CHAP. I. Anxiety to see France—Departure from Baltimore—Singular Adventures of the Captain—Character—Employment during the Voyage—Arrival at Liverpool—Stay—Departure for Calais CHAP. II. Morning View of Port—Arrival and landing—A Day at Calais—French Market, and Prices of Provisions CHAP. III. Purchase of a Norman Horse—Visit in the Country—Family of a French Gentleman—Elegance of French domestic Economy—Dance on the Green—Return to Calais CHAP. IV. French Cottages—Ludicrous Exhibition—French Travellers—Chaise de Poste—Posting in France—Departure from Calais—Beautiful Vicinity of Boulogne CHAP. V. Boulogne—Dress of the Inhabitants—The Pier—Theatre—Caution in the Exchange of Money—Beautiful Landscape, and Conversation with a French Veteran—Character of Mr. Parker's Hotel—Departure, and romantic Road—FÊte Champetre in a Village on a Hill at Montreuil—Ruined Church and Convent CHAP. VI. Departure from Montreuil—French Conscripts—Extreme Youth—Excellent Roads—Country Labourers—Court for the Claims of Emigrants—Abbeville—Companion on the Road—Amiens CHAP. VII. General Character of the Town—Public Walk—Gardens—Half-yearly Fair—Gaining Houses—Table d'HÔtes—English at Amiens—Expence of Living CHAP. VIII. French and English Roads compared—Gaiety of French Labourers—Breteuil—Apple-trees in the midst of Corn-fields—Beautiful Scenery—Cheap Price of Land in France—Clermont—Bad Management of the French Farmers—Chantilly-Arrival at Paris CHAP. IX. A Week in Paris—Objects and Occurrences—National Library—A French Rout—Fashionable French Supper—Conceits—Presentation at Court—Audience CHAP. X. Departure from Paris for the Loire—Breakfast at Palaiseau—A Peasant's Wife—Rambouillet—Magnificent Chateau—French CurÉ—Chartres—Difference of Old French and English Towns—Subterraneous Church—Curious Preservation of the Dead—Angers—Arrival at Nantes CHAP. XI. Nantes—Beautiful Situation—Analogy of Architecture with the Character of its Age—Singular Vow of Francis the Second—Departure from Nantes—Country between Nantes and Angers—Angers CHAP. XII. Angers—Situation—Antiquity and Face of the Town—Grand Cathedral—Markets—Prices of Provisions—Public Walks—Manners and Diversions of the Inhabitants—Departure from Angers—Country between Angers and Saumur—Saumur CHAP. XIII Tours—Situation and general Appearance of it—Origin of the Name of Huguenots—Cathedral Church of St. Martin—The Quay—Markets—Public Walk—Classes of Inhabitants—Environs—Expences of Living—Departure from Tours—Country between Tours and Amboise CHAP. XIV. Lovely Country between Amboise and Blois—Ecures—Beautiful Village—French Harvesters—Chousi—Village Inn—Blois—Situation—Church—Market—Price of Provisions CHAP. XV. Houses in Chalk Hills—Magnificent Castle at Chambord—Return from Chambord by Moon-light—St. Laurence on the Waters CHAP. XVI. Comparative Estimate of French and English Country Inns—Tremendous Hail Storm—Country Masquerade—La CharitÉ—Beauty and Luxuriance of its Environs—Nevers—Fille-de-Chambre—Lovely Country between Nevers and Moulins-Treading Corn—Moulins—Price of Provisions CHAP. XVII. Country between Moulins and Rouane—Bresle—Account of the Provinces of the Nivernois and Bourbonnois—Climate—Face of the Country—Soil—Natural Produce—Agricultural Produce—Kitchen Garden—French Yeomen—Landlords—Price of Land—Leases—General Character of the French Provincial Farmers CHAP. XVIII. Lyons—Town-Hall—Hotel de Dieu—Manufactories—Price of Provisions—State of Society—Hospitality to Strangers—Manners—Mode of Living—Departure—Vienne—French Lovers CHAP. XIX. Avignon—Situation—Climate—Streets and Houses—Public Buildings—Palace—Cathedral—Petrarch and Laura—Society at Avignon—Ladies—Public Walks-—Prices of Provisions—Markets CHAP. XX. Departure from Avignon—Olive and Mulberry Fields—Orgon—St. Canat—French Divorces—Inn at St. Canat—Aix—Situation—Cathedral—Society—Provisions—Price of Land—Marseilles—Conclusion A