
By Edward Thomas.


“New Monthly Magazine,” Vol. 7: “The Diver, a Ballad translated from the German,” by G. O. B.

“Monthly Magazine,” Vol. 56: “Ode to a Mountain Torrent,” from the German of Stolberg; “Death,” from the Swedish of J. C. Lohmann; “Mountain Song,” from the German of Schiller; “Danish Poetry and Ballad Writing,” with a translation of “Skion Middel”; “Lenora,” a new translation from the German, in the metre of the original; “Chloe,” from the Dutch of Johannes Bellamy; “Sea-Song,” from the Danish of Evald; “The Erl-King, from the German of Goethe; signed “George Olaus Borrow.”


“Monthly Magazine,” Vol. 57: “Bernard’s Address to his Army,” a ballad from the Spanish; “The Singing Mariner,” a ballad from the Spanish; “The French Princess,” a ballad from the Spanish; “The Nightingale,” translated from the Danish; signed, all but the last, “George Olaus Borrow.”

“Monthly Magazine,” Vol. 58: “Danish Traditions and Superstitions”; “War-Song,” written when the French invaded Spain, translated from the Spanish of Vincente, by George Olaus Borrow; “Danish Songs and Ballads,” No. 1, Bear Song, by “B.”

“Universal Review,” Vols. 1 and 2, May, June, Sept, Nov.: Unsigned reviews by Borrow.


“Monthly Magazine,” Vol. 58: “Danish Traditions and Superstitions.”

“Monthly Magazine,” Vol. 59: “Danish Traditions and Superstitions,” in five parts; “The Deceived Merman,” from the Danish, by “G. B.”

“Monthly Magazine,” Vol. 60: “Danish Traditions and Superstitions,” in two parts.

“Universal Review,” Vol. 2, Jan.: Unsigned reviews by Borrow.

“Celebrated Trials, and Remarkable Cases of Criminal Jurisprudence, from the earliest records to the year 1825.” 6 vols. Knight and Lacey, Paternoster Row.

“Faustus: His Life, Death, and Descent into Hell,” translated from the German. London, Simpkin and Marshall.


“Romantic Ballads,” translated from the Danish: and miscellaneous pieces, by George Borrow. Norwich, S. Wilkin, Upper-Haymarket. Other copies printed by S. Wilkin, published by John Taylor, London.


“Memoirs of Vidocq,” principal agent of the French police until 1827, and now proprietor of the paper manufactory at St. MandÉ. Written by himself. Translated from the French [by Borrow?]. 4 vols. London, Whittaker, Treacher and Arnot, Ave Maria Lane.


“Foreign Quarterly Review,” Vol. 6, June. [Sixteen translations from the Danish by Borrow, in an article by John Bowring.]


“Norfolk Chronicle,” August 18: On the origin of the word “Tory,” by George Borrow.


“El Evangelio segun San Lucas traducido del Latin al Mexicano . . .” Londres, Impreso por Samuel Bagster. [Corrected for the press by Borrow.]


“Targum, or Metrical Translations from Thirty Languages and Dialects,” by George Borrow. St. Petersburg, Schulz and Beneze.

“The Talisman,” from the Russian of Alexander Pushkin, with other pieces. St. Petersburg, Schulz and Beneze. [Translated by Borrow.]

“Mousei echen Isus Gheristos i tuta puha itche ghese.” St. Petersburg, Schulz and Beneze. [Edited by Borrow.]


“AthenÆum,” August 20: “The Gypsies of Russia and Spain.” [Unsigned.]

“AthenÆum,” March 5. Review of “Targum,” and of Borrow’s edition of the “Manchu Bible,” by John P. Hasfeldt,


“El Nuevo Testamento, traducido al EspaÑol. . . .” Madrid, D. Joaquin de la Barrera. Edited by Borrow.

