
Figs. 249 and 250.—Large bronze cover, use unknown; the ribs ornamented in the usual incised style of Benin work.

Figs. 251 and 252.—Top of a bronze mace, with slits resembling a crotal and a figure with an object, probably a neolithic celt, in the right hand. The figure appears to be bent forward.

Fig. 253

Fig. 253.—Bronze round bell, similar to those attached to the dresses on the plaques, Fig. 254, Plate XXXIII, and Fig. 264, Plate XXXIV.

Fig. 254.—Bronze plaque, representing a warrior, execution sword upheld in right hand; broad leaf-shaped sword in left, with a twisted ring or pommel. Quadrangular bell on neck, ornamented with a sinuous snake. Round bell on side; peculiar head-dress; armlets; object like a book under left arm; teeth necklace.

Fig. 255.—Bronze plaque, representing two figures, the right one having a broad leaf-shaped sword upheld in right hand, with a large ring extending from pommel; teeth necklace, but no coral choker; no bell on neck; cylindro-oval head-dress with feather on left side. Both figures hold the same spear, point downwards. Left figure with shield on left arm, quadrangular bell, and leopard’s skin dress. Head-dress of the same form as the other, ornamented with cowrie shells. Skirts of both figures ornamented with human heads.

Fig. 256.—Carved wooden Jekri paddle, neighbourhood of Benin. Modern. Chain link shaft. Face on handle end. Pierced work blade.

Fig. 257.—Carved wooden Jekri paddle, neighbourhood of Benin. Modern. Chain link shaft. Full length human figure on handle end. Pierced work blade, with human figures, crocodiles, etc.

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