzeler, | 115 | Cyprian. Epistulae. 1471. Rome, Sweynheym & Pannartz, | 87 | Dante. Divina Commedia. 1476. Venice, W. of Speier, | 40 | Decor Puellarum. See Honore de le Donzelle. | Destructorium Vitiorum. 1485. Cologne, s. n. t., | 168 | —— 1496. Nuremberg, A. Koberger, | ib. | —— 1497. Paris, P. Levet, | ib. | Durandus, Gul. Speculum. 1488. Venice, Paganinis & Arrivabene, | 166 | Exercitium puerorum grammaticale. 1494. Strassburg, s. n. t., | 95 | Faber, Joannes. Breviarium super codice. c. 1475. Louvain, John of Westphalia, | 84 | Fasciculus Temporum. 1476. Louvain, J. Veldener, | 84 | —— 1481. Rougemont, H. Wirzburg, | 167 | —— 1482. Basel, B. Richel, | ib. | —— 1495. Geneva, s. n. t., | 168 | Gambilionibus, Angelus de. Lectura super Institutionum libros quatuor. 1473. Pavia, Jo. de Sidriano, | 58 | Gambilionibus, Angelus de. Tractatus Maleficiorum. 1472. Mantua, Petrus Adam, | 60 | Godefroy of Boloyne. 1481. Westminster, W. Caxton, | 134 | Gregory IX. Decretales. 1474. Rome, U. Han, | 108 | —— 1489. Venice, P. de Paganinis, | 169 | —— 1491. Venice, Jo. Hamann, | ib. | Gringore, P. Le Chasteau de Labour. 1500/01. Paris, Pigouchet for Vostre, | 179 | Guido de Baysio. Super Decretis. 1481. Venice, John of Cologne & Jenson, | 78 | Guillermus. Postilla. 1493. Strassburg, s. n. t., | 183 | Harderwyck, Gerard. Commentarii in quatuor libros noue logice. 1494. Cologne, U. Zell, | 156 | Herolt, Joannes. Sermones Discipuli de Tempore. 1476. Rostock, Brothers of the Common Life, | 93 | Homeliarius Doctorum. 1499. Basel, N. Kessler, | 155 | Homer. Opera. 1488. Florence, B. Libri, | 5 | Honore de le Donzelle. ‘1461.’ Venice, N. Jenson, | 45 | Hroswitha. Opera. 1501. Nuremberg, Sodalitas Celtica, | 119 | Hugo de S. Caro. Postilla super Psalterium. 1496. Venice, Gregorii, | 112 | Jacobus Bergomensis. Supplementum Chronicarum. 1483. Venice, B. Benalius, | 131 | —— 1490. Venice, B. Rizus, | 132 | Jerome. Commentaria in Bibliam. 1498. Venice, Gregorii, | 112 | Jerome. Epistulae. 1470. Mainz, P. Schoeffer, | 19 | Jerome. Expositio in symbolum Apostolorum. See Rufinus. | Journal Spirituel. 1505. Paris, A. VÉrard, | 105 | Justinian. Codex. 1475. Mainz, P. Schoeffer, | 24 | Justinian. Institutiones. 1476. Mainz, P. Schoeffer, | 26 | Laet, Joannes. Pronosticationes. 1476. Louvain, John of Westphalia, | 86 | Leonardo, Aretino. De Bello Italico. 1471. Venice, N. Jenson, | 48 | Leonardo, Aretino. Istoria Fiorentina. 1476. Venice, Ja. de Rossi, | 180 | Lima Vitiorum. See Quadragesimale. | Lucretius. De Rerum Natura. c. 1473. Brescia, T. Ferrandus, | 153 | Luctus Christianorum. See Pianto de Christiani. | Malory, Sir Thomas. Morte d’Arthur. 1485. Westminster, W. Caxton, | 125 | Mandeville, Sir John. Itinerarius. s. a. Caracteribus Veneticis, | 80 | Maneken, Carolus. Epistolarum Formulae. 1476. Louvain, J. Veldener, | 164 | Mataratius, Franciscus. De componendis versibus. ‘1468.’ Venice, E. Ratdolt, | 46 note | Mates, Bartolommeo. Libellus pro efficiendis orationibus. ‘1468.’ Barcelona, Jo. Gherlinc, | 46 note | Matthaeus Silvaticus. Liber cibalis. 1474. Naples, Arnold of Brussels, | 106 | Miraculi de la Vergene Maria. ‘1469.’ Milan, Lavagna, | 60 | Mirror of the World. 1480. Westminster, W. Caxton, | 176 | Missale Vratislauiense. 1483. Mainz, P. Schoeffer, | 8 | Missale Misnense. 1485. Freiberg, C. Kachelofen, | 66 | Missale Romanum. 1484. Venice, Paganinis & Arrivabene, | 147 | Missale Salisburgense. 1498. Nuremberg, G. Stuchs, | 145 | Natta, Georgius. Repetitio de verborum significatione. 