Figs. 31 and 32.—Ivory carving of female. The design as rude as found in any part of Africa. Necklet and armlets the same as on the bronze figures. Fig. 33 Fig. 33.—Ivory cup, stained brown. Fig. 34 Fig. 34.—Bronze drinking cup, the same as represented in wood-carving, Fig. 27, Plate VI. Figs. 35 and 36.—Lion in bronze. The back is cut in a curved line, as if adapting it as a foot to some object. Fig. 37 Fig. 37.—Bracelet of brass, somewhat twisted. Fig. 38 Figs. 39 and 40.—Brass bracelet, with negro heads of copper inlaid. Mud-fish springing from nose on each side and turned up. Coral chokers, badges of rank. The ring is decorated with incised floral ornaments.