


Much water has run under the bridges of the Allegheny and the Monongahela rivers, since the sketch, "The Names of Pittsburgh Streets" was written, and changes as radical as those that took place between the first years of the Nineteenth Century and the early days of the twentieth, have revolutionized the historic "Point" in the last decade.

Just as the French and Indians stole down the river before the advance of Gen. Forbes and his British and Colonial troops in 1758, so did the denizens of the aforesaid "Point" melt away in every direction before the steam shovels, creaking derricks and snorting engines of the Pennsylvania Railroad in 1904-05.

With the consolidation of Pittsburgh and Allegheny into one city came other changes. Some of the old streets whose names commemorated dead patriots associated with Colonial and Revolutionary Pittsburgh, are buried under embankments, concrete walls and brick warehouses. Other names have been dropped and certain etymological curiosities have been put in their places. Still others have been transferred to distant and irrelevant localities, and an old resident, returning from the world of shades would be sadly confused if looking for old landmarks, Fort Pitt and all pertaining to it, excepting only the Block House, vanished long ago. There is nothing left of the later age which saw "Rice's Castle" in its glory. The new industrialism is steadily and rapidly blotting out the picturesque and historic all around us. Let all good Pittsburghers unite to preserve the little that is left, the Redoubt built by Col. Bouquet in 1764.

Julia Morgan Harding.


Transcriber's Note

Some inconsistent hyphenation and spelling in the original document has been preserved.
Typographical errors corrected in the text:
Page 10 recommmendation changed to recommendation
Page 11 beginnning changed to beginning
Page 15 howitzigers changed to howitzers
Page 15 contreoeur changed to contrecoeur
Page 23 reveilee changed to reveille
Page 24 succedeed changed to succeeded
Page 24 contreoeur changed to contrecoeuvr
Page 30 surrouoned changed to surrounded
Page 32 garisons changed to garrisons
Page 33 construted chanaged to constructed
Page 48 posession changed to possession
Page 48 hunded changed to hundred
Page 53 Alliquippa changed to Aliquippa
Page 54 Alliquippa changed to Aliquippa
Page 55 conspicious changed to conspicuous
Page 58 in changed to an
Page 61 she changed to he


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