

Chap. I. Curious Method of restoring to Life, in two Minutes, a Fly that has been drowned even twenty-four hours 11
Chap. II. To make a Colour that will appear or disappear by Means of the Air 12
Chap. III. Method of drawing a deformed Figure, which will appear well proportioned from a certain Point of View ibid.
Chap. IV. To change the Colour of a Rose 13
Chap. V. To render hideous the Faces of all the Company 14
Chap. VI. Method of Engraving in Relief on the Shell of a new-laid Egg ibid.
Chap. VII. To shoot a Swallow flying, with a Gun loaded with Powder, as usual; and after, to find Means to bring it to life again 15
Chap. VIII. To make a Calve’s Head bellow as if alive, when dressed and served up 16
Chap. IX. A puzzling Question to be proposed for Solution 17
Chap. X. To dispose two little Figures, so that one shall light a Candle, and the other put it out 19
Chap. XI. A curious Secret to make a Card pass from one Hand into the other 20
Chap. XII. To change a Card which is in the Hand of a Person, recommending him to cover it well 23
Chap. XIII. To guess a Card that has been thought of by any body, by writing before-hand on a Paper or Card a Number, which will certainly be that of the Card that has been thought of 25
Chap. XIV. A mathematical Combination for guessing, in a whole Pack composed of Fifty-two Cards, how many Points will make the Cards under each Parcel, which Parcels are to be made by one of the Company, observing to him that each Parcel he makes is to compose the Number of Thirteen, to begin from the Point of the first Card which he takes to form each Parcel 28
Chap. XV. To guess the Thoughts of any Person, assuring him, that you will write before-hand on a Piece of Paper the Amount of the Parcel of Cards he shall happen to chuse out of the two placed on the Table 32
Chap. XVI. A curious and agreeable Wager, which you are sure of winning 34
Chap. XVII. A trick with Cards; uniting the double Advantage of being very easy and infallible, it being on a little numerical Combination 35
Chap. XVIII. Sympathetic Inks 36
Chap. XIX. To make an Addition before the Figures are set, by knowing only how many Figures are in each Row; as likewise how many Rows compose the whole; and then adding yourself some Figures equal to those that had been set 38
Chap. XX. An artificial Spider, which moves by Electricity 42
Chap. XXI. To extinguish two Wax Candles, and light two others, distant about three Feet, by the firing of a Pistol, loaded with Powder, as usual 43
Chap. XXII. To compose a red Colour, imitating the Colour of Blood 44
Chap. XXIII. To extinguish a Wax Candle, at eighty or a hundred Paces distance, by firing a Gun loaded with Ball, and to be certain of not missing, however unskilful may be the Marksman 47
Chap. XXIV. To cut a Glass, a Looking-glass, or even a Piece of Crystal, let it be ever so thick, without the Help of a Diamond, in the same Shape as the Mark of the Drawing made on it with Ink 49
Chap. XXV. To melt a Piece of Steel, as if it was lead, without requiring a very great Fire 50
Chap. XXVI. To unite Wax and Water, (Things absolutely opposite to each other); this Union, made in the twentieth Part of a Minute, forms a good Pomatum to clean the Skin, and render it soft and white. It is a fine Cosmetic 52
Chap. XXVII. A curious Method of sealing a Letter, so as not to be opened, by variegating the Seal with different coloured Species of Wax 53
Chap. XXVIII. To make fine blue Wax, which is very difficult to be had 54
Chap. XXIX. A philosophical Mushroom 55
Chap. XXX. To make a Ring shift from one Hand to another, and to make it go on whatever Finger is required on the other Hand, while somebody holds both your Arms, in order to prevent any communication between them 57
Chap. XXXI. To guess by smelling, which has been the Number struck out by a Person in the Company, in the Product of a Multiplication given him to do 59
Chap. XXXII. To make any Pen-knife out of three jump out of a Goblet, agreeable to the Option of the Company 63
Chap. XXXIII. To pull off any Person’s Shirt, without undressing him, or having Occasion for a Confederate 64



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