“EmbÉo e MajarÓ Lucas. . . . El Evangelio segun S. Lucas, traducido al Romani, o dialecto de los Gitanos de Espana.” Madrid. [Translated by Borrow, “in Badajoz, in the winter of 1836.”]


“Evangelioa San Lucasen Guissan. El Evangelio segun S. Lucas, traducido al Vascuence.” Madrid, GompaÑia TipogrÁfica. [Edited by Borrow.]


“The Zincali, or An Account of the Gypsies of Spain, with an original collection of their songs, and a copious dictionary of their language.” By George Borrow, late Agent of the British and Foreign Bible Society. In 2 vols. London, John Murray.


“AthenÆum,” April and May; Review of “The Zincali.”

“Blackwood,” September; Review of “The Zincali.”

“Monthly Review,” May; Review of “The Zincali.”

“Westminster Review,” May; Review of “The Zincali,” by John Bowring.

“British and Foreign Review,” June. Review of “The Zincali,” by Richard Ford.

“Excursions Along the Shores of the Mediterranean,” by Col. E. H. D. Elers Napier.

“Gypsies,” by Samuel Roberts. 5th edition. (Letter by Borrow.)

“The Bible in Spain, or the Journeys, Adventures, and Imprisonments of an Englishman, in an attempt to circulate the Scriptures in the Peninsula,” by George Borrow. In 3 vols. London, John Murray.

“AthenÆum,” December; Review of “The Bible in Spain.”

“Quarterly,” December; Review of “The Bible in Spain.”

“Spectator,” December; Review of “The Bible in Spain.”


“The Zincali.” Second edition, with preface dated March 1, 1843.

“Memoirs of William Taylor,” by J. W. Robberds.

“Edinburgh Review,” February; review of “The Bible in Spain,” by Richard Ford.

“Dublin Review,” May; review of “The Bible in Spain.”

“Tait’s Edinburgh Review,” February, March; review of “The Bible in Spain.”


“Lavengro: the Scholar—the Gypsy—the Priest,” by George Borrow. In 3 vols. London, John Murray. Portrait by Henry Wyndham Phillips.

“AthenÆum,” February; review of “Lavengro.”

“Blackwood,” March; review of “Lavengro.”

“Fraser,” March; review of “Lavengro.”

“New Monthly Magazine,” March; review of “Lavengro,” by W. H. Ainsworth.

“New Monthly Magazine,” April; review of “Lavengro,” by T. Gordon Hake.

“Tait’s Edinburgh Magazine,” May; review of “Lavengro,” by William Bodham Donne.

“Britannia,” April 26; review of “Lavengro.”


“Hungary in 1851; with an Experience of the Austrian Police,” by Charles L. Brace.


“The Romany Rye,” a sequel to “Lavengro,” by George Borrow. In 2 vols. London, John Murray.

“Quarterly Review”; review of “Lavengro,” by Whitwell Elwin.

“Saturday Review,” May 23; review of “Lavengro.”

“AthenÆum,” May 23; review of “Lavengro.”


“History of the British and Foreign Bible Society,” by George Browne.


“The Sleeping Bard, or Visions of the World, Death, and Hell,” by Elis Wyn. Translated from the Cambrian British by George Borrow. London, John Murray.


“Quarterly Review,” January: “The Welsh and their Literature,” by George Borrow.


“Wild Wales: its People, Language, and Scenery,” by George Borrow. 3 vols. London, John Murray.

“Spectator,” December; review of “Wild Wales.”

“Once a Week,” Vol. 6: “Ballads of the Isle of Man,”—“Brown William,” and “Mollie Charane.” “Russian Popular Tales”—“Emelian the Fool,” “The Story of Yvashka with the Bear’s Ear,” and “The Story of Tim.” Vol. 7: “Harold Harfagr.” [Translations by Borrow.]


“Once a Week,” Vol. 8: “The Count of Vendel’s Daughter.” Vol. 9: “The Hail-Storm, or the Death of Bui.” [Translations by Borrow.]

