Freed from his keepers thus with broken reins The wanton courser prances o’er the plains. Dryden. And the steep hills of Circe stretch around, Where fair Feronia boasts her stately grove, And Anxur glories in her guardian Jove. Pitt. Our Alexander sells keys, altars, heaven; When law and right are sold, he’ll buy:—that’s even. The beauteous gulph which fair Ancona laves, Ancona wash’d by white Dalmatian waves. Though fat Bologna feeds to the fill, Our Padua is fatter still. Pompous and holy ancient Rome we call, Venice rich, wise, and lordly over all. Wilt thou have music? hark, Apollo plays, And twenty caged nightingales shall sing. Shakespeare. Not Hybla’s sweets, nor Naples devoloons, Nor grapes which hide the hill with rich festoons; Nor fat Bologna’s valley, have I chose; What is your wish then? May I speak?—repose. Her studies, manners, arts, to all proclaim Fair Clelia’s glory, and her sex’s shame. Two lords in vain unlucky Dido tries; One dead, she flies the land; one fled—she dies. What are they after all their pains, These thunderbolts of war? Mere caput mortuum that remains Which worms vouchsafe to spare. All these have liv’d; ye too who read must die: Haste and be wise, the fateful minutes fly. BOOKS printed for T. CADELL, Letters to and from the late Samuel Johnson, LL. D. To which are added, some Poems never before printed. Published from the original MSS. in her Possession. By Hester Lynch Piozzi. Two Vols. 8vo. 12s. in boards. Mrs. Piozzi’s Anecdotes of the late Dr. Johnson during the last Twenty Years of his Life, 4th Edition, 4s. in boards. A Tour through Sicily and Malta. In a Series of Letters to William Beckford, Esq; of Somerly in Suffolk, from P. Brydone, F.R.S. 2 Vols. Illustrated with a Map. 3d Edition. 12s. A View of Society and Manners in France, Switzerland, and Germany, with Anecdotes relating to some eminent Characters. 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