A.B.C. and D.E.F. | 171 | Accident, Abergele, The | 220 | ,, Beneficial Effect of a Railway | 186 | ,, Extraordinary | 128 | ,, ,, | 265 | ,, Remarkable | 172 | ,, Versailles, The | 96 | Action, A Novel | 255 | Advantages of Railway Tunnels | 126 | Advertisement, Remarkable | 124 | Adventure, Remarkable | 146 | Affrighted Toll Keeper | 19 | Agent, The Insurance | 269 | Air-ways, instead of Railways | 83 | Alarmist Views | 28 | Almost Dar Now | 122 | American Patience and Imperturbability | 183 | A’penny a Mile | 170 | Army with Banners, An | 207 | Atmospheric Railroad Anticipated | 14 | Baby Law | 216 | Balloonists, Extraordinary Escape of | 275 | Bavarian Guards and Bavarian Beer | 198 | Bill, Expensive Parliamentary | 102 | ,, First Railway | 16 | Bishop, A Disingenuous | 267 | ,, An Industrious | 248 | Blunder, An Extraordinary | 254 | Bookshops, Growth of Station | 130 | Booking-Clerk and Buckland, The | 248 | Bookstalls, Messrs. Smith’s | 131 | Brahmin, The Polite | 260 | Bride’s Lost Luggage, A | 142 | Brassey’s, Mr., Strict Adherence to his Word | 264 | Brougham’s, Lord, Speech | 60 | Box, Shut up in a large | 273 | Buckland’s, Mr. Frank, First Railway Journey | 175 | Buckland, Mr. Frank, and his Boots | 261 | Bridge, Awful Death on a Railroad | 273 | Bully Rightly Served, The | 190 | Burning the Road Clear | 179 | Business, Railway Facilities for | 118 | Calculation as to Railway Speed | 28 | Capture, Clever | 105 | Catastrophe | 165 | Carlist Chief as a Sub-contractor, A | 213 | Carriage, The Duke’s | 60 | Casuality, Curious | 193 | Chase after a Runaway Engine, A | 136 | Child’s Idea on Railways, A | 179 | Child, Remarkable Rescue of a | 249 | Claim for goodwill for a Cow killed on the Railway | 268 | Clergy, Appealing to the | 83 | Clever, Quite too | 181 | Coach versus Railway Accidents | 198 | Compensation for Land | 106 | ,, A Widow’s Claim for | 242 | Competition, Early Railway | 27 | ,, For Passengers | 167 | ,, Goods | 135 | Conductor, A Wide-awake | 184 | Coincidences, Remarkable | 291 | Cook’s Railway Excursions, Origin of | 87 | Cool Impudence and Dishonesty | 248 | Coolness, A Little Boy’s | 258 | Constable, The Electric | 92 | Contracts, Expensive | 263 | Contractor, An Accommodating | 113 | Contractors and the Blotting Pad, Rival | 99 | Contrast, National | 171 | Conversion of the Gauge | 243 | Counsel, The bothered Queen’s | 247 | Courting on a Railway thirty miles an hour | 159 | Crimea, The First Railway in the | 156 | Croydon. It’s | 271 | Curious Classification, A | 294 | Custom of the Country, The | 234 | Cuvier’s Description of the Locomotive | 21 | Damages easily adjusted | 127 | Day. The Great Railway Mania | 114 | Death. Faithful unto | 153 | Decision. A Quick | 95 | Decoy Trunk, The | 224 | Deodand. The | 88 | Difficulties encountered in making Surveys | 31 | Difficulty solved, A | 181 | Discovery, A Great | 144 | Discussion, An Unfortunate | 89 | Disguise, Duty in | 283 | Dissatisfied Passengers | 236 | Doctor and the Officers, The | 246 | Dog Ticket | 91 | Down Brakes, or Force of Habit | 192 | Drink. That accursed | 274 | Drinking from the Wrong Bottle | 262 | Driving a last spike | 224 | Dropping the letter “L” | 267 | Dukes and the traveller, The two | 114 | Dying Engine Driver, The | 191 | Early