
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:

I wish all women suffering from female troubles might know what you have done for me. A year ago last June I was very sick, and on examination my physician said I had Polypus of the womb and that I would not stop flowing until I had an operation. I always had a horror of operations and could not bear the thoughts of having one, as I am a nervous person. I wrote to you and followed all your directions faithfully, and all the while I prayed that I might not have to have one. At that time I could hardly walk across the floor and I was pale and thin. Now I weigh one hundred and thirty-five pounds, do all my work, and my husband and children say that I am growing young. I am still taking your medicine and will do so until after the turn of life.

West Hartford, Conn.

Dear Mrs. Pinkham:

I suffered for over three years with female weakness brought on by falling on an icy pavement. I had frequent backache and fearful headaches, blinding me with pain. I also had intense pains at the menstrual period. My family physician prescribed several remedies, but although he was considered an excellent physician, he was unable to relieve me. A cousin who visited me had a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound with her and spoke so highly of its efficacy that I took a few doses of it. I was pleased and surprised to find that it seemed to relieve my pains in twenty-four hours. I took it regularly, and within twenty-four hours more I felt like a different woman, and two weeks continued use of it restored me to health and strength such as I had not known in years. I consider Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound the only medicine on the market which is reliable for the ills of the sex.

408 Lanwee West, Lansing, Mich.
Grand Recorder, Daughters of
American Independence.

September 22, 1902.

I would like to have your advice as I am a married woman and would be pleased to have children. I cannot tell what is the trouble, but I lose them and I am as careful as I can be. It happens just when I am on the fourth month. I have just had my third miscarriage and been flowing over two weeks and have much pain in back and womb. My menstruation is very painful and some months I have it twice. My stomach bothers me. I suffer with indigestion and dyspepsia.


August 25, 1903.

I will let you know that I have a son, and if it had not been for Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I would not have my baby. Your medicine kept me well until the last minute. I did not know what an ache was. I used fourteen bottles of the Compound and three boxes of your Liver Pills. I cannot thank your medicine too much as it has done me more good than the doctors.

43 Orange St., Bloomfield, N. J.

June 26, 1903.

I have been a sufferer for seven years with womb trouble, ever since my child was born. My doctor says my ovaries are affected also and will have to be taken out. I suffer with pains in my back and left side and at times cannot rest day or night. I have leucorrhoea and menstruation is very irregular and very free with a good deal of pain. I was told to write you for advice.


September 25, 1903.

I am still taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and have improved wonderfully, have gained ten pounds and feel like a new woman. I will recommend your medicine to all women suffering from female trouble for it has done me more good than the doctors have for three years. You are perfectly welcome to use my name and statement for the good of others for everyone ought to know of your wonderful medicine.

Box 262, Monaca, Pa.

January 15, 1901.

I was reading to-day in a paper of the recovery of a lady after writing to you and as her case seemed to be very much the same as mine, I was impressed with the desire to write to you to see if I could not get relief. I am the mother of two children and have never had any weakness of any kind until the past year. I am pregnant at present, my back pains me nearly all the time and left side of abdomen. My back pains so sometimes I cannot stand on my feet or straighten up. My appetite is poor and my friends tell me I look badly. I hope that you will be able to give me some advice.


June 27, 1903.

About one year and a half ago, I wrote you in regard to my taking your medicine. I was pregnant at the time and in perfect misery. I suffered everything. You very kindly wrote to me advising your Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound which I began to take at once and when my baby was born, I was sick only half an hour and the sixth day I was upon my feet and felt as well and strong as I ever felt in my life. My baby is a strong healthy boy.

I wish to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind letter to me. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the grandest medicine in the world for women. I shall recommend it as long as I live.

243 East Ave., Saratoga Springs, N.Y.

Dear Mrs. Pinkham:

I am very grateful for the good Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did for me. I began using it when I thought there was no help for me and that I would be an invalid for life. The doctor said that I would not get well unless I underwent an operation for ovarian and female difficulties. I was afraid that my health would not stand the strain and so when a friend who was similarly afflicted told me of the good Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did her, I immediately began to use it and I am glad that I did so, for in less than four months I could report as she did a perfect cure. Words fail to express my thankfulness.

Very truly yours,
Hotel English, Indianapolis, Ind.
St. Andrews Society.

Dear Mrs. Pinkham:

Last Spring my health seemed gradually to decline, until I finally felt so weak I thought I would have to give up entirely. I lost my appetite, had headaches, and bearing down pains with cramps so that I was in perfect misery. I became wakeful and extremely nervous.

