N. B.—This index covers all the matter of the two preceding volumes, both of main text and notes thereto. It is mainly an index of names, proper and common, without analysis of what comes under them. All proper names are intended to be indexed in every place where they occur, except a few of incessant recurrence, in the cases of which some selection is made. Of common names the list is quite full, though it is exclusive, as a rule, of mere mention or allusion. Proper are distinguished from common nouns by capitalization, the same as they would be if occurring in ordinary sentences. The arrangement of the entries is intended to be strictly alphabetical, without regard to the logical order in which phrase-names and phrases would follow one another; thus, Mountjoy's name comes between Mt. Hosmer and Mt. Keyes; various Sandy things interrupt the canon of Spanish saints whose names begin with San; and so on. Contractions and abbreviations are alphabetized as if they were spelled out. Place-names which are phrases are entered as usually spoken or written, but a great many of them are also re-entered in another form or in other forms; as, Rio Conejos and Conejos r. Alternative and variant names of the same thing are all entered, but cross-references are made only in special cases. Roman numerals all refer to pages of the introductory matter in Vol. I.; the unbroken pagination of the rest of the work obviates reference by vol. for the Arabic figures. Besides serving the usual purpose, this index has been made the depository of various belated items, which do not appear elsewhere in the work, and really contains no little additional information, with here and there a correction. Usual abbreviations or contractions for names of States and Territories, civic and military titles, etc.; also, the following: Ark. r., Arkansaw river; br., branch (of a stream); chf., (Indian) chief; co., county; cr., creek; fk., fork (of a stream); Ind., Inds., Indian, Indians; isl., island; l., lake; ldg., landing; Miss. r., Mississippi river; Mo. r., Missouri river; Mt., mt., Mount, mountain; pk., peak; pra., prairie; pt., point; r., river; rap., rapid or rapids; res., (Indian) reservation; R. R., Ry., railroad, railway; sl., slough; spr., spring, springs; st., street; St., Saint; sta., (railroad) station; tp., township.
age_288" class="pgexternal">288 Alma bluffs, 58 Almagra, Almagre r., 452 Almansa, see D'Almansa Alma, Wis., 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 62 Almighty, the, 352, 353 Alomas, 761, see Alamos Alona, 742 Alnwick, Col., 465 Alston, Mr., 841 Altac, Altar, in Sonora, 773 Altar r., 771 Alton, Ill., 2, 5 Alvarado, Hernando de, August, 1540, was sent by Coronado from Cibola (ZuÑi) to Cicuye (Pecos) via Acuco (Acoma) and Tiguex (near Bernalillo, N. M.), and returned to Tiguex Amaqua, Amaquaqua, 735, also Amacava, Amajava Amaranth isl., 6 Amazon bend, 2 Amazonian woman, 694 Amelia l., 90 American Antiquarian Society, xxxiv American Fur Company, 156, 204, 298 American Philosophical Society, 77 American State Papers, 10, 840 Americus sta., Col., 470 amusements, Spanish, 789 Anakigi, 66 Analectic Magazine, lxxix Anamas r., 445, 730, see Animas r. Andabazo cr. or r., 672, 673 Andaig r., in Schoolcraft, 1855, for Karishon or Crow r. Andalusia, Ill., 23, 24 Anderson, Col. A. L., 634 Anderson, Geo., 154, 155, 172, 180, 202, 272, 280, 283 Anderson, Geo., his brother, 202 Anderson, Mrs. M. B., preface Andes, 461 Andreas' Historical Atlas, 17 AndrÉ, Maj., lxvi Androctonus biaculeatus, 763 Andromeda, 67 Andrus cr., 163, named by Brower for the treasurer of the Minnesota Game and Fish Commission Andrusia l., 160, named by Schoolcraft for Andrew Jackson, president 1829-37 Andrusian lakes of Eastman, 1855, are Elliott Coues and Pamitascodiac or Tascodiac Angelina, Angeline r., 709, 710, 782 Angle isl., 7 Anglo-American, xlvi, xlvii, 809 Anglojibway, 31 Animas r., br. of Rio Grande, 637 Anitons, 592, 606, 612, 642, 692, 704, 705, 815, 822, 827, 834, 835, 837, 838, 840, 841, 844, 846, 847, 852, 854, 855 Arkansaw r., crossings of the, 439 Arkansaw route, 446, 447 Arkansaw schism, 530 Arkansaw villages, Kwapa, 559, 560 Arkansaw villages, see Arkansaw Osages Arkensa Inds., 560 Arkensaw, see Arkansaw Armendaris Grant, 633 Armes du Roy, etc., 64 Armijo, Don M., 607 armorer killed, lxxxv, lxxxvi Arms of God r., 706 Armstrong, Gen. J., lxxiii, lxxix, lxxxiii, xc, ci, cii Army of the West, 333, 446, 607, 639, 727, 737 Arnold, one, 27 Arnold's cr., 469 Arny, N. M., 634 Arrowsmith, Mr., xlii arrows poisoned, 747 Arroyo del Espinazo, 616 Arroyo Hondo, 614, see Cua-kaa Arroyo Seco, 654 Artaceoasa cr., 696 Arthur, Mo., 390 Arundinaria macrosperma, 561 Asbury, 5 Ascencion r., 771 Ashburn sta., Mo., 7 Ash cr., br. of Ark. r., 426, 433 Ash cr., br. of Mo. r., 366 Asherville, Kas., 408 Ash House, 278 Ashkibogi-sibi, 81 Ash r. of Pike, 363, 364, 366 Ashton cr., 6 Ashui, ZuÑians' name of themselves Asia, 641 Ask a Buggy Cuss, 169520, 733, 734 Bedouins of Texas, 706 Beech's, Ill., 4 Beef l., 301 Beef r., 56, 58 Beef sl., 58, 60 Bed cr., 460 Beemis, Private, 332 Bega de Maraujo, 677 beggars, beggary, 790, 701 Behar, Bejar, see Bexar Bekozino-sibi, 102 Belen, N. M., 629 Belle Fontaine cemetery, 357 Belle Fontaine cr., 357, 358 Belle Fontaine, Mo., lxii, 213, 214, 264, 271, 357, 358, 360, 365, 393, 420, 511, 539, 562, 565, 572, 573, 597, 845, 851 Belle Oiseau, see Bel Oiseau Belle Prairie, Minn., 125 Bellerive, L. St. A. de, 214 Belle Roche, 375 Bellevue, Ia., 28 Bellevue sta., Col., 474 Bellevue tp., Minn., 102 Bellows, J., 734 Belleville, Tex., 691 Bel Oiseau, Belle Oiseau, a chf., and his son of same name, 383, 384, 409, 423, 551, 552, 591 Beloit, Kas., 421 Beloit, Wis., 24 Beltramian source of Miss. r., 157 Beltrami co., Minn., 159, 164, 329 Beltrami, J. C., 5, 14, 16, 18, 22, 26, 27, 28, 35, 36, 41, 43, 44, 49, 52, 124, 329 Bitch r., 124 Black Bear cr., 556 Blackbird isl., 7 Blackburn, E., liii Blackburn sta., 483 Black Dog, a chf., 348 Black Eagle, a chf., 347 Black Hawk, a chf., 11, 45 Black Hawk co., Ia., 22 Black Hawk, Ia., 23 Black Hawk Purchase, 45 Black Hawk sl., 21 Black Hawk War, second, 45 Black Jack cr., 518, 519, 520 Black Jack, Kas., 519 Black Jack pt., 518, 519 black larch, 319 Blackman's Mills, 375 Black Mesa, 601 Black mts. or range, in N. M., 631, 747 Black r., 51, 52, 56, 58, 296, 305 Black River bay, civ Black Rocks, Mex., 691 Blacksmith sl., 55 Black Soldier, a chf., 76 Black Squirrel cr., 451 blaireau, 432 Blair, F. P., 607 Blanchard, R., 554 Blanchard's isl., 22 Blanchard's rap., 104 Blanchette, the hunter, 214, 361 Blakely, Mr., 207 Bleak House, lxiii Bledsoe co., Tenn., cxi Blessed Virgin Mary, 289, 734 blockhouse on Ark. r., 481 blockhouse on Conejos r., 495, 496, 497 Blockhouse or post on Miss. r., 105, 106, 107 Blondeau, Mr., 32, 34, 211 Blood of Christ mts., 490 Bloody run, 37, 41 Bloomfield, Gov. J., lix Blouin, Louis, 194 Blow Snake r. is translation of Ojibway name of Naiwa r. Blueberry cr., 143 Blue cr., br. of Ark. r., 443, 444 Blue cr., br. of Gila r., 735 Blue Earth r., 65, 68, 77, 78, 79, 189; Schoolcraft, 1855, p. 444, calls him Iaba Waddik Buck cr., Ia., 34 Buck cr., or Suicide cr., 556 Buck cr., Wis., 41 Buck cr., Wis., another, 42 Buckeye cr., 381 Bucklin, Kas., 437 Buckman, Geo. R., preface Buckman Hotel, Little Falls, Minn., 123 Buckner's cr., 429 Bucks, a chf., see Buck Bucks co., Pa., xx, 