American Railway Enterprise | 66 | Early Morning Ride | 187 | Early Steam Carriages | 15 | Elevated Sight-seers Wishing to Descend | 59 | Engine Driver, A Brave | 247 | ,, A Mad | 278 | Engine Driver’s Presence of Mind | 232 | ,, Driving | 230 | ,, Fascination | 166 | Engineer and Scientific Witness | 133 | ,, Very Nice to be a Railway | 113 | Entertaining Companion | 195 | Epigram, Railway | 124 | Epitaph, An Engine Driver’s | 86 | ,, on the Victim of a Railway Accident | 85 | Escape, Providential | 128 | Escapes from being Lynched, Narrow | 153 | Everett’s Reply to Wordsworth’s Protest | 123 | Evidence of General Salesman | 78 | ,, Picture | 111 | Evil, A Dreaded | 145 | Excursionists put to the proof | 294 | Extracts from Macready’s Diaries | 138 | Fares, Cheap | 188 | Fault, At | 241 | Female Fragility | 250 | Flutter caused by the murder of Mr. Briggs | 253 | Fog Signals | 121 | Forged Tickets | 217 | Fourth of July Facts | 244 | Fraud on the Great Northern Company, Immense | 161 | Frauds, Attempted | 140 | Freak, Singular | 170 | Freaks of Concealed Bogs | 138 | Frightened at a Red Light | 223 | Girl, A Brave | 273 | Goat and the Railway, The | 155 | Good Things of Railway Accidents | 186 | Gravedigger’s Suggestion, A | 257 | Gray, Thomas. A Railway Projector | 22 | Greenlander’s First Railway Ride, A | 255 | Growing Lad, A | 217 | Hartington, The Marquis of, on George Stephenson | 283 | Hair-Dresser, The anxious | 79 | Heroism of a Driver | 270 | Highlander and a Railway Engine, The | 138 | Hoax, Accident | 167 | Horses versus Railways | 262 | How to bear losses | 214 | Impressions, A Mexican Chief’s Railway | 278 | Incident, An amusing | 258 | ,, An Electric Tramway | 282 | Information, Obtaining | 154 | Insulted Woman, An | 235 | Insured | 202 | Judge’s feeling against Railways, A County Court | 150 | Kangaroo Attacking a Train, A | 209 | Kemble’s Letter, Fanny | 35 | Kid-Gloved Samson, A | 184 | Kiss in the Dark, A | 256 | Lady and her Lap-dog, The | 242 | ,, An Exacting | 183 | Legislation, Railway | 100 | Liabilities of Railway Engineers for Errors | 127 | Liability of Companies for Delay of Trains | 191 | Life upon a Railway, by a Conductor | 148 | Loan Engineering, or Staking out a Railway | 172 | Locomotive, A Smuggling | 234 | ,, Dangerous | 292 | Luggage, Lost | 112 | ,, in Railway Carriages | 281 | ,, What is Passengers’ | 243 | Madman in a Railway Carriage, A | 201 | Marriage, A Railway | 139 | ,, and Railway Dividends | 228 | Match, A Runaway | 93 | Merchant and his Clerk, The | 160 | Mistake, A slight | 263 | Monetary Difficulties in Spain | 212 | Money. Lost and Found | 87 | Monkey Signalman, A | 294 | Navvy’s Reason for not going to Church, A | 80 | Nervousness | 259 | New Trick. A | 203 | Newspaper Wonder, A | 211 | Newton, Sir Isaac’s Prediction of Railway Speed | 14 | Notice, Copy of a | 237 | ,, A curious | 154 | ,, A remarkable | 252 | ,, to Defaulting Shareholders, A Novel | 95 | Not to be caught | 246 | Novel Attack, A | 197 | ,, Obstruction | 215 | Objections, Sanitary | 77 | Opposition, A Landowner’s | 110 | ,, English and American | 71 | ,, Parliamentary | 29 | ,, to Making Surveys | 75 | Orders, My | 280 | Parody upon the Railway Mania | 118 | Passengers and other Cattle | 158 | ,, Third-class | 143 | Peto, Sir