Eagle Fire Company


"In 1811 the second epoch in the company's history may be said to have started, the younger element having gradually crept in and assumed control of affairs, and the older men had to some extent lost interest and perhaps gained rheumatism in the fire service. The company was now re-organized on a more active and vigorous basis. The first engineer to take charge under the new regime was William Eichbaum, who continued to act in that capacity until 1832, when he was elected First Chief Engineer of the Fire Department on its organization….

In the company organization the most important duty devolved upon the Bucket Committee. Every citizen was required to keep two or three heavy leather buckets with his name painted on them, and in case of fire these were all brought on the ground. Two lines of men and women were formed to the water supply, to pass the full buckets to and the empty ones from the engine…. When the fire was extinguished all the buckets were left on the ground till next day. Then, as many of the inscriptions were obliterated, there was some stealing of buckets and consequent fights. Certain folks … picked out the best buckets, just as in modern times some people get the best hats, or umbrellas, at the conclusion of a party. The Bucket Committee, to put a stop to this, decided to deliver all buckets to their respective owners." Dawson's Our firemen.



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