Fig. 115 Fig. 115.—Brass key, a good deal filed and tooled all over. Handle ornamented with twisted rope pattern. The form of this key cannot be identified as Roman, and is probably European. Fig. 116 Fig. 117 Fig. 117.—Brass bell, with reticulated pierced work. Negro head on front. This bell is interesting as being a survival of the bells so often seen hanging from the necks of the figures on the plaques. It is evident that it never could have emitted any sound. Fig. 118 Fig. 118.—Entire tortoise shell, upper and under sides, in brass; ornamented on the upper side with geometrical pattern; each figure inlaid with a copper bolt or stud in the centre. Figs. 119 and 120.—Bronze human head for holding carved elephants’ tusks. The head-dress, pointed and reticulated, representing coral or agate. Four tribal marks over each eye. Six vertical bands of inlaid iron-work over the nose. The pupils of the eyes are of iron. The head-dress resembles Figs. 100 and 101, Plate XVII. Coral choker. Guilloche pattern on projecting base.