Reading of the value of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound in our paper here, I decided to try it, and am pleased to state that I derived immediate benefit, and soon enjoyed permanent relief. Within eight weeks I was restored to normal health, and felt refreshed and strengthened as though I had enjoyed a lengthy vacation. Since that time I have recommended your Compound to a number of my lady friends suffering with female irregularities, and those who have used it report great benefit from its use.

965 College Ave., Appleton, Wis.
Social Economic Club.

Lady and Child

Don't wait until your suffering have driven you to despair, with your nerves all shattered and your courage gone.

Help and happiness surely await you if you accept Mrs. Pinkham's advice. Disease makes women nervous, irritable, and easily annoyed by children and household duties; such women need the counsel and help of a woman who understands the peculiar troubles of her sex; that woman is Mrs. Pinkham, who with that famous medicine, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, has restored thousands upon thousands of sick and discouraged women to health and happiness. Her address is Lynn, Mass., and her advice is free. Write to-day, do not wait.

Will not the volumes of letters from women who have been made strong by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound convince others of the virtues of this great medicine?

When a medicine has been successful in more than a million cases, is it justice to yourself to say, without trying it, "I do not believe it would help me?"

Surely you cannot wish to remain weak and sick and discouraged, exhausted with each day's work. If you have some derangement of the feminine organism try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It will surely help you.

I am firmly persuaded after eight years experience with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound that it is the safest and best medicine for any suffering woman to use.

Immediately after my marriage I found that my health began to fail me. I became weak and pale with severe bearing down pains, fearful headaches and frequent dizzy spells. The doctors prescribed for me and yet I did not improve. I would at times bloat after eating and have frequent vomiting. I had acrid discharge and pains down through my limbs so I could hardly walk. It was as bad a case of female trouble as I have ever known. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound cured me within four months and since that time I have had occasion to recommend it to a number of patients suffering with all forms of female difficulties and I found that while it is considered unprofessional to recommend patent medicines, I could honestly recommend your Vegetable Compound for I have found it cures where other medicines fail. My mother and two sisters have used it also and their health has been restored and their strength renewed. It is a grand medicine for sick women.

55 Chester Ave., Newark, N. J.

Graduate nurse from Blockley Training School at Philadelphia and for 6½ years the chief clinic nurse at the Philadelphia Hospital.

March 31, 1902.

Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done me a great deal of good. When I first had my monthly period I suffered very much. I would have such headaches, also pain in abdomen and side. Was not able to go to school.

After taking several bottles of your medicine I was relieved of my trouble and I am now well and enjoying good health.

Kipton, Ohio.

October 8, 1901.

It gives me great pleasure to tell what your Vegetable Compound has done for me for the benefit of other suffering women. I would have been a total wreck and probably not living to-day had I not taken your medicine. My legs were so stiff and my back so sore that I could not be on my feet and at times I would have the sick headache so bad that I did not know what I was doing. I also had leucorrhoea all the time which caused me to feel very weak. I lost in flesh until I weighed only ninety-eight pounds.

I was unable to carry babe to maturity. My first child being born in seven months. Since taking your medicine I have had two little girls which are pictures of health and which I owe to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I have taken twelve bottles of the Vegetable Compound, used one box of Liver Pills which I found excellent to regulate the bowels. I am now in good health and weigh one hundred and twenty-five pounds.

I cannot praise your medicine enough for the benefit I have derived from its use. What a blessing it is that women can consult with a lady and if every woman feels as I do, they would all consult you far and near.

Center Oak, Pa.

April 18, 1901.

I will now write you a letter of gratitude for what your medicine has done for me. I suffered with very painful menstruation and could not become pregnant which was my great desire. I began the use of your medicine and after taking sixteen bottles I found myself pregnant. I continued the use of your Vegetable Compound and felt well all the time. Last October my baby was born, it was a girl and weighed eleven and one-half pounds. It is my belief that I would never have had my baby if I had not used your medicine.

I recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to all, believing there is no better medicine for women.

621 Vine Street, Peoria, Ill.

I have intended for some time to write to you and tell you what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me. I had been feeling weak and nervous, very easily tired and had much backache.

I took two bottles of your Compound and felt so much better that I enjoyed, instead of dreading my household duties.

I can and do gladly recommend your medicines to anyone suffering from female troubles.

17 Amesbury Place, Cleveland, Ohio.

Household Cares



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