Figs. 13B and 14B. Modern wooden tumbler or pin-lock from Yarkand (India Museum). Fig. 13B. Longitudinal section showing pegs raised by key A preparatory to withdrawing the bolt B. Fig. 14B. Longitudinal section showing pegs down and bolt locked. Figs. 15B to 20B. Reproduction of Roman tumbler lock (Mainz Museum) (Lindenschmit). Fig. 15B. Front view. Fig. 16B. Longitudinal section. Fig. 17B. Transverse section on C D. Fig. 18B. Section through A B. Fig. 19B. Bolt (top view). Fig. 20B. Key. a. Key. b. Bolt. c. Block, e. Hasp. f f. Tumblers. g. Spring. h. Plate of spring. Fig. 21B. Ancient hasp from Hetternheim, Roman. Fig. 22B. Bronze bolt from Oppenheim, Roman. Fig. 23B. Bronze bolt from Heddernheim, Roman. Fig. 24B. Iron key found in the River Rhine at Mayence, Roman. Fig. 25B. Key for tumbler lock with ward plate, Roman ('La Ferronnerie'). Fig. 26B. Bolt for single tumbler found in the Forest of CompiÈgne, Roman ('La Ferronnerie'). Fig. 27B. Key to raise single tumbler lock found at Nonfous, Switzerland, Roman ('La Ferronnerie'). Fig. 28B. Modern pick-lock. Fig. 29B. Key found in Germano-Roman tomb at Niderolm (probable use shown in fig. 9B, Plate II.). Fig. 30B and Fig. 31B. Anglo-Saxon keys found at Sarr, in Kent ('ArchÆologia Cantiana'). Fig. 32B and Fig. 33B. Two keys from Bornholm, in the Baltic ('MÉmoires de la SociÉtÉ Royale es Antiquaries du Nord'). Plate III Wyman & Sons, Printers, Gt. Queen St. London, W.C. |