Figs. 94 and 95.—Bronze cast of human head. Negro features. Three tribal marks over each eye. Pupils of eyes inlaid with iron. Reticulated head-dress and rosettes of coral or agate, similar to that represented in Plate XXI, Fig. 121. Coral choker, badge of rank. Twelve bands of coral and a band apparently of plaited hair hanging from head-dress on each side. Figs. 96 and 97.—Human head in brass. Marked negro features, tattoed with dots and hatchings above and below the eyes. Branch-like figures, perhaps coral, growing out of the eyes. Three tribal marks over each eye. Pupils of eyes inlaid with iron. Reticulated head-dress and rosettes, of coral or agate, similar to those represented in Plate XXI, Fig. 121. Peculiar figures on each side of the head-dress, perhaps representing feathers. Coral choker, badge of rank. Bands of coral or agate hang down from the head-dress at the sides and back of the head. On the projecting base are represented two leopards, an ox’s head, and other animals, four arms and hands, and a neolithic celt in front.