1482. Pavia, C. de Canibus, | 125 | Nicolaus de Auximo. Supplementum Summae Pisanellae (author’s colophon), | 133 | —— (Printer’s) c. 1472. Venice, W. of Speier, | 173 | Nuremberg Chronicle. See Schedel. | Pace, Richard. Oratio. 1518. London, R. Pynson, | 118 | Parole devote de l’anima inamorata. 1471. Venice, N. Jenson, | 44 | Paul, S. Epistres S. Pol. 1507. Paris, A. VÉrard, | 117 | Petrarch. Sonetti. 1470. Venice, W. of Speier, | 38 | Petrarch. Trionfi. 1477. Lucca, Bar. de Cividale, | 59 | Petrus de Abano. Expositio Problematum Aristotelis. 1475. Mantua, Paul of Butzbach, | 97 | Petrus de Abano. Remedia Venenorum. 1475. Rome, J. P. de Lignamine, | 175 | Petrus de Ancharano. Repetitio. 1493. Bologna, Ben. Hectoris, | 141 | Phalaris. Epistolae. 1485. Oxford, Rood & Hunte, | 61 | Pianto de Christiani. 1471. Venice, N. Jenson, | 43 | Pius II, Pope. Epistolae. ‘1458.’ Cologne, J. Koelhoff, | 47 | Pliny. Historia Naturalis. 1469. Venice, John of Speier, | 35 | Plutarch. Apophthegmata. 1471. Venice, John of Speier, | 38 | Politian. Opera. 1499. ‘Florence.’ [Brescia, B. Misinta.] | 160 | Psalterium. 1457. Mainz, Fust & Schoeffer, | 12 | Psalterium. 1459. Mainz, Fust & Schoeffer, | 13 | Quadragesimale quod dicitur Lima Vitiorum. 1497. Brescia, Ang. Britannicus, | 114 | Quintilian. Instituta. 1471. Venice, N. Jenson, | 48 | Regius, Raphael. Epistulae Plinii. 1490. Venice, Anima Mia, | 74 | Robertus de Licio. Quadragesimale. 1472. Venice, B. de Cremona, | 52 | Rolewinck, Werner. See Fasciculus Temporum. | Royal Book. 1484. Westminster, W. Caxton, | 135 | Rufinus of Aquileia. Expositio in symbolum Apostolorum. ‘1468.’ Oxford. [T. Rood.] | 46 note | Sallust. Opera. 1470. Venice, W. of Speier, | 37 | —— [Second edition.] 1471, | 39 | —— 1470. Paris, Gering, &c., | 69 | —— 1474. Venice, John of Cologne & J. Manthen, | 77 | Schedel, Hartmann. Liber Chronicarum. 1493. Nuremberg, A. Koberger, | 121 | Seneca. Tragediae. 1497. Venice, P. Bergamascho, | 113 | Statius. Achilleis. 1473. Parma, S. Corallus, | 109 | Suetonius. Vitae Caesarum. 1471. Venice, N. Jenson, | 47 | Thomas Aquinas. De Veritate. 1499. Cologne, H. Quenteil, | 145 | Thomas Aquinas. Quodlibet. 1475. Ulm, J. Zainer, | 58 | Tituli Decisionum. 1477. Mainz, P. Schoeffer, | 23 | Tritheim, Joh. Compendium de Origine regum et gentis Francorum. 1515. Mainz, J. Schoeffer, | 26 | Triumpho de Virtude. 1471. Venice, N. Jenson, | 44 | Turrecremata, Cardinal. Meditationes. 1472. Rome, U. Han, | 120 | Valla, Laur. De Elegantia Linguae Latinae. 1475. Rome, A. Pannartz, | 96 | Valturius. De Re Militari. 1472. Verona, J. de Verona, | 120 | Vegetius. De Militari Disciplina. 1488. Pescia, Sig. Rodt, | 100 | Virgil. Opera. 1472. Padua, L. Achates, | 54 | —— 1471/72. Florence, Cennini, | 63 | Visconti, Gasparo. Rithmi. 1493. Milan, A. Zarotus, | 103 | Vitas Patrum. 1495. Westminster, W. de Worde, | 72, 174 | Vocabularius ex quo. 1467. Eltville, BechtermÜnze & Spiess, | 15 |
i class="isub1">list of, 173. DuprÉ and Gerard, colophon quoted, 179. Easter day, 1470-1521, list of dates on which it fell, 178; French year began with, 179. Editions, number of copies in those first printed at Venice, 32, 34, 37; at Milan, 151 sq. Editors’ and authors’ colophons, 123-158. Eggestein, Heinrich, his books before 1471 not dated, 11. Elementa, Elementatum, meaning of the words, 24-80. England, year used to begin on March 25th in, 176; regnal years of kings (1461-1603), 172. Errors of dating in colophons and in reading them, 183 sq. Floods, allusion to, in a colophon, 