602, 656 Budd and Bartram, 656 Buenacus r., 703 Buenaventura, Mex., 653 Buenaventura r., 733 Buena Vista, battle of, xix, 760 Buena Vista, Col., 469, 470, 471 Buenavista, Sonora, 773 Buenos Aires, 739 buffalo, passim, for example, 58, 426, 427, 428, 429, 433, 434, 438, 439, 440, 441, 472, 473, etc. Buffalo buttes, N. M., 597 Buffalo City, Wis., 57 Buffalo co., Wis., 55 Buffalo cr., br. of Little Platte r., 468 Buffalo cr., br. of Miss. r., in Minn., of Pike, 103, 110 Buffalo cr., br. of Miss. r., in Minn., being first one below Brainerd, on the E., mouth in Sect. 3, tp. 44, range 31, 4th M. Buffalo cr., br. of Miss. r., in Mo., or Pike's Bar r., 7, 290 Buffalo cr., br. of Republican r., 404, 405, 408, 420 Buffalo crs., see Big and Little Buffalo, Ia., 23, 24 Buffalo isl. in Miss. r., 7 Buffalo isl. in Mo. r., 365 Buffalo l., 301, 302 Buffalo, Buffaloe r., br. of Miss. r., in Mo., 4, 355 Buffalo, Buffaloe r., br. of Miss. r., in Wis., 55, 56, 58, 59, 65, 290, 305 Buffalo r., br. of Mo. r., 365 Builder of Towns, a chf., 557 Bukesagidowag r., 152 Bullard's cr., 64, 69. Bullard was the trader who settled at Red Wing in 1850 and laid out the town Bull cr., 518, 522 Camp Price, 736 Camp St. Peter's, 83 Camp Terre au Boeuf, lxiv Canabe, Canabi, 742 Canada, xxvi, lxxvi, 229, 558, and passim CaÑada Alamosa, 637 CaÑada cr., N. M., 605 Canada grouse, 175 CaÑada, N. M., 598 CaÑada r., 558, 606 Canadian Institute, 168, 278 Canadian oats or rice, 38 Canadian or CaÑadiano r., xlvii, 437, 552, 558, 559, 606, 705 Canal, Eureka Irrigating, 434 canals, see acequias Canary isls., 461, 701 Cances, 706, see Kanzes Candelaria, Mex., 650 Candelaria, N. M., 619 cane, a plant, 561 Cane or Caney cr., 556 Caney r., 555 Cannon r., 50, 62, 67, 68, 69, 70, 73, 205, 308, 309, 348, 349, 356 Cano, Canoe, Canot r., near Lake Itasca, 163, see Chemaun r. Cano, Canoe, Canon, Canot r., see Cannon r. canoe-men, 286 canoe voyage to Lake Itasca, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167 CaÑon City, Col., 359, 360, 462, 463, 464, 465, 466, 469, 472, 475, 476, 479, 480, 481, 482, 483
5/43775-h/43775-h.htm#Page_365" class="pgexternal">365 Charette, La Charette, Mo., 361, 363, 364, 512, 568, 572 Charette's cr. and village, 361 Charez cr., 424, 518 Charger, a chf., 349 Charles IV., 214, 711, 804 Charles bayou, 8 Charles r., 451 Charles Scribner's Sons, xlviii Charlestown, Ia., 27 Charlevoix, P. F. X. de, 77, 79 Chartres, Duc de, 531 Chartron, Mr., 364 charqui, 798 Chasco caÑon and r., 630, 731 Chase co., Kas., 395, 400, 401 Chase, Kas., 424 Chaska, Minn., 342 Chasseboeuf, C. F., 154 chasseurs du bois, 513 Chatamutah, 342 Chatanwakoowamani, Chatewaconamani, 85, 342, 347, and see Chet- Chauncey, Comm. I., lxxiii, lxxix, lxxx, lxxxiii, xcviii, ci, ciii Chavez, A. J., 424, 621 Chavez cr., 424, 518 Chavez, Don M., 621 Chavez map, 288 Chavez, N. M., 626 Chea, 745 Chef de la Terre, 172, 260, 346 Chein Blanche, 187 Chekakou, 68 Chelly caÑon, 731 Chemaun r., 163. This Chippewa name was used by Schoolcraft in 1855, and is adopted by Brower and myself for this river Chemehuevis, 735, 744 Chemequaba, 731, 735 Chenal À Loutre, 366 Chenal ÉcartÉ, 6, and see snicarty chenegay is said to be a corruption of Sp. cienega. The word exists, but the alleged derivation is dubious Cheney cr., 15 Chen hyperboreus, 89 Chenire, Ia., 28 Cheniers, M. and A., 139 Chenowagesic l., 162, named for a Leech Lake Chippewa in 1881 Chenoway's son, 347 Cherokee country, 63, 78, 296, 305, 306, 348 Chippewa r., br. of Minn. r., 316 Chippewa-Sioux boundary, 310 Chiricahua Apaches, 748 Chiricahua mts., 644 Chisago co., Minn., 309 Chivola is Cibola Chocktaw country, 559 Choctaw Inds., 713 Choteau, see Chouteau Chouagen, lxxv Chouart, M., 295 Choumans, 412 Chouteau, A., senior, 213, 215 Chouteau, C., 393 Chouteau, G., 292 Chouteau, Mrs. A., 213 Chouteau, P., 222, 241, 242, 333, 381, 384, 514, 529, 530, 550, 551, 557, 558, 568, 559, 576, 579 Chouteau's fort on Osage r., 384, 385 Chouteau's isl., Ark. r., 440 Chouteau's isl., Miss. r., 1 Christ, 764, 801, and see Body and Blood of Christianity, Christian religion, Christians, 182, 599, 663, 753, 768 Christy, lxxix Chtoka, 531, qu. Chetopa? Chucagua, 288 Chuchacas, Chuchachas, 745 Chumpa on some maps is Cumpa Chupadera mesa, 631 churches of Chihuahua, 764, 765, 766 Churchville, Ia., 14 Chusco is Chasco and Chaco Chusco r., 731 Chute de la Roche Peinte, 123, 316 Cia, 604, 605, 745, was a large pueblo till after the revolt of 1680 Cibola, Seven Cities of, 630, 742 Cibolleta, N. M., 628 Cibolo r., 697, 703 Cicuique, Cicuye, 737 Cienega Apache, 637 Cienega Grande, Hacienda de, 682 Ci
ii Conradi, read Conrad's shoals, 125, mistake of the engineer's chart Conrad, Lucas and Co., lxi conspiracy of Indians, 768 Constancia, N. M., 629 Constantine, Emperor, 71 Contadero, N. M., 634, 635, 636 Continental Divide, xlv, 466, 467, 468, 469, 471, 479, 483, 637 Conurus carolinensis, 474 Conway, Thos., lvi Cook, Capt., 53 Cooke, P. St. G., 637, 639 Cooke, Prof., 336 Cooke's range, 638 Cooke trail, 639 Coolidge, Kas., 441 Cooley, see Colly Coon cr., Ia., 43 Coon cr., Kas., 434, 435, see Big and Little Coon cr., Minn., 94, 101 Coon cr., Wis., 49 Coon isl., 6 Coon's hacienda, 645 Coon sl., Ill., 6 Coon sl., Wis., 49 Cooper, historian, lxxix Cooper, J. F., 431 Copala, 759 Copes, Dr. J. S., President New Orleans Academy of Science, was among those whom a recent dishonest adventurer deceived, and for whom Lake Copes was named near Lake Itasca Copperas cr., 22 Copper cr., Col., 462 Copper cr., Ill., 22 Copper cr., Wis., 42 copper mines, various, 78, 79, 80, 637, 673, 674, 734, 761 Copper r., 4, 211, 290 Copp, Pvt., 332 Coqquella, see Coahuila Coquillas, Mex., 652 Coquimas on Humboldt's map is source of Pike's Cequimas, which see Coquimo is Caquina, see Kyakima Coquite is a form of Cicuique or Cicuye, see Pecos Corbeau FranÇois, 347 Corbeau isl., 128, 279, 316, 356 Corbeau r., 128, 294, 316, 317, 447 Crooked cr., br. of Cimarron r., 439 Crooked marsh, 361 Crooked rap., 142 Crooked sl., Ill., 6 Crooked sl., Ia., 41, 42 Crooked sl., Minn., 56 Crook, Gen. Geo., 747, 748, d. Mar. 21st, 1890 Crooks, Ramsay, 204 crossings of Ark. r., 439 Cross l., on Pine River route, 174 Cross or Traverse l., 161 Cross sta., 550 Crosswater is Schoolcraft's name, 1855, of Bemidji l. Crotalus confluentus, 429 Crow cr., 25 Crow Feather r., 128 Crowing r., 128, see Crow Wing r. Crow r., 96, 97, 128, 315 Crow r., 128, see Crow Wing r. Crow Wing co., Minn., 127, 128, 130, 132, 135, 175 Crow Wing isl., 128, 129 Crow Wing, Minn., 125, 129, 130, 326. It was a place of importance to the fur trade in the territorial days—a sort of Ultima Thule. But when the N. P. R. R. founded Brainerd, the people moved themselves and even some of their houses to the new town; those that were left were burned Crow Wing r., 104, 128, 129, 130, 153, 170, 177, 178, 179, 316, 317, 319, 320, 331, 334, 350, 351. John McDonnell, in Masson's Bourgeois, 1st ser., 1886, p. 269, writing about 1797, speaks of l'aile du corbeau, "after a portage of that name" on the road between Prairie du Chien and Red r. of the N. Crozat, 289, 714 Crying Mound is a name of Blue Mound, Mo. Crystal cr., 452 Crystal l., 135 Ctenosaura teres, 771 Cua-Kaa, old TaÑoan pueblo on Arroyo Hondo, N. M., abandoned before 1550 Cuapa, 745 Cuaphooge, Cuapooge, names of the ancient pueblo on the site of which was built Santa FÉ, N. M. Cuba, lxvi, 