- Author’s own experience, 23
- Advice to readers of discourses, 29
- Ancients and moderns, 34
- Augustine, 34
- Antony’s speech analyzed, 57
- Articulation, 116
- Action in gesture, 122
- Architecture of continuous thought, 160
- Arrangement of thought, 164
- Burdens of the extempore speaker, 15
- Beecher, H. W., 40
- Brutus’ speech analyzed, 54
- Benevolent emotion, 97
- Bautain’s comparison, 161
- “Be bold,” 165
- Bodily vigor, 193
- Books of illustration, 243
- Beatitudes in syllogistic form, 255
- Coldness of reading explained, 23
- Composite discourse, 25
- Cicero, 33
- Chatham, Lord, 36
- Clay, 40
- Calhoun, 40
- Critical taste must not be too high, 44
- Conclusion, 49
- Cultivating emotional power, 95
- Conversation, 105
- Correcting faults of voice, 119
- Correcting faults of gesture, 122
- Confidence acquired, 125
- Confidence, false and true, 127
- Confidence, power of, 128
- Confidence while silent before an audience, 129
- Changing plan at last moment, 190
- Complimentary introductions, 201
- Citations as introductions, 204
- Calamity from bad introductions, 205
- Climax, law of, 208
- Crisis of discourse, 211
- Concluding, three ways of, 215
- Conclusion should have no new matter, 215
- Classification, 250
- Correcting shorthand reports, 266
- Demosthenes, 33
- Discussion, 48
- Dean Swift’s sermon, 53
- Discussion in a free state, 66
- Disease as a hindrance, 81
- Disqualifications summed up, 86
- Drill on the elementary sounds, 116
- Duty as a remedy for fear, 126
- Divisional or military plan, 168
- Deep breathing, 195
- Diffuseness remedied, 209
- Definition in speech, 48
- Three classes of men in respect to eloquence, 74
- PRACTICAL ELOCUTION. By J. W. Shoemaker, A. M. This work, as its name imports, is a condensed yet comprehensive treatment of the whole subject of elocution, giving brief consideration to all the topics bearing upon natural expression, with, exercises illustrative of the several departments. 12mo. Cloth, 200 pages, $1.25.
ELOCUTIONIST’S ANNUAL. 11 Numbers now ready. Each number contains pieces suitable for the holidays, school exhibitions, lyceums and literary societies, private readings, anniversaries, church and Sunday-school gatherings, educational, temperance, and political meetings, and a large and varied list of selections for public and professional entertainments; and, as a supplementary reading-book, is especially adapted to the wants of higher classes in schools. 200 pages. Paper binding, 35 cents; cloth binding, 75 cents; green and gold, $1.00. BEST THINGS FROM BEST AUTHORS. 3 Volumes. Each volume is composed of three numbers of The Elocutionist’s Annual in the order of issue, comprising the latest and best productions of the most popular English and American writers of to-day, together with the choicest selections of standard literature adapted to reading in public and private. 600 pages. Cloth binding, $1.50; green and gold, $2.00; flexible morocco, $2.50. ORATORY. An able and instructive discourse by Rev. Henry Ward Beecher. Limp cloth, 25 cents. THE WHITE SUNLIGHT OF POTENT WORDS. A scholarly and eloquent oration on the characteristics of effective public delivery, by Dr. John S. MacIntosh. Limp cloth, 25 cents. ELOCUTIONARY CHARTS: Table of Vocal Exercises. A small wall chart, 32×44 inches, handsomely mounted. This chart presents in outline the system of voice culture employed in this Institution, and will be found of very great practical value to teachers or students, and to all interested in this important field of art. Price, $2.00. Outline of Elocution and Analysis of Principles. A large wall chart, 60×72 inches, handsomely mounted. The arrangement of this chart is striking and suggestive, and presents a clear and practical analysis of the whole subject. Price, $5.00. The above publications for sale by all Booksellers and Newsdealers, or will be sent, post-paid, upon receipt of price by the publishers. Liberal terms in quantity or for first supply to schools. Correspondence solicited. Address, JOHN H. BECHTEL, Secretary, 1416 and 1418 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. National School of Elocution and Oratory, (J. W. SHOEMAKER, A. M., Founder.) DEPARTMENT OF INSTRUCTION. Board of Directors: WILLIAM S. SCHOFIELD, President. - Bishop Matthew Simpson,
- Rev. R. D. Harper, D. D.,
- Rev. George K. Morris, D. D.,
- Rev. J. R. Danforth,
- Edward Brooks, Ph. D.,
- Thomas Marshall,
- Phineas Garrett,
- Ex-Gov. James Pollock,
- Hon. William A. Pile,
- A. G. B. Hinkle, M. D.,
- Rev. E. F. Torrance, A. M.,
- Dr. A. P. Tompkins,
- Nelson F. Evans,
- John Douglas,
- Lucien B. Alexander,
- Hon. J. P. Wickersham,
- A. W. Miller, M. D., Ph. D.,
- Col. J. A. Price,
- George Eastburn, A. M.,
- Edward L. Pearson,
- Crawford Spear,
- John W. Francis.
This Course has reference to the Oral Forms of Expression, and includes Theory and Practice in Conversation, Voice, Action, Reading, Dramatic Recitation, Oratory. Instruction is this Course may be taken either in class or privately, day or evening. Parliamentary Practice will be afforded throughout this Course and the Course in Oratory. This Course has reference to a thorough Classical English Education, as well as to Effective Public Delivery. It includes prominently, Conversation, English Language, History, Rhetoric, Literature, Composition, Criticism, Critical Shakespeare, Logic, Mental Science, Moral Philosophy. Students not wishing to take the entire Course in Oratory may arrange to pursue Special studies. Quarterly terms of nine weeks each begin in October, December, February, and April. A summer term of six weeks begins in July. For further particulars send for full descriptive catalogue of sixty pages. Address, JOHN H. BECHTEL, Secretary, 1416 and 1418 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. |