Fig. 317.—Wooden plaque, ornamented in the centre by a coil of interlaced strap-work, bounded by two lines of zigzag pattern. On one side a broad leaf-shaped sword with a ring pommel, similar to Figs. 326 and 327, Plate XLII, and Figs. 328 and 329, Plate XLIII. The handle is ornamented with a straight line diaper pattern. On the other side is represented an execution sword, similar to Fig. 110, Plate XVIII. Figs. 318 and 319.—Wooden seat, of oblong form, supported by four legs, with cross-braces. All the ornamental portions are plated with thin brass, beaten on and riveted. The top of the seat is ornamented in the centre and ends by bands of single and double guilloche pattern, and in the centre of the squares by a square pattern of interlaced strands riveted on, similar to that represented on the blade of the sword, Fig. 199, Plate XXVIII. The legs and sides of the seat are ornamented by wheel-shaped forms, in eight places, and half-moons, similar to those on the ground-work of the plaque, Fig. 180, Plate XXVII. The stool in various parts is ornamented by brass-headed nails, which might perhaps be European.