699, 749 Cub cr., 373 Cubero, N. M., 616 Cucapa, 735 Cuchans, 735, 736 Cucharas r., 448 Cuchilla, N. M., 645 Divine r., 3 Division cr., 164, so named by Brower, is first fk. of Miss. r. below Itasca l., and heads on divide between Mexican and Hudsonian waters Dixon, Mr., 267 Dixon's, Ill., 4 Dobson's sl., 16, 17 Dodd's crossing, 12 Dodd's isl., 369, 370 Dodge City, Kas., 434, 437, 438 Dodge, Col. H., 45 Dodge's br., 32 Dodsley, R., xxxi Doe l., 124, 329 Doe r., 124 Dog cr., 373 Dog Inds., 35, 36, 303, 338 Dog Plains, 35, see Prairie du Chien Dog's Meadow, 355, see Prairie du Chien Dog's Plain, 35, see Prairie du Chien Dog, The, a chf., 36 Dogtown, Ill., 5 Dollie, Mo., 385 Dolly Varden Expedition, 336 Dolly Varden l., 166, named in N. Y. Herald, July 6th, 1872, by Julius Chambers, after name of his canoe Dolores hacienda, 671, 672 Dolores, Mex., 765 Dolores sta., Mex., 671 Dolores r., in Utah, 730, 732 Dome Rock, 465 Dominion of Canada, 558 Dona Ana Bend Colony, 639 Dona Ana co., N. M., 638, 640 Dona Ana hills, 639 Dona Ana, N. M., 639, 640, 644 Dona is properly DoÑa, often now Donna Doniphan, Col. A. W., 634, 636, 640, 654, 655, 667, 674, 746 Doniphan's Expedition, 429, 446, 649, 652, 654, 655, 746, 747 Don r., in Ontario, lxxvii, c Dorante, S., see EstÉvan Door co., Wis., 297 Door in the Mountain, 751 Door of the Prison, 674 Dornick sta., 470 Doty or Doty's isl., Ojibway, Minn. Easton, Pa., xx East r. of Pike, br. of Osage r., 382 East Turkey cr., 455 East St. Cloud, Minn., 100 East Savannah r., 138 East Swan r. of Nicollet, 143 East Wing cr., 370 Eaton, Mrs. B. H., xxxii Eau Claire r., 56, 57, 305, 355 Eau de Vie r., 96 ecclesiasticism in New Spain, 801 Eccleston l., 153, 155 Echararria, Lt. J., 703 Economy of Human Life, xxxi Ectopistes migratorius, 211 Ecuadorean Andes, 461 Eddy, Corporal, 211 Eden, Dickens' City of, 11 Edgerton, Kas., 519 Educational Reporter Extra, 327 Edwards Co., Kas., 434 Edwards r., see Beck's Gazetteer, 1823, p. 104 Egg Harbor, 298 Egypt, 621 Eight Mile cr., in Col., 462 Eight Mile cr., in Kas., 520 El, see some of the Sp. names without the definite article Élan, eland, 87, 240 Elan Levie or Leve, 240 El Andabazo cr., 672, 673 Elbert co., Col., 443 El Beson, 703 Elceario, 649 Elco, Kas., 400 El Dorado, liv, 501 electricity, 759, 760 Electric pk., 483 Elephant butte, 637 Eleven Mile caÑon, 466, 467 Elisaira, Elizario, 770 Elk co., Kas., 555 Elk cr., br. of Ark. r., in Ark., 558 Elk cr., br. of Miss. r., in Ia., 27 Elk cr., feeder of Elk l., Itasca basin, 166 elk-hunting, 109, 110, 111, 112 Elk l., formerly Itasca l., 326, 327 Elk l., near Itasca l., 165, 166, 334, was surveyed, located, and marked with posts in Oct., 1875, by E. S. Hall Elk l. of Pike, now Little Rock l., 102 Elk pool, near Elk l., Itasca basin, was so named by Brower Elk r., br. of Miss. r., in Ia., 27 Elk r., br. of Miss. r., in Minn., 95, 97, 101, 314 Elk r., br. of Verdigris r., 555 Elk r., in British America, 278 Elk r., 669, 670, 671, 762 Florida, State of, lxvi, lxxxvii, 734, 779 Florissant, Col., 465, 467 Florissant, Mo., 214, 511 Fly pass, 492 Foley sta., Mo., 5 foliated talc, 729 folle avoine, 38 Folle Avoine Inds., 38, 117, 118, 120, 124, 125, 126, 298, 299, 300, 301, 305, 306, 309, 314, 340, 341, 343, 346, 347, 351 Fond du Lac co., Wis., 300 Fond du Lac department, 280, 282, 284, 285 Fond du Lac, Minn., 139, 141, 168, 170, 181, 295, 321, 356 Fond du Lac r., 321 Fond du Lac, Wis., 24 Fons et Origo spr., 165 Fontainebleau, 213 Fontaine qui Bouille r., 452 Fontaine-qui-bouit r., 453 Fontaine r., 452 Ford co., Kas., 435, 436, 437 Ford, Col., 475 Ford, Kas., 436, 437 Forest Hill, Kas., 423 forestry question, 524 Forked r., 289 Forks of Ark. r., 463, and see under East, First, Grand, Lake, North, Pike's, Tennessee, and Third Forks of Miss. r., at Crow Wing r., 317 Forks of Miss. r., at Leech Lake br., 325 Forsyth, Maj. B., 82, 83, 84, 85, 90, 91, 236, 243, 310, 328, 334, 358, 405: see also Ex. Doc. No. 9, Ho. Reps., 40th Congr., 3d Sess. Fort Stanton, 447 Fort Thorn, 638 Fort Tompkins, ciii Fort Toronto or RouillÉ, lxxv, cii Fort Toronto or York, lxxvii Fort Towson, 519 Fort Whipple, 735, 747 Fort William (British), 169 Fort William, Col., 446 Fort Wingate, 607, 619, 629, 742 Forty-niners, cxi Fort York, lxix, lxxiii, lxxiv, lxxvi, lxxvii, lxxviii, lxxix, lxxx, lxxxiii, lxxxiv, lxxxv, lxxxvii, xcii, xciii, xciv, xcv, xcvii, c, ci; and see York Fort Yuma, 646, 736 Fort Zara, Zarah, 425; gone before 1866 Foster, Dr. Thos., 85, 86, 87, 88 Fountain cave, 75, 199, 200, 201 Fountain City bay, 57 Fountain City, Wis., 55, 56 Fountain cr., 452 Fountain r., 445, 451, 452, 453, 454, 459, 463 Four Brothers isls., 4 Fourche de la CÔte du Kansas, 423 Four Mile cr., 399 Fourth rap., 104 Fowlshiels, xlv Fownda, Chevalier Don, 812, 813 Fox Inds., lxxxv, xcii, 681 Gratiot, Chas., 10 Gravel or Gravois cr., 374, see Big, Grand, Little, Upper Gravelly isl., 297 Gravel r. of Pike, 512, see Big, Little Grave r., 71 Graveyard cr., 443 Gravis cr., 374 Gravois Mills, Mo., 375 Grayback mt., 492, 493 Gray, Capt. A., xxvi, xxvii Gray co., Kas., 437, 438, 440 Gray Horse cr., 556 Gray, Prof. A., 39 Greaser cr., 491 Greasy cr., 369 Great American Desert, 733 Great Bend, Kas., 359, 420, 424, 425, 426, 427, 429, 436, 441, 443, 518, 522, 539, 548 Great bend of Ark. r., 408, 425, 436, 521, 547 Great bend of Miss. r., 163 Great Britain, 213, 803, and passim Great Cape Gray, 5 Great Crow, a chf., 85 Greater Ultimate Reservoir Bowl, 164, so named by Brower, the area in which the Miss. r. arises to flow into West Arm of Lake Itasca Great Gravel cr., 375 Great Kaukauna, 299 Great Lakes, 3, 24, 35, 72, 294, and see their names Great Macoketh r., 28, 293 Great Marsh or March, 75 Great Morasses, see Gatchi Betobeeg Great Northern R. R., 167 Great North r., 816, see Rio Grande Greaton, Capt. R. H., xxvi, xxvii Great Osage r., 385, see Osage r. and Marais des Cygnes r. Great r., 288, 289, is the Miss. r. Great r. of the Couhatchatte Nation, Verendrye, 1737, is the Missouri Great Saline r., in Kas., 405, 155 Hastain, Mo., 377 Hastings, Ill., 4 Hastings, Minn., 65, 72, 73 Hasty, Minn., 99 Hatch, E. A. C., 87 Hatchet chute, 4 Hatch sta., 638 Hat isl., 298 Hauicu, see Havico Hause, Major, 76 Hauteurs des Terres, 164, 165 Haut Lac de CÈdre Rouge or aux CÈdres Rouges, 157, 356 Havasupai, 731, is a Walapai word from havesu, "down in," and pai, "people," with ref. to residence in the bottom of the caÑon. Ewing in the Great Divide, Dec., 1892, p. 203, says it is from ahah, "water," visua, "green," and pai, with ref. to verdure of the place where these Indians live. The etym. which makes the word a corruption of Sp. agua, "water," azul, "blue," and pais, "country," is fictitious: see Aguazul Inds. and Yavasupai Inds., also Jasquevilla Havico, Havicu, Hawiku, Hawikuh, 742, 15 m. S. W. of ZuÑi, first discovered of the seven cities of Cibola, and the original "Cibola" of Marcos de Nizza, 1539; taken by Coronado, 1540; abandoned, 1679 Hawilhamook r. is Bill Williams' fk. of the Colorado Hawkeye cr., 19 Hawk that Chases Walking, a chf., 85 Hay cr., br. of Cannon r., 70 Hay cr., br. of Miss. r., Crow Wing and Aitkin cos., Minn., 135, 175 Hay cr., br. of Miss. r., Morrison co., Minn., 103 Hayden, Dr. F. V., 443, 466, 483, 491, 495 Hayden's pass, 475 Hay, Kas., 396 Head, Mr. L., 495, 496 Heagler's ldg., 361 Heart of Fire, a chf., 349 Heart of the Red Eagle, a chf., 347 Heart of the Town, a chf., 591 Heathcote, Lt.-Col., xcii Hebe, 620 Hector, F. L., 657 Hedgehog harbor, 297 Height of Land, 164 Height of Land l., 317, 318 Heitman, F. B., Heitman's Register, xxii, lxxx, lxxxvi, lxxxviii Helena isl., 295 Helena, Wis., 302 helioecias, 741 Helix l., 150 Helvetius on Man, 801 hemlock, 320 Henderson co., Ill., 18, 19 Henderson, Martin, 691, 692, 693 Henderson r., 20, 291 Hennepin Bicentenary, 91: see report in full, with speeches,
