A philosophical Mushroom. Among the numerous and surprising phenomenons produced by different chymical proceedings, one of the most curious is certainly that of the inflammation of essential oils, by the mixture of nitrous acid. It is certainly astonishing to see a cold liquor take In order to make this extraordinary and entertaining experiment, you must provide yourself with a glass, having a large foot, the basis of this glass is to terminate in a point, as the annexed figure shews. Glass Put in the glass an ounce of spirits of nitre, well rarified; then pour over it an ounce of essential oil of guaiacum. This mixture will produce a very considerable ferment, attended with smoak, out of which there will rise, in the space of three minutes, a spungy body, resembling perfectly a common mushroom. This spungy substance, formed by the fat and oily particles of the guaiacum wood, |