“The Cornhill Magazine,” January; review of “Wild Wales.”


“Romany Rye,” 3rd edition, with note by Borrow.


“Romano Lavo-Lil: Word-Book of the Romany, or English Gypsy Language. With many pieces in Gypsy, illustrative of the way of thinking of the English Gypsies: with specimens of their poetry, and an account of certain gypsyries or places inhabited by them, and of various things relating to Gypsy life in England.” By George Borrow. London, John Murray.

“AthenÆum,” April 25; review of “Romano Lavo-Lil.”

“Academy,” June 13; review of “Romano Lavo-Lil,” by F. Hindes Groome.


“Correspondence and Table Talk of B. R. Haydon.”


“Autobiography of Harriet Martineau.”


“In Gypsy Tents,” by F. Hindes Groome.


“AthenÆum,” August 6, article by Whitwell Elwin.

“AthenÆum,” August 13, article by A. Egmont Hake.

“AthenÆum,” September 3 and 10, articles by Theodore Watts.

“Macmillan’s Magazine,” November, articles by A. Egmont Hake.


“Memories of Old Friends,” by Caroline Fox.


“East Anglican Handbook,” article by Charles Mackie.

“East Anglia,” by J. Ewing Ritchie.

“The Red Dragon, the National Magazine of Wales.” Vol. 3. “George Borrow in Wales,” by Tal-a-hÊn.


“The Turkish Jester; or, The Pleasantries of Cogia Nasr Eddin Effendi.” Translated from the Turkish by George Borrow. Ipswich, W. Webber.


“Écrivains modernes de l’Angleterre,” par Émile MontÈgut.


“Macmillan’s Magazine,” article by George Saintsbury.


“Obiter Dicta,” by Augustine Birrell. [2nd Series.]

“Epoch (U.S.A.)” article by Julian Hawthorne.


“AthenÆum,” March 17, article by Theodore Watts.

“Reflector,” Jan. 8, article by Augustine Birrell.

“La Critique Scientifique,” by Émile Hennequin. Paris.


“The Death of Balder.” Translated from the Danish of Evald, by George Borrow. Norwich. London, Jarrold and Son.

“Letters and Literary Remains of Edward Fitzgerald.”

“Journal of Gypsy Lore Society,” Vol. 1, article by Rev. Wentworth Webster.

“Bible in Spain,” with biographical introduction by G. T. Bettany, London: Ward, Lock.


“Views and Reviews,” by W. E. Henley.

“Essays in English Literature,” by G. Saintsbury.


“A Publisher and his Friends,” by Samuel Smiles.


“Eastern Daily Press,” September 17, 19, 22.

“Eastern Daily Press,” October 1.

“BohemÉs et Gypsies” (translation of parts of “Lavengro,” with biographical sketch by H. Duclos. Paris).

“Memoirs of Eighty Years,” by Thomas Gordon Hake.


“Bookman,” February, article by F. Hindes Groome.

“AthenÆum,” July 8, article by Augustus Jessopp.

“AthenÆum,” July 22, article by A. W. Upcher.

“Lavengro,” with introduction by Theodore Watts. London, Ward, Lock.

“Memoirs,” by C. G. Leland.


“Letters of Edward Fitzgerald,” edited by W. Aldis Wright.

“Life of Frances Power Cobbe,” by herself.


“Journals and Correspondence of Lady Eastlake,” edited by C. E. Smith.

“Good Words,” February, article by John Murray.


“George Borrow in East Anglia,” by W. A. Dutt.

“Lavengro,” with introduction by Augustine Birrell; illustrated by E. J. Sullivan. London, Macmillan.

“Bible in Spain,” with notes and glossary by Ulick Ralph Burke. London, Murray.

“Globe,” July 21. “Vestiges of George Borrow: some Personal Reminiscences.”


“Bible Society Reporter,” July.