4-h.htm#Page_297" class="pgexternal">297 Horseshoe l., Minn., 145 Horseshoe l., Mo., 386 horses of the Pawnees, 533 horses, wild, 433, 435, 436 Hosford, E. and E., 328 HotcaÑgara, 39 Hot Spring, N. M., 816 Hough, lxxix Houghton, Dr. D., 170, 328, 331 Houghton, Mr. J., 607 Houghton's flats, 98 Houho Otah, 347 Houire, L. T., 222, 223 House, Capt. J., lxii houses of the Pawnees, 533 House, Thos., liv Houston co., Minn., 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 206 Houston co., Tex., 708 Howard bend, 362 Howard co., Mo., 367 Howard cr., 165, named by Brower for Mrs. Jane S. Howard, dau. of Schoolcraft Howard, L. O., preface Howard's isl., 6 Howbert, Col., 465 Howchungera, 39 Howell's isl., 362 Howell sta., Kas., 437 Howe's Hist. Coll. Ohio, 438 Hualpee, Hualapais, 736, 744 Hubbard co., Minn., 128, 162, 164, 318 Hubbard cr., 433 Hucaritspa is Arizpe Huddleston, Pvt., Solomon, 1, 115, 359, 360, 378, 432, 548, 845, 854, 855 Hudson Bay Co., 167, 280, 281 Hudsonian waters, 164, 263, 328 Hudson's bay, 263, 277, 327 Huerfano co., Col., 488, 489, 491, 492 Huerfano mts., 448 Huerfano park, 448, 491 Huerfano pass, 448 Huerfano r., 448, 451, 463, Javesua Jauflione, Jauflioni, Jaustioni, Justioni r., 9, 10, 11, 290, 291, 339 Jaune r., 73, 355 Javesua, Jabezua, first in Garces, 1775-76, as name of the river in the caÑon in which the Havasupai Inds. live, is origin of the names Jaquesua, Jaquesila, Jasquevilla, etc., which are, therefore, not connected with Jicarilla, but with Havasupai, which is also found as Havesua, etc. Jaway r., 22 Jay, Mr., 247 Jearreau, Mr., 206, 207 Jefferson barracks, 358 Jefferson co., Ind., 332 Jefferson co., Tenn., liv Jefferson r., br. of Ark. r., 552, 553 Jefferson r., br. of Mo. r., xlix Jefferson, Thos., xxix, lxiii, lxx, 229, 271, 287, 388, 543, 704, 705, 734, 853 Jeffreon, Jeffrion r., 10, 11, 290 Jehovah, Jehovist, 182 Jemez mts., 615, 616 Jemez, N. M., 604, 615, 737 Jemez r., 615, 616, 629, 745 Jemez trail, 605 Jena, lxvi Jennesse, Mr., 194, 262 Jeronime, Jeronimo, 770 Jersey co., Ill., 2, 3 Jerseyman, lix Jesuitism, 501 Jesuit Relations, 329, 349 Jesuits, 30, 765 Jesus, 620 Jetans, 412 Jeunesse, Mr. La, 194, 262 Jewell co., Kas., 409, 410 Jewell, Kas., 420 Jewett map, 324 Jews, 182 Jicarilla Apaches, 731, 748; the name means "little baskets," referring to what they make Jicarilla mts., 631, 731 Jimenez, Chihuahua, 670 Jimenez r., Tamaulipas, 724 Jimenez, SeÑ., 647 Jimmy or Jimmy's Camp, lxvi Kapuka Sagatawag is rendered by Schlc., 1855, translated Abrupt Discharges Kapukasagitowa l. and r., 152, 153 Karamone, 266, 268, 347 Karishon r., 97 Kasagaskwadjimekang l., 153 Kaskaskia, Kaskaskias, 28, 222, 339, 500, 570, 603 Kathio, 313 Kaukauna falls, 299 Kaumains, 412 Kaw, see Kansas Kawaiko, 745 Kawakomik, Kawakonuk r., 99 Kawanibio-sibi, 99 Kawasidjiwong r., 306 Kawkawnin, 299 Kaw rap., 385 Kay, Alex., 338, see also TassÉ, I. pp. 338-340 Kayaways, 846, see Kiowa Inds. Kearney co., Kas., 440, 441 Kearny, Gen. S. W., 429, 446, 607, 639, 727 Keating, Prof., 29, 37, 40, 41, 43, 51, 59, 66, 69, 70, 74, 77, 78, 79, 80, 86, 199, 310, 328, 330 Kecheahquehono r., 705 Kechepagano r., 171 Keeskeesedatpun l., 324 Kegwedzissag, 166, 334, 335 Keithsburg, Ill., 21 KekebicaugÉ, 123 Keleroy, Ia., 34 Keller's bar, 27 Keller's isl., 27 Kelly's isl., 5 Kemp's ldg., 361 Kendall, G. W., 739, 763 Kenistenos, 171 Kennerman, Sgt. Henry, 1, 98, 105, 119, 176, 178, 193, 68 Lake, see names of lakes, also Lac, Lago, and Laguna, besides the following Lake Champlain, lxxii, lxxiii Lake City, on Lake Pepin, 62, 63, 64 Lake co., Col., 471 Lake cr., feeder to Twin lakes, Col., 472 Lake de Sable, see Lac de Sable and Sandy l. Lake Erie, 351 Lake fk. of Ark. r., 471 Lake Huron, lxxv, 30, 295, 340, 351 Lake Itaska, 96. The small settlement there was a competitor of St. Paul for capital honors in territorial times, when there was no Minneapolis to contest the case, as the title to Ind. lands W. of the Miss. r. at the Falls of St. Anthony was not extinguished till 1851 Lake Maskuding or in the Prairie, 22 Lake Michigan, 3, 24, 293, 295, 296, 297, 298, 340, 351 Lake Mille Lacs, 312, 313 Lake of Live Oaks, 653 Lake of Tampanagos, 738 Lake of Tears, 65 Lake of the Dead, Mex., 673 Lake of the Dead, N. M., 635 Lake of the Hills, 278 Lake of the Illinoets, 296 Lake of the Island, 129, 317 Lake of the Isles, 94 Lake of the Issati, 95 Lake of the Mountain, 129, 317 Lake of Thequaio, 738 Lake of the Two Mountains, 351 Lake of the Woods, 279, 281, 351 Lake Ontario, xxxi, lxxii, lxxiii, lxxiv, lxxv, lxxvi, lxxvii, cx, 351 Lake pk., N. M., 606, 736 Lake Peosta is part of the sl. in front of Dubuque, Ia., connected by Barney canal Lake Rebecca, 74 Lake Relief, 65 Lake r. of Pike, 102, 315, 316 Lake Simcoe, lxxv Lake Superior, 30, 71, 72, 124, 405, 426 Leavenworth-Sioux treaty, 239 Le BrÛlÉ, a chf., 157 Le Claire, Ia., 25, 26, 293 Le Cousin, 338 Le Cross, Crosse, see Lac La Crosse Ledoux P. O., Minn., 122 Leech l., 122, 128, 129, 133, 134, 137, 139, 142, 144, 145, 146, 151, 152, 153, 155, 157, 158, 159, 169, 170, 172, 173, 189, 241, 247, 259, 260, 261, 280, 282, 284, 285, 312, 317, 319, 320, 322, 323, 326, 331, 334, 335, 346, 347, 350, 356 Leach Lake br., fk., or r., 137, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 289, 322, 323, 324, 325 Leech Lake r., Willow r., 141 Leech Lake traverse, 101 Leech-Otter Tail traverse, 317 Lee co., Ia., 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 291 Lee or Lee's cr., 559 Lee Panes, Lee Pawnees, 697, see Lipans Lee, S., 106 Lefei, Lefoi, a chf., 43 Le Fou, J., 266 Little Two Rivers r., 103, 104 Little Turkey cr., 522 Little Verdigris r., 555 Little Vermillion l., 128, 317 Little Walnut cr., 425, 426, 427 Little White Oak pt., 148, 149 Little Willow r., 135 Little Winnepeck l., 322 Little Winnibigoshish l., 150, 325 Little York, lxxvi Live Oak co., Tex., 696 Live Oaks l., 653 Livingston cr., 420 Livingston, Mont., 642 Liza, see Lisa lizards, 771 Llanero Apaches, 748 Llanos Estacados, 707 Lo, 182 loadstone, 761 Lockhart, Tex., 704 Lockwood, Capt. B., 686 lodges of Osages, 528 Logan co., Kas., 404 Logan cr., 369 Lone Elm, Kas., 518, 519 Lone Rock, Wis., 302 Long br. of Cow cr., 522 Longfellow, H. W., 90 Long Gulch cr., 468 Long, John, 602 Long Knives, 138 Long, Major S. H., 5, 14, 17, 25, 26, 29, 35, 36, 37, 40, 41, 43, 44, 48, 50, 51, 53, 54, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 66, 67, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 83, 84, 85, 86, 521 Lyons, Ia., 27 Lyons, Kas., 424, 522 Lytle's pra., 52 M M', Mac, and Mc treated as one Macalester College, 254 MaÇaque, Macaquia, 742 Macarty, Chevalier, 531 McBean, John, 139 M'Cartie, a Mr., 531 McClure, James, 334 McCormick, R. C., 727 M'Coy, a Mr., 278 McCoy, John C., 554 M'Coy, S., liii McCoy's isl., 6 McCrary, Geo. W., 17 McDaniel, John, 424 McDonald's house, 278 Macdon l., 713 McDougal's eddy and rap., 103, 104 