To extinguish two Wax Candles, and light two others, distant about three Feet, by the firing of a Pistol, loaded with Powder, as usual. Nothing is more simple than the operation which produces this supernatural effect. 1st. Get some whole wax candles, and let them be recently snuffed. 2d. You are to put in the middle of the wick of those candles to be lighted, about the size of a millet grain of phosphorus; to do which, divide the wick with a pin or a tooth-pick; then place yourself at five or six feet distance from them, and fire your pistol at the lighted candles, which will be extinguished by the powder, whilst it will make the phosphorus take fire, which will light the other two. You may likewise light a wax candle, on the wick of which phosphorus has been applied, according to the foregoing method, by means of a sword well heated in a near room. You need only present the point of the sword to the wick of the candle, commanding it to light. N. B. Observe that you are not to touch the phosphorus with your fingers; but take the point of a knife, or a pair of small pincers. You must take care also, that the wick of the candle is cold before you put the phosphorus to it; without this precaution it would take fire immediately. |