Two arguments can be brought forth to prove that the Partialist doctrines are not taught in the Scriptures: the one is drawn from the Scriptures themselves, and the other is drawn from history. The first argument, drawn from the Scriptures, is this: The Partialist doctrines are not taught in the Scriptures, if it can be proved by the Scriptures themselves that the Partialist doctrines are not contained therein. But it can be proved by the Scriptures themselves that the Partialist doctrines are not contained therein. Then the Partialist doctrines are not taught in the Scriptures. The second argument, drawn from history, is this: The Partialist doctrines are not taught in the Scriptures, if it can be proved by history, that the origin of the Partialist doctrines is Pagan. But it can be proved by history that the origin of the Partialist doctrines is Pagan. Then the Partialist doctrines are not taught in the Scriptures. These two arguments, as he who reflects can easily perceive, not only corroborate each other, but their respective proving force is such, that, if considered separately, each one is sufficient to peremptorily prove that the Partialist doctrines are not taught in the Scriptures. The former, till now, we Universalists have exclusively May God bless this work, intended to confirm the Universalists in their beloved faith; and also to break the chain of prejudice which keeps millions of men in ignorance, in superstition, in perpetual fear, and thereby in spiritual bondage: "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." THE AUTHOR. |