McFarlane, one, 558 McGarrahan, Wm., lxiii McGee's, Col., 469 M'Gillis, Mr. Hugh, 154, 155, 171, 172, 173, 174, 180, 241, 247, 250, 254, 274 McGirk's isl. and ldg., 366, 367 McGregor, Ia., 37, 224 McGregor, Minn., 137 McGuire, Father, 698, 699 McHugh, Minn., 318 McIntire, Gov. A. W., 496 Mackay or M'Kay, a Mr., 278 McKay l., in Itasca basin, named by Brower for Rev. Stanley A. McKay, who first baptized there, 1891 Mackenzie, a Mr., 278 McKenzie cr., 385 Mackenzie, McKenzie, Sir A., 354 Mackinac, 170 Mackinac co., Mich., 295 McKinney's r., 125 McLean, D., xciv McLean's cr., 4 Maclura aurantiaca, 816 Maclure, Col., lxxx, lxxxi, lxxxvii, xcvi McMahon, Maj. Wm., 438 McMullen co., Tex., 696 McNeal, Capt., xciii McNeal's ferry, 102 Macomb, Gen. A., xxvii, xxix, 332 McPherson co., Kas., 403, 404 McPherson, Kas., 521, 522 Macraragah, 268, 347 Macuwa isl., 360, 432, 482, 490, 506, 510, 845, 854, 855 Menchokatonx, 313 Mendesuacantons, 313 Mende Wahkantoan, 345, 348 Mendota, Minn., 76, 81, 83 Mendoza, a viceroy, 718 Meno Cockien, 356 Men of Achievement Series, xlviii Menomene Inds., see Menomonee Inds. Menomene r., 340 Menomeny-sibi, 138 Menomine, Menominie Inds., see Menomonee Inds. Menomonee cr., Ill., 32 Menomonee Inds., 38, 39, 183, 299, 330, 340, 341, 346, 347 Menomonee settlement, 300 Mer a Doge, 26 Mercer co., Ill., 21 Mercer co., O., 438 Mercer cr., 400 Merchant, a chf., 268 Mercier, Mr., 243 Mer Douce, 30 Merior, Maj., 411 Merriam, Kas., 519 Merrimac isl., 74, was the nidus of a spiritualists' camp, 1892-93 Merrimac, Minn., 74 Mesa Prieta, 634 Mescalero Apaches, 631, 632, 748 Mescalero res., 748 Meschaouay r., 50 Meschasipi r., 288 Meschetz Odeba r., 35 mesquite, 704 Mesquite, N. M., 640 Messchsipi r., 288 Messila, N. M., 640 Messipi, Messisipi r., 288 Meteorological Observations, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 716, 717 Meteros r., 682 Metifs, 510, 738, 764, 768, 771, 774, 790 Metoswa raps., 160, were so named by Schoolcraft, 1855, because he supposed they were 10 in number Meunier, Pierre, see 70, 82, 83, 90, 91, 92, 236. The 89,483 names in city directory of 1893 supposed to represent a pop. of 223,707 Minnehaha, 91, 92 Minnehaha falls, 90 Minneiska bluffs, 57 Minneiska, Minn., 57 Minneiska r., 56, 57, 305 Minneopa, Minn., 55 Minnequa l., 453 Minneshonka, 54 Minneska r., 57 Minnesota City, Minn., 56 Minnesota Historical Society, or Collections of, xxxv, cxiii, 14, 17, 25, 26, 29, 31, 43, 54 Minnesota isl., Wis., 53 Minnesota r., cx, 24, 31, 69, 74, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 91, 179, 227, 260, 310, 328 Minnetonka l., 90 Mino Cockien r., 295 Minowa Kantong, 69, 74, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347 Minsi-sagaigon-ing, 312, 313, 314 mintage, 792 Mirabeau, 801 Miranda, 576 Mire r., 383, 384 Misacoda r. , 309 Misakoda of Schoolcraft, 1855, see Misacoda r. Mischipi r., 288 Misconsin, Misconsing, Miscou r., 35 Mishongnivi, 744 Misi River r., 312 Misisaga, lxxvi, xcv Misisipi r., 287 Miskonsing r., 35 Miskwakis, 338 M
utenberg.org/files/43775/43775-h/43775-h.htm#Page_482" class="pgexternal">482, 490, 491, 493 Music pass of Hayden, 491 Music's ferry, 361 Muskogees, 513 musqueet, 704 mustangs, 707, 783 Mycycypy r., 288 Myers, Col., xcv mystic rites, 753, 754 N Nabajoa r., 731, Indiens de Nabajoa appears on Humboldt's map, whence Pike took the name: see Navajo Nachez r., 782, see Neches r. Nachitoch, Nachitoches, see Natch- Nacodolhes, xli Nacogdoches co., Tex., 709, 710 Nacogdoches, Tex., xli, liii, liv, 411, 412, 708, 709, 710, 711, 784, 786, 839 Nadal, Fray Pedro, and Fray de la Asuncion were two friars who first entered New Mexico, i. e., Arizona, in 1538, before September of that year Nadouasioug, Nadouechiouec, Nadouecioux, Nadouesiouack, Nadouesiouek, Nadouesseronons, Nadouesserons, Nadouessi, Nadouessis, 312, 349, and see Sioux Nadouessioux r., 13, and see Des Moines r. Nadoussiou, River of the, 95, and see Rum r. Naduesiu, 349 Nafiap, 619 Nagadoches, Naggadoches, see Nacogdoches Nagajika cr., 13 Nahjo, 730, see Navajo Inds. Naisha, 748 Naiwa l., 161 Naiwa Lake fk., 162 Naiwa r., 162, 331, 334 Namago-sibi, 143 Namakagon r., 309 Nambe, 605 Nambe cr., 605 Nanahaws, 746, see Navajo Inds. Nanesi r., 448, 481 Nankele, Nankesele r., 127 Nanpashene, 86 Naouadiches, 714 Napesi, Napeste, Napestle r., 448 Napoleon I., 381 Narcotah, 346, 347 Narrows, The, in Kas., 518, 520 Nasas, Nassas, Nazas r., 673, 188 Newfoundland banks, 77 New Galicia, 719 New Hampshire, lxxxi, ciii, 454 New Haven, Mo., 365 New Hope, Minn., 83. An undated military map (MS.) in the Minn. Hist. Soc. marks "Cantonment St. Peter's" opp. W. end of Pike's isl., about ¾ m. from center of Mendota. This is presumably the place christened New Hope New Jersey, xx, xxii, lix, lx, lxii, cviii, cix New Leon, 701, 719, 724, 725, 759, 775, 776, 779, 786 New Madrid, 657 New Mexico, xlvi, xlvii, lii, 444, 446, 447, 461, 483, 497, 499, 503, 536, 537, 555, 559, 564, 571, 572, 583, 588, 591, 595, 597, continuously to 641, also 696, 697, 719, 726, 727 and continuously to 758, 769, 770, 772, 775, 779, 813, 815, 818, 823, 825, 838, 848, 849 New Mexico, aborigines of, 743 New Mexico, agriculture of, 740, 741, 742 New Mexico, animals of, 738 New Mexico, government and laws of, 754 New Mexico, history of, 755, 756 New Mexico, lakes of, 737 New Mexico, manners and morals of, 754 New Mexico, military force of, Pecos Nuestra SeÑora de los Dolores de Sandia, 619, see Sandia pueblo Nueva EspaÑa, 718 Nueva Galicia, 719 Nueva Viscaya, Vizcaya, 719, 720, 739, 759 Nuevo Laredo, 691 Nuevo Leon, 678, 682, 689, 690, 692, 699, 724, 726, 775, 776 Nuevo Mejico, 727, see New Mexico Nuevo Reino de Leon, 724, 725 Nuevo San Ander, 724, 725, 726 Nuevo Santander, 724 Num Inds., 412 Nunpakea, 349 Nutrias, N. M., 629 Nutt sta., N. M., 638 Nyburg, Col., 451 O Oahaha, Oahahah r., 7, 290, 355 Oajaca, City of, 721 Oajaca, State of, 721, 722 Oak cr., br. of Ark. r., Col., 462 Oak Grove cr., br. of Ark. r., 475 Oak l., 147, 148, see White Oak l. Oakland Reserve, 706 Oak pt., Minn., 147, 148, see White Oak pt. Oak pt., Wis., 295, 356 oaks, 776 Oaks, Mex., 687 Oaks, N. M., 636 Oanoska, 348 Oatishtye, one form of native name of San Felipe, N. M. oats, 38 Oaxaca, see Oajaca Obequelle is the form of Obiguitte in Taliaferro's Autobiog., p. 210 Obeya, Mex., 688 Obigouitte, 172, 247, 260 Observations on New Spain, Pike's, 503, 718 and to end of chap. IV. Ocano r., 163, of Schoolcraft, 1855, for Au Canot, see Cano r. Ocano r. of Schoolcraft, 1820, Narr., p. 257, is Cannon r., which see Ocano spr., at head of Ocano r. or Andrus cr., named by Brower Ocapa, 559 OcatÉ r., 558 Ochangras, 346, 347 Ochente Shakoan, 345 Ochungraw, 31 O'Connell's isl., 19 Ode
