CHAPTER | | PAGE | I. | —A Secret Military Expedition | 9 | II. | —Midnight Consultation | 27 | III. | —Companions and Incidents | 36 | IV. | —A Locomotive and Train Captured | 65 | V. | —Unforeseen Hindrances | 75 | VI. | —A Terrible Railroad Chase | 93 | VII. | —A Night in the Woods | 120 | VIII. | —In the Enemy's Power | 136 | IX. | —Other Captures | 153 | X. | —A Horrible Prison | 170 | XI. | —Lights and Shadows of Prison | 182 | XII. | —The First Tragedy | 197 | XIII. | —A Confederate Court-Martial | 205 | XIV. | —The Crowning Horror | 221 | XV. | —Prison Religion | 228 | XVI. | —Liberty or Death? | 244 | XVII. | —Romantic Escapes | 262 | XVIII. | —From Atlanta to the Gulf | 274 | XIX. | —From Atlanta to Richmond | 293 | XX. | —Libby and Castle Thunder | 308 | XXI. | —Sickness and Liberty | 326 | | APPENDIX: | | | No. I. | —Extracts from the Report of Judge-Advocate-General Holt | 341 | | to the Secretaryof War | | No. II. | —A Southern Estimate | 345 | No. III. | — A Frenchman's View Of The Chattanooga | 350 | | Railroad Expedition | | No. IV. | —Old Scenes Revisited | 352 |