Morton, and the Balaclava Railway | 156 | Peto’s, Sir Morton, Railway Mission | 104 | Phillippe and the English Navvies, Louis | 125 | Photographing an Express Train | 259 | Polite Irishman, The | 194 | Portmanteau, His | 130 | Post Office and Railways. The | 119 | Power of Locomotive Engines, Gigantic | 94 | Practice, Sharp | 80 | Prejudice against carrying Coals by Railways | 84 | ,, Removed | 81 | Presentiment, Mrs. Blackburne’s | 56 | Profitable Damages | 295 | Prognostications of Failure | 73 | Pullman’s Carriages | 295 | Race, A Curious | 254 | Railway, An Early | 20 | ,, An Early Ride on the Liverpool and Manchester | 61 | ,, Announcement | 17 | ,, Enterprise | 296 | ,, Travelling, Early | 63 | ,, Destroyers in the Franco-German War | 223 | ,, from Merstham to Wandsworth | 16 | ,, Liverpool and Manchester | 32 | ,, Manners | 272 | ,, Merthyr Tydvil | 17 | ,, A Profitable | 260 | ,, Opening of the Darlington and Stockton | 26 | ,, Romance | 93 | ,, Sleeper, A | 246 | ,, Signals | 120 | ,, Switch Tender and his Child | 199 | ,, Train turned into a Man-trap | 185 | ,, Up Vesuvius | 274 | Railways, Elevated | 214 | ,, A Judgment | 268 | ,, Origin of | 13 | Railroad Incident | 214 | ,, Tracklayer | 216 | Rails, Expansion of | 158 | Rector and his Pig. The | 103 | Redstart, The Black | 199 | Rejoinder, A smart | 158 | Reproof for Swearing | 189 | Request, A Polite | 136 | Ride from Boston to Providence in 1835, A | 81 | Robinson’s, Crabb, First Railway Journey | 65 | Ruling Occupation strong on Sunday | 186 | Safety on the Floor | 147 | Seat, The Safest | 268 | Scotch Lady and her Box | 272 | Scene at a Railway Junction, Extraordinary | 134 | ,, Before a Sub-Committee on Standing Orders | 176 | Security for Travelling | 229 | Sell, A | 241 | Seizure of a Railway Train for Debt | 208 | She takes Fits | 210 | Shrewd Observers | 20 | Signalman, An Amateur | 97 | Singular Circumstance | 125 | Sleeper, A Heavy | 276 | Sounds, Remarkable Memory for | 266 | Snag’s Corners | 210 | Snake’s Heads | 81 | Snowed up on the Pacific Railway | 237 | Speed of Railway Engines | 30 | Steam defined | 137 | ,, Pulling a Tooth by | 276 | Steel Rails | 193 | Stephenson Centenary, The | 284 | ,, ,, George Robert Stephenson’s Address | 286 | ,, ,, Rev. T. C. Sarjent’s Address at the | 288 | ,, ,, Sir William Armstrong’s Address at the | 284 | Stephenson’s Wedding Present, George | 194 | Stopping a Runaway Couple | 200 | Stumped | 293 | Swindling, Ingenious | 292 | Taken Aback | 152 | Taking Him Down a Peg | 252 | Taste, Loss of | 291 | Tay Bridge Accident | 245 | Telegraph, Extraordinary use of the Electric | 111 | Ticket, A Lost | 164 | ,, Your | 271 | Traffic-Taking | 86 | Train Stopped by Caterpillars, A | 204 | Travelling, Effects of Constant Railway | 281 | ,, in Russia | 204 | ,, Improvement in Third-Class | 143 | Trent Station | 192 | Trip, An Unpleasant Trial | 72 | Tunnel, In a Railway | 137 | Very Cool | 199 | Waif, An Extraordinary | 245 | Ward’s, Artemus, Suggestion | 197 | Watkin, Sir Edward, on Touting for Business | 269 | Way, A Quick | 138 | Way-Leaves | 13 | Wedding at a Railway Station | 166 | What are you going to do? | 189 | Whistle, Steam | 98 | Wolves on a Railway | 197 | Wordsworth’s Protest | 122 | Yankee Compensation Case, A | 218 |