erg.org/files/43775/43775-h/43775-h.htm#Page_372" class="pgexternal">372 Osage cooks, 528 Osage divisions, 529 Osage feasts, 528 Osage fk. of Gasconade r., 376 Osage Inds., 229, 338, 347, 358, 359, 360, 367, 372, 381, 382, 387, 388, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393, 394, 402, 409, 410, 414, 417, 418, 422, 432, 513, 514, 525, 526, 527, 531, 532, 533, 534, 535, 536, 537, 540, 541, 542, 543, 546, 549, 555, 556, 557, 558, 559, 562, 565, 566, 567, 573, 574, 576, 583, 584, 585, 586, 588, 589, 590, 591, 692, 694, 697, 752, 845, 846, and see Grand and Little Osage Inds., Ark. band of, 529, 530, 532 Osage Iron Works, Mo., 376 Osage lodges, 528, 529 Osage magic, 527 416 Pawnee co., Kas., 429, 231, 238, 243, 257, 310, 347, 348 Petit D'Etroit, dÉtroit, 297, 356 Petite chute, Fox r., 299 Petite RiviÈre au Vase, Vaseuse, 369 Petites Coquilles isl., cx Petites CÔtes, 214, 361 Petite Shute, 356, see Pokegama Petit Grey or Gris, 38, 224, 304 Petit Kakalin, Kaukauna, 299 Petit Mort, 338 Petit Osage, 590, 591, see Little Osage Phaon, 66 Pharr's isl., 6 Philadelphia, Pa., xxxiv, lxi, lxxxiv, cxiii, 602, 687, 747 Phoenix, Ariz., 728, 734, 741 Phozuangge is Pojuaque Phragmites communis, 325 Phrynosoma douglasi, 431 Piadro mt., 638 Piasa cr. and isl., 2 Piaxtla r., 774 Picacho of Orizaba, 722 Picard du Gay, 64, 91 Picard du Gay lakes, in Itasca basin, named by Brower for Antoine Auguelle, the Picard Picatoire is found as a name of Purgatory r. Picea alba, 102 Pickadee cr., 41 Pickering bay, 153 Pickering Valley R. R., cx Picket-wire r., 445 Pico de Teyde, 461 pictographs, 201 Picuris, 606 Picwabic r., 102 Piedra Amarilla r., 733 Piedras Negras, Mex., 691 Pierce, Benj., 646 Pierce co., Wis., 63, 64, 70, 72, 73, 243 Pierceville, Kas., 40 Piernas, Capt. P., 214, 358 Pierre Jaune r., 479, 729, 733 Pigeon cr., 637 Pigeon r., 324 pigeons, wild, 211 Pig's Eye, a person, 75 Pig's Eye marsh or l., 75, 310, 636 Popocatepetl, 457, 722 Populus, 728 Populus angustifolia, 494 Porcupine Quill cr., 63 Porfirio Diaz, 691 Porlier, Jacques, 194, 195 Portage bay, 297 Portage de Cockalin, 347 Portage des Perre, or des Peres, 347 Portage des Sioux, 2, 3, 212 Portage, Leech l. to Winnibigoshish l., 153, 323 Portage, Minn., 137 Portage, St. Croix r., 369 Portage, Wis., 302 Port Byron, Ill., 25 Port de Mort, des Morts, 297, 356 Porter, Gen. M., xxvi, xxvii Portfolio, The, lxxix Port Hope, Wis., 302 Portland isl., 369 Portland, Mo., 369 Port Louisa, 22 Port of the Dead, 356 Porto Rico, 576 Port Royal, Mo., 363 Port Scipio, Mo., 9 Portsmouth, 77 Portsmouth, N. H., lxvi Porus, 652 Poskoyac r., 256 Possitonga r., 555 Poste aux Arkansas, 215, 560, 780 Post-Nicolletian explorers, 335, 336 Potatoe pra., 27 Potatoe r., 378, 380 Poteau r., br. of Ark. r., 558, 559 Poteau r., br. of Osage r., 376 Potier, Pothier, Mr., 99, 193, 194 Potowatomie Inds., 297, 347, 358, 367, 526, 531, 540, 574, 579, 591 Potowatomies isl., 356 Potrero de las Vegas, 745 Potrero, N. M., 605 Potrero San Miguel, 745 Potrero Viejo, 745 Potrillo, Mex., 688 Potteau, Pottoe r., br. of Ark. r., 558, 559 Potter co., Pa., cx Potter's isl., 16 Potter, Wm., 305, 340, 341, 346, 347 Puante r., 13 Puant rap., 300, 356 Puckaway l., 301 Puckegan cr., 301 Puckway l., 301, 340 Puebla, a state of Mexico, 718, 720, 721, 722, 723 Puebla de los Angeles, Mex., 722, 723 Pueblita, N. M., 745 Pueblito, N. M., 629 Pueblitos de Belen, 629 pueblo, see names of pueblos, besides the following Pueblo, Col., xlix, 432, 434, 445, 451, 452, 453, 454, 455, 459, 462 Pueblo de Taos, 598 Pueblo Inds., Pueblonians, 453, 458, 598, 599, 619, 743, and see names of them. Pueblo revolt, 641, 756 pueblos in general, 598, 599, 742, 743. Governor Allencaster's official census of missions and curacies of New Mexico, Nov. 20th, 1805, representing pop. of towns and pueblos practically as they were when Pike went through, is as follows—the first figures of the several sets being Indians, the others Spaniards: San Geronimo de Taos, 508+1337; San Lorenzo de Picuries, 250+17; San Juan de los Caballeros, 194+1888; Santo Thomas de Abiquiu, 134+1218; Santa Clara, 186+967; San Ildefonso, 175+176; San Francis de NambÉ, 143+37; Nuestra SeÑora de Guadalupe de Pojuaque, 100+177; San Diego de Tesuque, 131+188; N. S. de los Angeles de Pecos, 104+402; San Buenaventura de Cochiti, 656+497; Santo Domingo, 333+140; San Felipe, 289+440; N. S. de los Dolores de Sandia, 314+405; San Diego de Jemes, 264+337; N. S. de la Asumpcion de Zia, 254+none; Santa Ana, 450+68; San Augustin de Isleta, 419+378; N. S. de Belem, 107+1588; Santa FÉ, none+2963; La CaÑada, none+2188; Alburquerque, none+4294; San EstÉvan de Acoma, 731+none; San Josef de la Laguna, 940+138; N. S. de Guadalupe de ZuÑi, 1470+5; Royal Garrison, none+778; jurisdiction of El Paso and pueblo, none+6209. Total Inds. enumerated, 8,172; total Spaniards, 26,835; grand total, 35,007. Pueblo Viejo, 605 Puerco r., br. of Rio Grande, 629, 633 Puerco r. of the West, 730 Puerco r., see Pecos r. Puerta, 652 Puerta de Cadena, 674 Puerta de la Virgen, 669 Puerto del Bacorelli, 731, see Bacorelli Puerto r., see Pecos r. Pugonakeshig r., 134 Pulaski co., Mo., 371, 375 Pumly Tar r., 380 Punames, 745 Puncho cr., 474 Puncho pass, 492 punishments of Spanish troops, 796 punk, 103<
g.org/files/43775/43775-h/43775-h.htm#Page_542" class="pgexternal">542 Republican r., xlix, 357, 404, 407, 409, 410, 420, 473, 516, 543 Republic City, Kas., 409 Republic co., Kas., 408, 409, 410 Reservoir Bowl, see Greater and Lesser ditto Resting l., Rest in the Path l., 161 return of furs and peltries, 284, 285 return of men employed, etc., 286 return of military force in New Spain, 793 return of persons, etc., 1 revenue, Spanish, 791, 792 revolt of the pueblos, 756 Revolutionary army, xxvi, xxvii, lvi Revolutionary War, 183 Rey, Don P. R., 646 Reynard Inds., 25, 26, 31, 35, 36, 209, 293, 303, 307, 337, 338, 339, 341, 346, 347, 361, 591, and see Fox Inds. Reynolds, John, 657 Rhoades, Kas., 403 Rhodes hill, 167, named for D. C. Rhodes, of Verndale, Minn., photographer, by Brower Rhyolite pk., 465 Rib r., 494 rice, 38 Rice co., Kas., 424, 522 Rice cr. (= Nagajika cr., near Brainerd), 131 Rice-eaters, 39 Rice l., a pond near Winnibigoshish dam, 325 Rice l., discharging by Rice Lake or Sandy Lake r., into Sandy l., 137 Rice l. = L. Ann, 90 Rice l. (near Sisibakwet l.), 147 Rice l., on Fox r., Wis., 302 Rice l. (= Pinidiwin l.), 163 Rice l., see Big Rice l. Rice Lake r., a feeder of Sandy l., 137 Rice lakes, near Iowa r., 292 Rice or Manomin cr., Anoka co., 94 Rice r. (in Aitkin co., 4½ m. above mouth of Mud r.), 136, 137, 320 Rice r. (= Nagajika cr., near Brainerd), 131 Rice, Willard, 289 Rio Florida, Florido, 669, 670, 671, 762 Rio Frio, 696 Rio Galisteo, 615 Rio Gila, Hila, Jila, Xila, 637, 644, 645, 730, 734, 735, 736, 741, 742, and see Gila r. Rio Grande, xlix, lv, 288, 444, 445, 463, 474, 482, 483, 490, 492, 493, 494, continuously to 648, 650, 651, 669, 682, 685, 689, 690, 691, 692, 693, 695, 697, 712, 724, 729, 730, 731, 733, 734, 736, 744, 745, 746, 747, 756, 775, 776, 778, 779, 816, 822, and see Rio del Norte. Name Rio Grande found in narrative of exped. of Gaspar CastaÑo de Sosa, 1591 Rio Grande City, Tex., 692 Rio Grande de Buena Esperanza is the Colorado of the West, so named by Juan de OÑate in 1604 Rio Grande de los Apostolos, 734 Rio Grande de Santiago, 719 Rio Guadalupe, 780, 781 Rio Guanabel, 677, 678, 681 Rio Hondo, 696, 697 Rio Jasquevilla, 730 Rio Jemez, 615, 616, 629, 745 Rio Jimenez, 724 Rio Magdalena, 691 Rock CaÑon, Col., 459 Rock cr., br. of Ark. r., 459 Rock cr., br. of Bull cr., 519 Rock cr., br. of Vermilion r., 400 Rock cr., near Pawnee village, Kas., 419, and see White Rock cr. Rock creeks, two, in Kas., 518, 520 Rockdale sta., Col., 447, 448 Rockhill, W. W., preface Rock isl., at Little Falls, Minn., 123 Rock isl., at mouth of Rock r., 210 Rock Island co., Ill., 23, 24, 293 Rock Island, Ill., 21, 23, 24, 25 Rock Island rap., 295 Rock ldg., 4 Rockport, Ill., 7, 24 Rock r., 15, 23, 24, 32, 180, 210, 222, 265, 293, 301, 303, 338, 355 Rock River raps., 209 rock-rose, 494 Rockville, Mo., 385 Rocky cr. of Pike, 103 Rocky Ford, Col., 446 Rocky hills of Pike, 26 Rocky mts., 256, 278, 332, 354, 360, 444, 452, 454, 456, 733 Rocky mts., Gates of the, 642 Rocky Mountain sheep, 438 Rocky r., 24 Rocky shoal, 167 Rocque, A., 36, 41 Rocque's trading house, 61 Rocus, Father, 659, 839 Rodriguez, Augustin, a Franciscan, at Bernalillo, N. M., in 1580 Rodriques, Rodreriques, Rodriguez, Capt. S., 411, 661 Roger, lxxix Rogers, H. D., 333 Rojo r., 705 Rolette, Michel, 204 Rolett, Rolette, Jos., Sen., 204, full name Jean Joseph Rolette, see TassÉ, I. pp. 143-211, portrait Rolett, Rollet, Roulet, Mr., 36, 60, 204, 207 Rollingstone
