Obvious punctuation errors repaired. Hyphen removed: break[-]neck (p. 88), day[-]light (pp. 372, 375), grave[-]yard (p. 109), head[-]foremost (p. 197), quick[-]sand (p. 301), side[-]walk (p. 191), south[-]western (p. 147). Hyphen added: ferry-boat (p. 188), six-shooters (p. 127). "Headquarters" appears in various spellings; they have been normalized to a single non-hyphenated word. Both "judgment" and "judgement" appear and have not been changed. P.vii: "CAAPTER III" changed to "CHAPTER III". Pp. 20, 172, 295: "Stanly" changed to "Stanley". P. 23: "indescreet" changed to "indiscreet" (was indiscreet on such a short acquaintance). P. 51: "guage" changed to "gauge" (gauge the cut to a certain depth). P. 64: "Monterey" changed "Monterrey" (the storming of Monterrey [in Mexico, not California]). P. 69: "necessay" changed to "necessary" (it became necessary to carry a dispatch). P. 77: "thoughout" changed to "throughout" (who is known throughout the west). P. 80: "forgotton" changed to "forgotten" (I have forgotten the names of the others). P. 84: "cemmenced" changed to "commenced" (commenced at once "raising Cain"). P. 84: "aad" changed to "and" (and upon the heads of every friend). P. 85: "mauraders" changed to "marauders" (a dozen or more marauders). P. 104: "iminent" changed to "imminent" (a hand to hand encounter seemed imminent). P. 137: "General Sam. Housten" changed to "General Sam. Houston". P. 140: Missing letter "d" restored: vilify him who accomplished them P. 153: "pusuing" changed to "pursuing" (they were pursuing their victim). P. 166: "outfiit" changed to "outfit" (I went on shore for my outfit). P. 168: "guantlet" changed to "gauntlet" (new uniforms and gauntlet gloves). P. 172: "fredom" changed to "freedom" (in a land of freedom). P. 186: "arrersted" changed to "arrested" (Keaton and Robinson had been arrested). P. 187: "capitol" changed to "capital" (the surrender of his capital). P. 190: "battallion" changed to "battalion" (it was guarded by Morgan's battalion). P. 193: "ceder" changed to "cedar" (in a dense cedar brake). P. 193: "secresy" changed to "secrecy" (after exacting secrecy). P. 196: "Cononel" changed to "Colonel" (Colonel Kennett had quietly sent). P. 203: "bye-road" changed to "by-road" (I turned off on a by-road). P. 205: "hav n't" changed to "haven't" (We haven't got the countersign). P. 208: "equiped" changed to "equipped" (fully equipped with turpentine and matches). P. 235: "Lieutenat" changed to "Lieutenant" (Lieutenant Criss said that he must go back). P. 249: "maintainance" changed to "maintenance" (to battle for the maintenance of the Government). P. 250: "wriths" changed to "writhes" (as he writhes in pain). P. 268: "mauraders" changed to "marauders" (the country was overrun with marauders). P. 271: "diguised" changed to "disguised" (I was disguised as a Texas Ranger). P. 281: Extra suffix "ed" removed (the breath was nearly knocked out of me). P. 295: "Knoxvile" changed to "Knoxville" (up the Tennessee to Knoxville). P. 295: "Genral" changed to "General" (General Wagner). P. 298: "coniptions" changed to "conniptions" (the woman would take conniptions). P. 316: "stupenduous" changed to "stupendous" (followed by stupendous results). P. 321: "bnt" changed to "but" (but lo! in a short time). P. 327: "Coporal" changed to "Corporal" (Corporal James Pike). P. 330: "retalliation" changed to "retaliation" (the doctrine of retaliation, in retaliation for guerrilla depredations). P. 333: "battallion" changed to "battalion" (Young's whole battalion). P. 338: "resistence" changed to "resistance" (the spirit of resistance among them). P. 354: "Searle's" changed to "Serle's" (finished their supper at Serle's house). P. 356: "croud" changed to "crowd" (raising a crowd to waylay the road). P. 357: "Talbott" changed to "Talbot" (Chamberlain asked Talbot which road they should take). P. 364: "villian" changed to "villain" (Gen. Jones (oh! the villain,)). P. 365: Missing "the" added (was just the thing we wanted). P. 383: "hestation" changed to "hesitation" (we charged the place without hesitation). P. 386: "batteau" changed to "bateau" (as fast as we could paddle our bateau). P. 389: "descent" changed to "decent" (a decent submission to the laws of the country). |