To change a Card which is in the Hand of a Person, recommending him to cover it well. Cut out a three of spades very neatly; then, the card being cut through, take an ace of diamonds, which you are to place under your three of spades that was cast out, taking care that your ace of diamonds is perfectly covered by the spades, which is found in the middle of the three that is cut out: and then you must pour lightly on that card some jet powder, The Person who has in his hand the three of spades that is prepared, will shew the card to all the company; you will shew in your turn the ace of diamonds that you have in yours, and then tell that person to lay his card downwards on the carpet that covers the table; make him lay his hand on the card, and ask him whether he is very certain that it is a three of spades he has under his hand. On his affirmative, you may rally him on it, and tell him, at the same time that you push his hand which is over the card, that he is mistaken, and that it is an ace of diamonds he holds. The movement you will cause him to make while you push his hand, under which the card is, will make the jet powder, that formed the three of spades over the ace of diamonds, remain on the carpet, and he will be extremely astonished to find really an ace of diamonds, This trick must be done dexterously and quickly, in order that the little deception be not discovered. Practice is the greatest master. FOOTNOTE:Pound in a copper mortar your jet, which must have been bruised a little with a hammer; when it is well pounded, it must be sifted through a sieve, and also through a piece of muslin. Keep that powder, which cannot be too fine, in a little box, to use it when occasion may require: take a pinch of it either with your fingers or with a piece of paper; then scatter it on the card, and it will stick only in those places that have been touched by the roll of pomatum, and may be taken off very easily by the rubbing against the carpet, when you will push the hand of the person who covers the card, without the card being soiled in the least by it. |