1753—The French begin to build a chain of forts to enforce their boundaries. December 11, 1753.—Washington visits Fort Le Boeuf. January, 1754.—Washington lands on Wainwright's Island in the Allegheny river.—Recommends that a Fort be built at the "Forks of the Ohio." February 17, 1754.—A fort begun at the "Forks of the Ohio" by Capt. William Trent. April 16, 1754.—Ensign Ward, with thirty-three men, surprised here by the French, and surrenders. June, 1754.—Fort Duquesne completed. May 28, 1754.—Washington attacks Coulon de Jumonville at Great Meadows. July 9, 1755.—Braddock's defeat. April, 1758.—Brig. Gen. John Forbes takes command. August, 1758.—Fort Bedford built. October, 1758.—Fort Ligonier built. November 24, 1758.—Fort Duquesne destroyed by the retreating French. November 25, 1758.—Gen. Forbes takes possession. August, 1759.—Fort Pitt begun by Gen. John Stanwix. May, 1763.—Conspiracy of Pontiac. July, 1763.—Fort Pitt besieged by Indians. 1764.—Col. Henry Bouquet builds the Redoubt. October 10, 1772.—Fort Pitt abandoned by the British. January, 1774.—Dr. James Connelly occupies Fort Pitt with Virginia militia, and changes name to Fort Dunmore. July, 1776.—Indian conference at Fort Pitt.—Pontiac and Guyasuta. June 1, 1777.—Brig. Gen. Hand takes command of the fort. 1778.—Gen. McIntosh succeeds Hand. November, 1781.—Gen. William Irvine takes command. May 19, 1791.—Maj. Isaac Craig reports Fort Pitt in a ruinous condition.—Builds Fort Lafayette. September 4, 1805.—The historic site purchased by Gen. James O'Hara. April 1, 1894.—Mrs. Mary E. Schenley, granddaughter of Gen. James O'Hara, presents Col. Bouquet's Redoubt to the Daughters of the American Revolution of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.