“Life, Writings, and Correspondence of George Borrow,” derived from official and other authentic sources, by William I. Knapp, with portrait and illustrations. 2 vols. London, John Murray.

“AthenÆum,” March 25; review of W. I. Knapp’s “Life of Borrow,” by Theodore Watts-Dunton.

“Bookman,” May; review of Knapp, by F. Hindes Groome.


“Lavengro.” A new edition, containing the unaltered text of the original issue; some suppressed episodes; MS. variorum, vocabulary and notes. By the author of “The Life of George Borrow.” Definitive edition. London, John Murray.

“Lavengro,” illustrated by C. A. Shepperson, with introduction by C. E. Beckett.

“The Romany Rye.” A new edition, containing the unaltered text of the original issue; some suppressed episodes; MS. variorum, vocabulary and notes. By the author of “The Life of George Borrow.” Definitive edition. London, John Murray.

“The Romany Rye,” with a defence of George Borrow, by Theodore Watts-Dunton.

“Daily Chronicle,” April 30, 1900, article by Augustus Jessopp.


“More Letters of Edward Fitzgerald,” edited by W. Aldis Wright.

“Archiv, N. S.,” July; “George Borrow,” by Georg Herzfeld. Berlin.

“Isopel Berners,” edited by Thomas Seccombe. [Passages arranged from “Lavengro” and “The Romany Rye.”]

“Lavengro,” edited by F. Hindes Groome.


“Bookman,” February; “George Borrow, his Homes and Haunts,” by Thomas Seccombe.

“Some 18th Century Men of Letters,” by Whitwell Elwin, edited by Warwick Elwin.


“The Romany Rye,” edited by John Sampson.


“Story of the Bible Society,” by William Canton.

“Gypsy Stories from ‘The Bible in Spain,’” edited by W. H. D. Rouse.

“Stories of Antonio and Benedict Mol,” edited by W. H. D. Rouse.

“Lavengro,” illustrated by Claude Shepperson.


“The Letters of Richard Ford,” edited by R. E. Prothero.

“William Bodham Donne and his Friends,” by Catherine B. Johnson.

“Selections from George Borrow.” London, Arnold.

“Spanish Influence on English Literature,” by Martin A. S. Hume.


“Lavengro,” edited by Thomas Seccombe. (Everyman Library.)

“Wild Wales,” edited by Theodore Watts-Dunton. (Everyman Library.)

“The Bible in Spain,” edited by Edward Thomas. (Everyman Library.)

“Charles Godfred Leland,” by Elizabeth Robins Pennell.

“The Vagabond in Literature,” by Arthur Rickett.


“Immortal Memories,” by Clement Shorter.

“The Literature of Roguery,” by Frank W. Chandler.


“George Borrow: the Man and his Work,” by R. A. J. Walling.

“The Annals of Willenhall,” by Frederick William Hackwood.

“The Bible in the World,” July; “Footprints of George Borrow,” by A. G. Jayne.


“The Border Magazine,” March, April: “George Borrow and the Borders,” by J. Pringle.

“Annals of the Harford family.”


“The Little Guide to Staffordshire,” by Charles Masefield (s.v. Willenhall and Bushbury).

“Y Cymmrodor” (Journal of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion): “Journal of Borrow’s Second Tour in Wales,” with notes by T. C. Cantrill and J. Pringle.

“Gypsy Lore.” Vol. 3 (New Series): article on Borrow’s “Gypsies,” by T. W. Thompson.

“George Borrow,” by Bernhard Blaesing. Berlin.


“Letters of George Borrow to the Bible Society,” edited by T. H. Darlow.

“Post Liminium,” by Lionel Johnson.


“The Life of George Borrow,” compiled from unpublished official documents, his works, correspondence, etc. By Herbert Jenkins, with a frontispiece and 12 other illustrations. London, John Murray.

“Nation,” review of above, Feb. 17.

“New Age,” review of above, by T. W. Thompson, March.


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