167. Florence, colophons of books printed at, 5, 63, 154, 160; Florentine year began on Lady day, 181. Foresti, Jacobus. See Jacobus Bergomensis. Fossa, Evangelio, privilege granted to, for all his writings, 113. France, regnal years of kings (1461-1610), 172. Franciscus, Magister, his verses in Mainz editions of Justinian, 26. Free trade, effect of, on English printing, 110. Freiberg, first book printed at, 67. Fust, Johann, colophons from books printed by, 10 sqq.; failure of his health, 18. Geese of the Capitol, Ulrich Han’s allusion to, 88. ‘Germani fidelissimi,’ who they were, 77. Germany, day on which the year began in, 177; method of indicating days of the month and week by saints’ days, introits, etc., used in, 182 sq.; privileges for exclusive printing granted in, 119. Grammars vaunted as royal roads to learning, 95 sqq. Grammatical slips in borrowed colophons, 165 sq. Greek, allusion in a Florentine colophon to the practice of leaving blank spaces for Greek quotations, 64; a Greek colophon, 5. Gregorii, J. and G., colophons quoted, 112 sqq. Gutenberg, Johann, never put his name to any printed book, 11; his tradition of secrecy imitated, ib.; sale of his types, 17. Hamann, Johann, adopts part of a colophon, 169. Han, Ulrich, colophons quoted, 88, 101, 108, 120; financed by Simon Chardella, 101; copies Schoeffer’s colophons and makes blunders in them, 165-168. Henry VII, Caxton’s relations with, 137. Herbort, Johann, colophons quoted, 78 sq. Hoemberch, Conrad de. See Winters. Horae, references in, to their pictures, Wendelin of Speier. Stuchs, Georg, colophon quoted, 146. Sweynheym and Pannartz, their apology for their harsh names, 87. Therhoernen, Arnold, colophon quoted, 92. Title-pages, first appearance of, xvii. Tuppo, Francesco, relations with Riessinger, 76. V misprinted for X, 61; often mistaken for it, 183. Valdarfer, Christopher, colophons quoted, 49, 51; his colophon to his 1474 ‘Confessionale’ unintelligently copied in Germany, 161. Veldener, Jan, mentions his device in a colophon, 84 sq.; one of his colophons pirated by Conrad of Westphalia, 163 sq.; its subsequent history, 165. Venice, colophons quoted, 25-56, 77, 80, 111, 112, 124, 131, 132, 147, 173; Oxford colophon’s allusion to Venice printers, 62; a reference to its foundation, 70; book privileges granted at, 111-113; list of doges of, 173; date when the year began at, 180. VÉrard, Antoine, careful address in his colophons, 105; colophons quoted, 105, 117. Verona, colophon quoted, 120. Verse, use of, in colophons, 31; the author’s apology for his renderings, ib. Vicenza, books printed at, protected by Venetian privileges, 115. Virgil, verses in Wendelin of Speier’s 1470 edition, 37. War, references to, in colophons, 69 sq. Wendelin of Speier, colophons quoted, 36-41. Wenssler, Michael, colophon quoted, 82; imitates Schoeffer’s use of armorial device, 22; copies one of Schoeffer’s colophons, 168. Westminster colophons. See Caxton. Westphalia, John of. See John. Winds, allusion to, in a colophon, 168. Winters, Conrad, mentions his device in a colophon, 85. Wirzburg, Heinrich, colophon quoted, 166. Wolgemut, M., illustrator of the ‘Nuremberg Chronicle,’ 121. X, examples of accidental omission of, from dates in colophons, 43, 46 sq.; V printed in the place of, 61; often mistaken for it, 183. Year, date of beginning in various countries, 175 sqq. Zainer, GÜnther, verse colophon with acrostic of his Christian name, 81. Zainer, Johann, colophon quoted, PRINTED FOR THE CAXTON CLUB THE DE VINNE PRESS IMPRIMATVR |