h/43775-h.htm#Page_514" class="pgexternal">514 Sacs and Foxes, see Sac Inds. and Fox Inds., also Sac and Fox Sac village, see Sac Inds. Saddle mt., 464, 465 Sagatagon r., 103 Saget, 780 Saguache co., Col., 491, 492 Saguache mts., 596 Saint, Sainte, as follows, abbrev. St., Ste., see also San, Santa, and Santo St. a fÉ, St. Affe, St. Affee, lii, liii, 706, see Santa FÉ St. Albans, Mo., 362, 363 St. Ander, 724, see Santander and New San Ander St. Anthony, 289 St. Anthony's falls, 70, 75, 82, 83, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 195, 196 St. Antoine, fort on L. Pepin, 71 St. Antonio r., 780 St. Antonio, Tex., liii, 666, 692, 697, 783, 784, 785, 786, 813, 814, 836, see San Antonio de Bexar St. Aubert, Mo., 369 St. Aubert's isl., 370 St. Aubert sta., Mo., 370 St. Augusta, Minn., 99, 100, 194 St. Augustine, Fla., 734 St. Bernard bay, 779, 781 St. Charles bayou, 8, 11 St. Charles co., Mo., 3, 4, 360, 363, 364 St. Charles district, lvi, 10, 360 St. Charles, Mo., 214, 229, 360, 361, 511, 512, 567, 568, 569 St. Charles r., 649, 677, 682, 683, 684, 692, 775, 776, 778 Salt mt., 732 Salt r., br. of Gila r., 734, 741 Salt r., br. of Miss. r. in Mo., 7, 211, 290, 355 Salt r., in Kas., 404 Salt r., see Salt fk. of Ark. r. Saltus Astiaius, De Creux, 1684, is the Sault Ste. Marie Saltville, Kas., 422 Salt Works, Col., 469 Samalayuca, 649, 650 Samuel, J., 358 San Ander, see New Santander San Andreas mts., 631, 632, 635, 640 San Antonio camp, Mex., 672 San Antonio cr., 494, 597 San Antonio de Bexar, Tex., liii, 666, 677, 678, 689, 690, 692, 694, 695, 696, 697, 698, 699, 700, 701, 704, 713, 776, 780, 781, 783, 784, 785, 786 San Antonio de Jaral, and cr., 683, 684 San Antonio mt., 597 San Antonio, N. M., 604 San Antonio, N. M., another, 633 San Antonio, Rancho de, on Rio Nasas, 678, 679 San Antonio r., in Tex., 696, 697, 703, 780 San Antonio, Tex., see ditto de Bexar and St. Antonio, Tex. San Augustin co., Tex., 710 San Augustin del Isleta, mission, see Isleta, N. M. San Augustin, Fla., settled 1560 or 1565 San Augustin pass, 640 San BartolomÉ, N. M., 616 San Bernardo bay, 781 San Bernilla, N. M., 619 San Blas spr., 672<
es/43775/43775-h/43775-h.htm#Page_630" class="pgexternal">630, 745 San JosÉ sta., in Chihuahua, 651 San Juan Bautista, Mex., 770 San Juan castle, 722 San Juan [de UlÚa], 722 San Juan, first capital of N. M., 756 San Juan, Mex., 677, 680 San Juan mts., 492, 494, 595, 596, 622 San Juan, N. M., 600, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 743; mission there more fully called San Juan de los Caballeros San Juan range, see ditto mts. San Juan r., in Mex., 682, 685, 692, 776 San Juan r., N. M. and Utah, 630, 731, 746, may be that indicated on Pike's map by the legend "Land seen by Father ... Escalante in 1777" San Juan road, in Col., 469 San Lorenzo de Picuries, mission at Picuris, N. M. San Lorenzo el Real treaty, 656 San Lorenzo hacienda, 681, 682, 777 San Lorenzo, in Coahuila, 777 San Lorenzo, on Rio Nasas, 677 San Lorenzo r., in Sinaloa, 774 San Luis cr. or r., 482, 491, 496 San Luis lakes, hills, park, 492, 493, 494, 497, 596 San Luis PotosÍ, liii, liv, 719, 720, 722, 723, 724, 725, 775, 800 San Luis r., see do. cr. San Luis valley, lv, 474, 484, 490, 491, 492, 493, 494, 495, 497, 641 San Marcia, N. M., 634 San Marco or Marcos r., 703, 704, 781 San Marcos or Yaatze, N. M., 18 m. S. S. W. of Santa FÉ, pop. 600 in 1680 San Mateo mts., pk., 637 San Miguel bayou, 552, 553, 554 Senate, U. S., 231, 236, 238 Senora, see Sonora Septuagint, 182 Sequimas, 630, see Cequimas Servilleta, Col., 596, 598 Sesabagomag l. and r., 135, 136 Seseetwawns, 313 Seven Cities of Cibola, 630, 742 Seven Lakes, 456 Seven Mile cr., 470 Seventh rap. of Nicollet, 131 Severn r., lxxv Sevier l. and r., 732, 733, 734 Sevilleta, Sibilleta of Pike, was a Piro Indian village, so named by OÑate in 1598 from fancied resemblance to Seville in Spain Seymour, S., 41 Sezei, see Lisa Shackleford co., Tex., 706 Shaff's cr., 429 Shahkpay, Shahkpaydan, 88 Shakea, 69, 348 Shakeska, 349 Shakopee, Minn., 88, 342 Shakpa, 88, 348 Shannon, a ship, cv Shannon co., Mo., cx Sharpsdale, Col., 492 Shawanese, 526, 591 Shawanoe, 180, 186, 187, 189, 193, 347 Shawanoe hunter, 780 Shaw cr., 385 Shaw, G. W., 334 Shawinukumag cr., 167 Shaw, Maj. Gen., xcii Shawnee, Shawnee Agency, Kas., 519 Shawonese, 191, see Shawanese Sheaffe, R. H., lxxviii, lxxxviii, xc, xci, xcii, xcv, xcvi, xcvii, c, cii Shea, J. G., 5, 23, 65, 71, 91, 95, 312 sheep, wild, 438 Shell Lake, Minn., 318 Shell r., 669 Shell Rock caÑon, 147 Sisitoans, Sisitonwans, Sissetons, Sissitons, 120, 208, 313, 343, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349 Sister bluffs, 297 Sitgreaves, Capt. L., 645 Sivola is Cibola Six, a chf., 88, 348 Six Mile cr., Col., 462 Six Mile cr., Ill., 6 Six Mile cr., Kas., 401 Sixth rap. of Nicollet, 126 Sketch of Arkansas journey, 845 to 854 Skidis, 412 Skin cr., 559 Skunk r., 18 slack-rope, 694 Slate cr., br. of Ark. r., 549 Slate or Martin's cr., 465 Slater's ferry, 96 Slave l., 278 Slave r., 278, 376 Sleepy-eye, 99 Slim chute and isl., 6 Small, C. H., preface, 453, 454 smallpox, 170, 171 Smallpox cr., 28, 29 Small pra. of Pike, 12 Small rap. of Nicollet, 142 Small Saline r., 545 Smith, Geo., 182 Smith, J. Calvin, 554 Smith, Lieut. or Gen. Thos. A., 715, 827 Smith, Luther R., preface Smith, Pvt. Pat., 1, 359, 360, 432, 481, 482, 490, 506, 509, 510, 612, 845, 854, 855 Smith's Canada, lxxix Smith's chain, 25 Smithsonian Institution, xx Smith, W. F., 645 Smoking mt., 723 Smoky Hill buttes, 404 Smoky Hill fk. or r., 395, 403, 404, 405, 408, 410, 419, 420, 423, 55 sugar maple, 157 Sugar pt., 156, 157 suicide, 66 Suicide cr., 556 Suinyi, 630, 742 Suisinawa cr., 32 Sully, Duc de, 182 Sulphur spr., 468 Sumbraretto, 674 Sumner, Col. E. V., 425 Sumner co., Kas., 549 Sunday Cone, 638 Sune, 742 Sun isl., 103 sun-temples, 741 Suppai, Supai, forms of Havasupai Susma, 650 Sussitongs, 120, 121, 197, 258, 263, 267, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347 Suter, Maj. C. R., 295, 299 Suycartee sl., 6 Swallows, Col., 460 Swallow's Nest, 383 Swamp l., 131, 177 Swan l., 321 Swan, Maj. Wm., lxxx, lxxxi Swan r., Aitkin co., Minn., 143, 321, 356 Swan r., Morrison co., Minn., 17, 99, 101, 104, 106, 122, 132, 178, 179, 186, 193, 315, 316, 318 Swan r. of Allen, by error, 124 Swan River P. O., Minn., 123 Swan River tp., Minn., 103, 104, 122 Swan sl., 6 Sweden isl., 4 Sweet, a chf., 156, 157, 168, 172, 260, 347 Sweetland cr., 23 Sweetwater cr., 470 Swift cr., 483 Swift, Dean, 204 Swift sl., 6 Switzerland, 454 Switzerland of America, 472 Switzler's cr., 744 Texan expedition of 1841, 739, 765 Texas, xxxii, lii, liii, 436, 559, 560, 640, 641, 642, 643, 644, 645, 661, 678, continuously from 690 to 711, 719, 