Figs. 268 to 270.—Long oval wooden bowl carved out of the solid. On one side (Fig. 269) is a row of five human figures in relief; the central figure has his hands upheld by attendants, who hold in their other hands shields having barbed javelins, points upward behind them. The shields are ornamented with straight line diaper pattern. Another figure holds an object under the arm, perhaps a drum or a food vessel. At both ends there is a representation of a degenerate elephant’s head, the proboscis terminating in a human hand holding a branch, similar to Figs. 72, 167, and 316. At one end is a rude representation of a degenerate mud-fish. The other side of the bowl (Fig. 268) is ornamented with a broad guilloche pattern and a square interlaced figure. The interior of the bowl is very rudely chiselled out, showing marks of the tool all over. The carving is very rough and much in the style of the execution block, Figs. 259 and 260, Plate XXXIV. Fig. 271