On the 23rd of May 1860, the long delayed marriage of Rossetti to Miss Siddal took place in St. Clement’s Church, Hastings, and the married couple went to Paris for their honeymoon. While staying there Rossetti did two pen-and-ink drawings one of which called “How they meet themselves,” was done to replace the one made in 1851 and lost; the other representing a scene from the “Life of Johnson” by Boswell, quite an unusual subject for the artist. To the same year belongs the picture representing Lucrezia Borgia washing her hands after preparing poison for her husband the Duke Alphonso of Bisceglia. In 1861 Rossetti’s translation from the Italian poets was at last published with the “Vita Nuova” in a volume entitled “The Italian Poets from Cuillo d’Alcamo The two years following his marriage (1860-1862) were amongst the most prolific of Rossetti’s life both in ideas and invention. Besides “Cassandra” he planned the composition for a large picture which was commissioned but never finished, representing Perseus with the Medusa’s head; and he made the first pencil studies for his famous “Beata Beatrix.” With 1862 is associated the water-colour, “Bethlehem Gate.” It is also about this time (1861-1862) that the now famous firm of Morris, Marshall, Faulkner & Co. was established with the co-operation of William The idea of the commercial attempt on the artistic lines to reform the art of decoration and furniture-making was, says Mr. Mackail, largely due to Madox Brown, but perhaps more to Rossetti, who, in spite of his artistic qualities, was a very good business man and had the scent of a trained financier for anything likely to pay. The little band of original artists and designers took in hand tapestry, furniture, wall papers, stained-glass, and later on, carpet weaving and dyeing. The terms under which they worked were very simple. Each member was to be paid for the work commissioned by the firm, and the profits were to be divided in a proper ratio at the end. The new firm had plenty to do owing to the demand for ritual decorations caused by the Anglo-Catholic movement. Amongst the first commissions were those for adorning In dealing with stained-glass Rossetti who was specially gifted as a decorator, understood his medium, and in making his design took into account all the limitations of the material. He did not seek to paint a picture on glass, but maintained that idea of a mosaic of coloured-glass that is seen to so much advantage in the early vitraux. Amongst works designed by him for the firm Morris & Co. the following may be mentioned: “Adam and Eve,” two designs for stained-glass, and “St. George and the Dragon,” six designs for stained-glass. One of them representing the princess drawing the fatal lot he painted as a water-colour. “King Rene’s Honeymoon,” a design for one of four panels representing the Arts, was done for a gothic cabinet that Mr. J.P. Seddon In either 1861 or 1862 Rossetti designed two illustrations for his sister Christina’s book of poems “Goblin Market.” They were engraved on wood and appear in Messrs. Macmillan’s edition. In May 1861 Mrs. Rossetti gave birth to a still-born child. Her recovery was slow, and this trouble did not improve her consumptive tendencies. She suffered, too, from a very severe form of neuralgia, for which laudanum was prescribed. On the night of the 11th of February 1862 she took an overdose and Rossetti, returning home from lecturing at the Working Men’s College, found her dying. In a terrible state of anxiety, after seeking one doctor after another, he called in Madox Brown for help, but all in vain. The following morning his wife died, after only two years of married life. The grief of Rossetti was overwhelming and the touching scene in which he buried the manuscript of his poems with his beloved wife has been told many a time. |