"As early as the year 1815, there were only three banks in Pittsburgh; viz., the Bank of Pennsylvania, located on the north side of Second Avenue, between Chancery Lane and Ferry Street; Bank of Pittsburg, south-west corner of Market and Third Streets; Farmers and Mechanics' Bank, north side of Third, between Wood and Market Streets,—the aggregate capital amounting to less than two million dollars, which was considered abundantly adequate to the business of that period." Parke's Recollections of seventy years. The Bank of Pittsburgh is situated on the s.w. corner of Market and Third streets. President,
Cashier Open daily from 9 o'clock a.m. till 3 p.m., except Sunday, Fourth of July, Christmas and Fast days. Discount day, Wednesday. Capital $600,000. Shares $50 each. Dividends, first Mondays in May and November. Pittsburgh directory, 1815. The Office of Discount and Deposit of the Bank of Pennsylvania is situated on the north side of Second between Market and Ferry streets. President,
Pittsburgh directory, 1815. THE FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK OF PITTSBURGH. Cashier Open daily from 9 o'clock a.m. till 3 p.m., except Sunday, Fourth of July, Christmas and Fast days. Discount day, Thursday. Is situated on the north side of Third, between Market and Wood streets. President,
Pittsburgh directory, 1815. |