724, 725, 726, 727, 746, 775, 777, 778, 779, and to 786 Texas cr., in Col., 475, 483 Texas Creek sta., Col., 475 Texican, 709 Texus, lii Teyde, Pico de, 461 Tharp, Sgt., 712 Theakiki r., 3 Thequaio l., 738 Thequao, A. de, 738 ThermopylÆ, 571 ThermopylÆ of Texas, 698 Thieves' isl., 21 Thinthonhas, 313 Third fk. of Ark. r., 451, 463 Third rap. of Nicollet, 101 Third r., 324 Third River bay, 324 Thirty-nine Mile mt., 464, 465 Thomas, a chf., 180, 181, 184, 187, 189, 196 Thomason's, Ill., 4 Thomomys talpoides, 97 Thompson, a writer, lxxix Thompson, David, 138, 139, 159, 167, 168, 278 Thompson gulch, 471 Thompson, Ill., 27 Thompson isl., 18 Thompson, Prof. A. H., preface Thompson, R. F., preface, 11, 553 Thornberry r., 324 Thousand isls., 99, 100, 120, 818, 821, 822, 823, 825, 837, 838, 840, 842, 843, 844, 846, 850, 851, 853, 854 United States and Mexican Boundary, 644, 645, 646, 647, 691, 692 United States and New Spain Boundary, 656 United States Geological Survey, 369, 370, 491 United States mt., 606 United States Northern Boundary, 279 upÉkan is Chip. name of the portage-strap in Wilson's Dict., 1874; see p. 136 Upham sta., N. M., 636 Upper Canada, xxiii, lxxvi, lxxxviii, cii Upper caÑon of S. Platte r., 466 Upper chain, 15 Upper chain of Rock r., 25 Upper Cottonwoods, 688 Upper crossing of Ark. r., 439 Upper Ford, Tex., 645 Upper Fox r., 295, 300, 301 Upper Gravel r., 376, 377 Upper Iaway r., 48 Upper Iowa r., 42, 44, 45, 48, 206, 305, 307, 308, 339, 342 Upper l., near Red Wing, Minn., 70 Upper Nicollet l., 165 Upper or Eleven Mile caÑon, 466 Upper Pajarito, N. M., 626 Upper Pimas, 735 Upper Red Cedar l., xlviii, 153, 157, 158, 159, 323, 326, 351, 356 Upper Red r. of Pike, 535 Upper Rio Grande, 474 Upper St. Croix l., 72, 309, 310 Upper St. Croix r., 309 Upper Zumbro outlet, 61 Uraba was a name of Taos Ures, 662 Villa Rica de la Vera Cruz, 722 Villiers, N. de, 214 Villineuve, a person, 413 Vimont's Relations, 31 Vine cr., 559 vineyards, 681 Vingt-une isl., 361 Viola, Wis., 41 Virginia, a boat, 84 Virginia, a State, xxvii, xxviii, liii, lxxxviii, 656, 691, 715, 826, 833 Virgin r., 732 Visscher, Capt. N. J., xxvi, xxvii Vitior, 613, 614. This baffling name is clearly a misprint, Mr. F. W. Hodge believes, for Sienega (Cienega), place on a cr. of same name, br. of Santa FÉ r., 2 m. S. E. of Cieneguilla, which appears on most maps of to-day. Cienega and Cieneguilla were both towns of Santa FÉ co. in 1844, but La Bajada may be later. Cienega had pop. 500, and Cieneguilla, pop. 300, in 1853-54, according to Whipple, P. R. R. Rep. III., Pt. 3, p. 12 Vocabulary, etc., 355 volcano, 723 Volcano sta., N. M., 597 Volney, Count, 154 Voltaire, 154, 801 Vulgate, 182 W Wabasha, 43, 171, 206, 260, 342, 347, 348 Wabasha I., II., III., 44 Wabasha co., Minn., 56, 57, 64 Wabasha, Minn., 57, 59, 60, 61 Wabasha st., St. Paul, 74 Wabashaw, 44, 88 Wabash r., 68, 438 Wabash Ry., 8, 15 Wabash, St. Louis, and Pacific R. R., 360 Wabesapinica, Wabezipinikan, Wabisapencun, Wabisapincun, Wabisipinekan r., 26 Wabezi r., 122 Wabiscihouwa, 44 Wabisipinekan r., 293 Wabizio-sibi, 122 Wablo cr., 383 Waboji, 338 Wacanto, Wacantoe, 343, 347 Wachpecoutes, 263 Waconda, Mo., 12 Waconda, Wacondaw pra., 12 Wacoota, Wacouta, 69 Wacouta, Goodhue co., Minn., 63 Waddapawmenesotor, 81 Wadena co., Minn., 128 Wade, Pvt., 390, 551, 558, 563, 565, 576, 578, 579, 591, and see Cheveux Blancs Whitehouse's isl., 366 Whitely cr. is a name of the Rice or Nagajika cr. 2 m. N. E. of Brainerd Whitely isl. is just below Seventh or French raps. White Mountain Apaches, 748 White mts., Ariz., 730 White mts., N. H., 454 White mts., N. M., 631, 640, 736 White mts. of Pike, in Col., 483, 492, 493 White Nails, a chf., 349 White Oak l., 147, 148 White Oak or Stephens l., 147, 148, 150 White Oak pt., 146, 147, 148, 150 White r., br. of Miss. or of Ark. r., 514, 515, 757 White r. or Ark. r., 692, 694 White r. or Cottonwood r., 402 White r. or Neosho r., 397, 398, 473, 514, 515, 584 White r., Wis., 301 White Rock cr., Kas., 404, 405, 408, 409 White Rock, Kas., 409 White Rock, on Minnesota r., 343 White Rock, St. Paul, Minn., 75 Whiteside co., Ill., 27 White Skin, a chf., 347 White Snow mts. of Pike, 479 white spruce, 102 White Water cr., N. M., 637 White Water r., Kas., 549 White Water r., Minn., 56, 57, 305 White Wolf, a chf., 542, 551, 591 whitewood, a tree, 315 Whiting, Gen. H., xix, xxx, xxxiv, xlv, lxviii, lxxiv, lxxix, lxxxv, lxxxix, xc, xcix, cvi, 44, xxviii, is no doubt Thomas W. Williams of N. Y., ensign 12th Infantry Jan. 14th, 1799, second lieutenant Mar. 2d, 1799, honorably discharged June 15th, 1800, second lieutenant 1st Infantry Feb. 16th, 1801, resigned July 28th, 1801 Williams' pass, 491 Williams, Peter, 18 Williamson, Lt. R. S., see Fort Ripley Willibob l., 143 Willow cr., br. of Ark. r., Col., 443 Willow cr., br. of Cottonwood r., Kas., 401 Willow cr., br. of Osage r., Mo., 385 Willow cr. or Lost cr., Kas., 518 Willow Inds., 278 Willowmarsh l., 26 Willow portage, 142 Willow r., 137, 142, 153, 155, 320 Willows, Mex., 684 Willow spr., 518, 519, 520 Willow Springs cr., 459 Wilmot, Mr., 207, 209, 211 Wilson co., Kas., 555 Wilson cr., br. of Oil cr., 464, 465 Wilson isl., 98 Wilson, Lt. J., xxvi, xxviii Wilson, Mr., on Pike's pk., 457 Wilson, Pvt. J., 359, 432, 548, 845, 855 Wilson's cr., br. of Huerfano r., 491 Winapicane, 819 Winboshish appears on Stieler's Hand Atlas for Winnibigoshish Winchell, Prof. N. H., preface, 95, 106, 333 Winchester, Va., liii Wind, a chf., 371, 387, 389, 392, 393, 540, 550, 578, 580, 581 windshake or windshock, 109 Wind that Walks, a chf., 203, 347 Windy pt., 324 Winebagos, 346, 347 Winepie l., 168 Wing pra., 54 Winipec or Winnibigoshish l., 322 Winipeg l., 351, 353 Winipeque br. of Miss. r., or main r. above Leech Lake br., 325 Winipeque or Winnibigoshish l., 149, 152, 322, 323 Winipie or Winnibigoshish l., 149, 152, 351 Winipie or Winnipeg l., THE END. MAP OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER FROM ITS Source TO THE MOUTH OF THE Missouri: Laid down from the notes of Lieutt Z. M. Pike, by Anthony Nau. Reduced, and corrected by the Astronomical Observations of Mr. Thompson at its source; and of Captn. M. Lewis, where it receives the waters of the Missouri. By. Nichs. King. Engraved by Francis Shallus. Philadelphia. View larger image. A CHART OF THE INTERNAL PART OF LOUISIANA, Including all the hitherto unexplored Countries, lying between the River La Platte of the Missouri on the N: and the Red River on the S: the Mississippi East and the Mountains of Mexico West; with a Part of New Mexico & the Province of Texas by Z. M. PIKE Capt.n U.S.I. PLATE II View larger image. A MAP OF THE INTERNAL PROVINCES OF NEW SPAIN. The Outlines are from the Sketches of but corrected and improved by Captain ZEBULON M. PIKE who was conducted through that COUNTRY in the Year 1807, by Order of the Commandant General of those Provinces. View larger image. A SKETCH OF THE VICE ROYALTY EXHIBITING THE SEVERAL PROVINCES AND ITS APROXIMATION TO THE INTERNAL PROVINCES OF NEW SPAIN. Harrison sct View larger image. Historico=Geographical Chart OF THE Upper Mississippi River COMPILED AND DRAWN TO ACCOMPANY Pike's Expeditions, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF Dr Elliott Coues, BY Dan'l W. Cronin. 1895 Copyright, 1895 by Francis P. Harper, N. Y. The Infant Mississippi OR Cradled Hercules. (AFTER BROWER) View larger image. |