The State Legislature


"The bill for erecting the two Bridges at Pittsburgh has passed both houses. The sites are fixed at St. Clair-street for the Allegheny and Smithfield-street for the Monongahela. The state subscribes $40,000 of stock for each bridge.

A bill is about being reported for establishing a horse and cattle market in the vicinity of Pittsburgh.

The bill for erecting Pittsburgh into a city has passed the senate and is before the house, where it is expected to pass through without opposition.

The bill for erecting a new county out of parts of Allegheny, Westmoreland, Washington, and Fayette, is reported. This bill will throw off the greater part of Elizabeth township from Allegheny county. There have been no remonstrances against it received from this county; but we understand that some have been received from the other counties concerned.

The bill for erecting a Poorhouse for Allegheny county, it is expected will pass." Mercury, Feb. 24, 1816.

"We regret to say that neither from our correspondent at Harrisburg nor from the papers printed there, have we been enabled to procure an account of the legislative proceedings. We take two papers published at the seat of government, but from some unaccountable reason they do not contain the intelligence our readers require. We are reduced to the necessity of picking up here and there from letters to editors—from information derived from travellers—or from some other like inconclusive sources of information, that intelligence with which Journals published at the seat of government should supply us. They ought to be the fountains of information to the mass of the community: Instead of dabbling in politics and abusing or eulogizing party leaders, they should deal in facts. The National Intelligencer we look upon as the best model with which we are acquainted of a national journal." Commonwealth, Dec. 24, 1816.


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