Editor and Publisher of What To Eat, the National Food Magazine. Superintendent of Food Exhibits at the St. Louis World's Fair. Honorary Commissioner of Foods at the Jamestown Exposition. BREWER, BARSE & COMPANYCHICAGOCopyrighted 1907 by PAUL PIERCE. Respectfully dedicated to the overworked, perturbed American hostess in the sincere hope that the suggestions herein may lighten her perplexities and transform her work of entertaining from a task of dread to one of delight. This little book is the first of a series containing suggestions for entertaining, which will give the hostess novel and practical ideas on the manner of preparing and conducting various social affairs. There is also another volume on Parties and Entertainments, one on Suppers, and another on Breakfasts and Teas and a fifth on Weddings and Wedding Celebrations. These volumes, it should be remembered, have been compiled by the publisher of What To Eat, The National Food Magazine, America's leading publication upon entertainments, dinners, menus, recipes and the other subjects of importance to the hostess. With the exercise of a little ingenuity and originality, the directions may be varied—added to or altered—to suit all needs. This first book is designed especially to describe those dinners and luncheons which, while complete in themselves, also afford the best suggestions for others. The Publishers. |